A few designs I'm working on.

in #crochet8 years ago

In my last post I covered how to design your own blanket so I thought it would be an idea to show you some of the design projects I'm working on at the moment an tell you a little about them.

Steemit Beanie

This is an ongoing project where every now and again a post here inspires me to pick up my hook and make a small freeform applique to add to the hat then write a post about it.

Rainbow Sampler

I brought the yarn for this with every intention of making the pattern that came with the yarn pack but by the time i finished the first row i decide to use one of my daughters favourite stitches to make a stripy sampler instead.
The colour pack is for the cosy stripe blanket from wool warehouse's attic 24 range it has 15 shades of stylecraft special dk (one of my favourite yarn brands) and I'm using a 4mm hook for this project.

Super chunky scrappy Granny

For some reason I ended up with a lot of brown yarn that has been sat in my stash for 2 years so to make space I decided to make a retro super chunky granny square throw and incorporate a lot of odd skeins that have been left over from other projects.

I'm using multiple strands of yarn to make the blanket thicker with a 8mm hook.

Alice Afghan

Ok she looks a little rough at the moment as the section i'm working in is in the transition phase of playing with the idea and working in the final colours.
This is my most ambitious project to date and progress is slow as i want her to be perfect when she is finished ready to be shipped off to my sister who lives in Sweden.
I published the pattern for the central motif here on steemit when i first joined as you can see I haven't got very far in the last month. Hopefully I'll get to finish working the shells over chains in the outer rounds this evening or tomorrow.

She will be a mandala style blanket which means pushing my skills further than I ever have before an learning a lot as I go. I'm expecting her to take at least another 6 months to complete even though i'm using a Aran weight yarn and 5mm hook.

Let me know in the comments which is your favourite and if you'd like to see more of any of these pieces as they progress .
Thanks for reading
Sarah x


You already know I love your Alice pattern it has got to be my favourite thing you have designed.
I think those shells are gonna look amazing.
Good luck with it tonight. Tell the girls I said they must leave you alone to get it done tonight because I can't wait to see how those shells look. xx

I didn't get to work on them but you can cast your expert flower making eyes over it, when your here tonight. Would loe to get your thoughts on my ideas for the next section.

My wife's going to like it. What other designs do you have?

mostly more blankets, and a few bags and scarves but they are still at the sketching / swatch making stage

This is making me drool with excitement. They are adorable.

oh dear i might have to start supplying free tissues with my posts.

How's the head today? Do you need any hangover cures?

lol it's not to bad just a bit fuzzy round the edges, which should make putting the mini shed and green house up today a little more interesting.

If you need me I can make something like a banner to use on your thumbnail my advice is to get all your tools and materials outside for direct sun light if you miss professional lights would you shouldn't have any reasons to have one sitting around there and take some pictures.send them to me and I will make something nice and colorful to use on your posts. A nice thumbnail will attract more viewers I think, and from what I can see from your post that is your only suffering. maybe something on the likes of this

I did have one but i wasn't to sure about it, will chat to you about it again in chat once we are both over last nights drinking sessions.

Rainbow sampler!! It looks quite like a baby blanket we got a couple of years ago in some amazing colours. I for one am more than happy to see your progress on all of your pieces!!

the colours are delicious. I might use colour packs more often to be honest they save a little bit of money and save hours of mulling over colour charts.

Wow! So many projects!

it helps to have a few on the go as working on just one project for so long can be tedious.

I agree. I tend not to start to many projects at once because I might not finish all of them.

I have a lot that don't get finished but that is usually because something just isn't working with the design. Thankfully those projects can be recycled but i usually keep them around for a bit so i can go back to them with fresh eye's later on to make notes about what works and what doesn't

hey there!! get my up-vote for your wonderful handcrafts. I admire your patience! Love!
make us a steemit heart!

Thank you, will have to experiment and see what i can do about a steemit heart.

My favourite is the Steemit Beanie. It is very cute:)

it's super fun to make to, I've not done applique work before so it's quite challenging.

It looks great!

Hi, I'm happy to see a crochet fellow here. Looking forward to see your new crochet posts!

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