How Crowd Machine Will Shape The Future For The Better | (CMCT)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #crowd20186 years ago (edited)


Over the past decade, the evolution of the 'app' has guided modern society as we know it. There is literally an application for everything, and the introduction of D(ecentralized) Apps utilizing blockchain technology will introduce people to an even more advanced, yet simplistic way of creating and sharing ideas for mass consumption. Crowd Machine is guiding the vision of DApp culture by allowing a plain user like myself to create intrinsically sopisticated tools without any real prior knowledge of coding.


I have no experience in creating or sharing applications of any sort, but in reading the Crowd Machine whitepaper and observing the introduction video on Youtube... it seems as though I may jump head first into this platform and immerse myself as a user, and (CMCT) Token holder. Those who create the source code which is shared and utilized countless, and infintessimal times across the user base are rewarded, and in turn the teacher gives back to the student willingly. The fact that Crowd Machine obliges many blockchain networks means more mass appeal, and more widespread growth of DApp development and cryptocurrency in general.


My perspective is one of a novice, so it is essentially perfect that I give my opinion on whether I would use Crowd Machine to create an app.. and the answer is absolutely, without a doubt yes! I believe that crowdsharing digital creations and getting rewarded for just that is how the future of all social media platforms will work. Crowd Machine may just lead to innovations that were never thought possible, and there is no age restriction on imagination or willingness to learn and share. As Howard Hughes said, this just may be "The Way of the Future."

Here are some of my own thoughts with words on how Crowd Machine is an awesome endeavor!

Source Image Credits: 1 2 3



I was checking your post but the video is offline :(

Could you perhaps fix the link please, I was interested in seeing your video.

Hey, I appreciate it but sometimes Youtube deletes my videos for reasons beyond my knowledge. If you wanna check out my video thoughts on Chimaera through originalworks it is here :)

Link to article and video:



I've read few posts about Crowd Machine and yours surely is one of the better ones out there.

Im not sure if I understood it right. Correct me please if Im wrong.
Crowd Machine will provide developers with some sort of "templates" that can help create decentralized apps on blockchain?

Potential to use this tool in the future looks very promissing.

I know that you're taking part of @originalworks contest. Good luck to you :)

Obviously UPVOTED ! :)

Cheers, Piotr

ty sir

I watched your youtube videos and I noticed that you're crazy about UFC and MMA? :)

Im a boxing coach and I used to work with some MMA fighters before. Cool sport :) I love it's brutality haha

Oh cool bro! Yes I love mma and boxing more than life itself haha

serious? cool :)
did you ever try to fight yourself?

I just checked @originalworks contest results. Congratz! I know you're not even in top5 but still ....

I hope you dont mind my comment again, but I have some more questions related to Crowd Machine. I tried very hard to find answers and I read quite a number of posts related to this issue but I failed.

Most of all: what advantage Crowd Machine has over their direct competition ( DADI is already listed on for quite some time (and available on KuCoin).
I dont know much about DADI. I just found out about this project few hours ago and I would like to hear your view.

You mind telling me how in your opinion CM can affect current market and existing platform?

Will ETH, Cardano, Neo, EOS, Lisk, iota, waves or qtum benefit or is Crowd Machine a threat to them? Hope you can share your view on this issue. I would appreciate a lot.

ps. Im super passionate about crypto and blockchain technology and it seem that we're both sharing this passion. I will be following you closely.
Please continue with great content. Steemit need people like you more than anything else (I mean solid content creators).

Cheers, Piotr

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