2017...Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?

in #crowdini7 years ago

Crowdini Results

Crowdini asks you 1 question a day. It takes 10 seconds to play and you get paid STEEM
for voting. Check out yesterday’s results!

2017...Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?

Thumbs Down 👎 (56%)

Thumbs Up 👍 (43%)

Note: We give all voters the option to answer “Why did you choose this answer?” after voting. All comments made at Crowdini.com are shown below as comments to this post. I hope you will respond and debate these results in the comments.

Current Game

  • Game: The End Of 2017
  • Length: Dec 16, 2017 - Dec 31, 2017
  • Prize Pool: 60.0
  • Points: Percentage System (see How to )
  • Referrals: 5 points for each of the referrer and referred players. Max 25 points (see How to for what is needed to get a referral)
  • Bonus: 100 points. If a question is labeled Bonus the players who choose the answer that actually happens will earn an extra 100 points.
  • Prizes: (All prizes paid in STEEM)
    • First Prize - 50% of the prize pool
    • Second Prize - 25% of the prize pool
    • Third Prize - 15% of the prize pool
    • 100% Participation Prize - 10% of the prize pool split between all players who voted in every question in the game (First, Second and Third place winners not eligible)

What is Crowdini?

Crowdini is a question and answer game. We ask you to answer one question a day and give you points based on how your answer compares to the majority answer.

We have incorporated Steemit in a new innovative way. Read more about Crowdini and how we have incorporated Steemit in our intro post here.

At the end of the game the top 3 in points split 90% of the prize pool and all other players who voted on every question for that game will split 10% of the prize pool. The minimum prize pool is 80 STEEM.

It is designed to be something you can do in a few seconds a day but hopefully sparks conversation and thought.

Sign up and play today at Crowdini.com .


I answered
Thumbs Up 👍

Though I faced many challenges this year, still there have been lots of surprises and blessings to be thankful for like me being pregnant with our second baby. And, for staying positive always, I want to give 2017 a thumbs up.

My favorite comment! Thank you so much for sharing and congratulations on being pregnant!

Thank you! I like answering your daily questions. I have not missed any day so far since I came across this game. I want to give this game a thumbs up as well. :)

Wow. Thank you!

I answered
Thumbs Down 👎

Actually on a personal level it started down then way up but the balance of the rest of the world makes it a big thumbs down

I answered
Thumbs Down 👎

SPEnt the first nine months of it unemployed so not a great start. Good momentum going into 2018 though

So glad your year turned around!

I answered
Thumbs Down 👎

Everyone thought 2016 was the worst, then 2017 was like "hold my beer!" Seriously, between human and especially pet deaths in our family, we have quite a few empty stockings this year.

Sorry for all the loss. Hopefully next year is better.

I answered
Thumbs Up 👍

Donald Trump is our President, how could it be anything but 2 thumbs up! 👍👍

At least you’re consistent. Brownie points for that.

What happened, I made you feel guilty about not Steeming? Easy way to make money....

Definitely was closer than I expected. I thought that there would be a greater split towards thumbs down. Just seems like this has been an overall dour year. Here's to next year! Hope springs eternal!

I thought you meant sour, then I looked up dour. Learned a new word today!

I answered
Thumbs Down 👎


I answered
Thumbs Up 👍

Because this year I found steemit. 👍

This is a really good answer. I'm hoping I can find more in Steemit in the future for this to be how I feel about next year!

I'm thinking this will be my answer next year!

I answered
Thumbs Up 👍

It was a pretty good year.

I answered
Thumbs Up 👍

Minus the political nightmare of watching democracy crumble, it wasn't all that bad.

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