in #crossfit6 years ago (edited)

Good community of Steemit, my best regards, here leave you some tips to start in practice of CrossFit, this sport is considered to be one that had more relevance in the last time, and it is practiced every day more by people of all genders and ages. But now well leave them some recommendations so that they should be considered for those who want to learn the practice of this sport and not feel fear at the beginning of this activity.

CrossFit is a sport that is linked to a system of strength training and conditioning, based on constantly varied functional exercises at a high intensity. This high intensity is what mostly makes the people who started this sport to desist due reflection and the impact that this requires. Based on functional movements for those who designed the human body which develops: strength, power, speed, coordination, precision, muscular endurance, cardio-respiratory resistance. This sport consists of performing different functional movements at high intensity for not very long periods of time, and to benefit from the practice of crossfit most importantly is the intensity with which the exercise is performed.


The recommendations here let them are based in my home in the practice of this sport, as personal contribution and my way of taking the practice of any sport:

You agree that at the beginning you feel uncomfortable, Entering a CrossFit gym or how it is called "box", can be particularly distressing: unknown people, rare equipment, new vocabulary. " It can be tempting to delay that moment trying to train on your own, but it is important to start regardless of physical condition in which you find yourself is recommended to break the ice and people take the step. A fundamental principle of CrossFit is that progress can be made regardless of age, experience level and body type, so even if you can't do a single push up, okay, the trainer should be able to offer you a more appropriate alternative for a Beginner.


Some people might prefer to train for his part before you visit a box to be less intimidated, but think so is not the most suitable. If someone learns something ahead of time without a proper Guide, probably will learn bad habits, if you can not run a kilometre, is magnificent. Do you need to know the basic principles of the water before they learn to windsurf, or how to play the strings before learning to play the guitar, or how to walk a road 100 kilometers per hour before to become a racing driver?.

Investigate a little about the activity, Often happens that when posting any sporting activity, the more usual is that you practice for some comment from friends or motivation to do any sports activity, and you will feel able to make more have taken a course practice of it after nothing a weekend training and pay the membership fee, which is true. But for practice of CrossFit, this activity requires a series of conditions or parameters that you can help the first-level certification is not the only credential offered by CrossFit, and if you're concerned about the level of experience of the coaches coaches must have at least one level three certification, which means that they all have at least 750 hours of training.


In addition, choose a box only based on their proximity to your House can be a mistake, if you don't have anyone in the CrossFit community, a good rule of thumb is try at least two boxes if you want to take seriously the practice of this activity; each of them should have their own vibe. Some are going to be hard, some are going to be young, and some are going to meet more new people. Find what works for you, even if it means further transport you.

Avoid enrolling with a Sergeant instructor, Many people who have stopped exercising can identify the person who ruined it for them, whether it's a scream lecturer of physical education or an instructor of spinning with a microphone. While some people may respond well to verbal reprimand, most does not. Some people prefer that the communication of the coach or guide is more motivating than scolding. Some people prefer que murmuren them, put pressure on an athlete can be as simple as one open question: If coach with which you work can not adapt his style to each athlete, probably does not have enough experience.


Communication is important, a good coach should be able to guess the best way to motivate you, but it can't read your mind. In this type of activity from the start, we must be clear about what your goals and style of training, so that it is as part of benefit for health or for wanting to do this in a professional manner. So if your coach if you are not seeking a way to know carry a communication from both sides is most effective not know if tomorrow they will continue practicing. In the same way, you can help your coach asking him to adjust your posture rather than show the movement making it. A good coach can use verbal, tactile, auditory and visual signals to explain his point.


Recognize the difference between pain and discomfort, during practice physical activity of CrossFit, prioritizes the intensity on the volume, which means that it is not supposed to be easy. But feel uncomfortable is very different to feel pain. Pain is a sign that you're doing something wrong, will not always be easy to distinguish between the two sentiments, as advice for beginners in this activity they commented that during your exercise routine if you feel that you can not return to the gym the next day then was too much exercise that you did. The fundamental priority of practice of this sport is to stay healthy and run exercises in a cordial way to body will gradually adapt to this kind of routines that should be more friendly and motivating during the workout.


At the present time the activity of the CrossFit has taken a boom and great importance, that the practice of this activity has come that even pregnant women have room in this sport. Here is a brief explanation that know if it have any benefit or not in women under this condition.


If you are pregnant or have suspicion of any pregnancy, physical activity is not limiting for you to continue with your process of gestation and the practice of this activity, look for what makes you enjoy and think that you now run with two hearts, these nine months You can allow yourself to make sport thinking only about having fun, rhythms, or time, or obligations. "Only you, the baby and to enjoy the moment".


Playing sport you will generate endorphins, will enter in a State of constant happiness, and the baby will enjoy that real-time. It is demonstrated that the State of mind of the breast directly affects the fetus, so do you think of a better gift for your child than those full of happiness together instants. Now is the time to take care of yourself more than ever and the exercise and a balanced diet can prevent diseases that appear in pregnancy, accompanied by a rise in unnecessary weight. For this reason, it is important to search in your everyday actions improve the quality of the pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum in the best of your ability.

Considerations to be taken at the moment continue to practice the activity during this period, check if this is high risk or not, we are going from the reference of a woman and a baby healthy for the general recommendation to exercise what must be in account:

• Seek medical advice.
• Inform coaches.
• Monitor the heart rate.
• Slow the rate.
• Adapt to the new situation.
• Avoid certain positions.
• Control the situation at all times.
• Hydration.

The benefits that you have from practice this activity for pregnant women, much controversy remains about the limits that can be reached or the type of exercises to be performed, strength-endurance aerobic exercise during the pregnancy improves maternal-fetal health, with an average of three sessions per week of between 30-60 minutes every day, you should:

• Reduces the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes in pregnancy.
• Reduces the risk of venous thrombosis in the mother.
• Reduces the risk of obesity and diabetes.
• Improves muscle-skeletal symptoms (joint swelling in the extremities, lumbago, limitations).
• Improves insomnia and reduces stress, anxiety and psychological problems.
• An adequate intensity in the third trimester of pregnancy reduces the risk of delivery by caesarean section.
• Reduces the risk of premature birth.
• Improves post-partum recovery.

I hope that this article helps very helpful, to be considered at the start of practice CrossFit, either as a beginner, coach, family member or coworker, in turn slightly expand the knowledge of limits and capabilities obtained in practice of the same, and seeing a pregnant woman practicing sport and the capable they are and what we believe, there is only to control every moment and be in the hands of the best professionals.

Best regardssssss


I upvoted your post.

Mabuhay, keep steeming.

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