Will the US government shutdown at some point this week before Midnight eastern Friday February 9?

in #crowdini6 years ago (edited)

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Will the US government shutdown at some point this week before Midnight eastern Friday February 9?

No (55%)

Yes (44%)


Note: We give all voters the option to answer “Why did you choose this answer?” after voting. All comments made at Crowdini.com are shown below as comments to this post. I hope you will respond and debate these results in the comments.

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  • Game: Voice
  • Length: Jan 29, 2018 - Feb 11, 2018
  • Prize Pool: 45.0 SBD
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I answered

Technically, I think it's scheduled to shut down *at* midnight Friday morning if congress doesn't prevent it.

So bad timing on the question by me! Doh!

Here are the players we received 401 unauthorized errors for today. To fix this please relink your Steem account at https://crowdini.com/users/edit:

@ahmadmanga, @airjmo23, @beingthewriter, @cbb002, @djkrypto, @fiorenza, @joydivisyon, @lundgreenman, @metalexplorer38, @pleachy, @ratticus, @seanfarrell, @steemfluencer, @steevc, @tvogr

Please upvote this post manually. Especially if you are going for the 100% Prize.

Also we got some good news that whatever was causing this issue is fixed as of this morning. However those of you listed above who are affected will still need to relink your account before your votes will post to Steemit automatically.

Edited to say: If you do relink will you reply here or email me and let me know so I can track if it worked tomorrow. :)

Finally. Happy Birthday @ailenepm! Unfortunately we keep getting bandwidth errors when trying to post your vote/comment. You can check your current bandwidth here: https://steemd.com/@ailenepm

Thank you. :)

I answered

I don’t think so. I can feel it in my bones. Or maybe that’s the flu. Meh.

I got the flu a few weeks ago. It was much worse than any flu I had before. Get better soon!

Thank you! I’m on the tail end now I hope.

I answered

No doubt

I answered

No, because if a shutdown happened it would be after that time

I answered

Democrats are spineless. Republicans will just cut more wildly popular and supported programs and Dems will go "oh man, too bad, nothing we could do." I need the 2018 midterms to hurry up and get here already before there's nothing in our country left to gut.

I answered

I don't follow US politics so this is a complete guess.

I answered

I'm not hopeful, but I sure do wish they pass one.

I answered

yes they are out of money again

I answered

Because it probably will.

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