
Yes, but these days if someone is frustrated because they cannot get the person to agree they will often start tossing the Troll label.

Disagreement is natural. Also each of us can be wrong. So sometimes it is ourselves that are not willing to admit we are wrong. Yet some of us will call the other person a troll.

Sometimes neither person is wrong they just haven't understood each other completely yet.

In which case neither of them are a troll. Learning to communicate is a challenge and something we never perfect, we hopefully do get better.

Each of us needs to recognize these ad hominem attacks for what they are and try to avoid them.

That is not to say there are not trolls. There most definitely are. Try agreeing with them, see if they suddenly change their stance. ;) That's one way that sometimes you can identify and actual troll. If there purpose is just to get a rise out of you then agreeing likely won't end the torment.

The public school system is probably half the problem. Most kids today can't even communicate without emojis.


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