Rape and Pillage : American Government's Acceptance of Human Trafficking

in #crime8 years ago (edited)

Kind Reader, permit me once again to take you on another journalistic journey into the seedy underbelly that is America.

Just sayin, America has some pretty big issues that get downplayed a lot. Such as...

"What the bloody hell?" You may be thinking. Can't blame you. It's a messed up thought that human trafficking gets a pass when it comes to media coverage. Sure, you might find some articles online, but they will be sporadic and will fail to cover important facts. For example, while the Russia narrative has been pushed in our faces, we haven't heard on the national stage about the systematic takedown of sex trafficking rings since Trump took office.

Here's your refresher:

Or that the Department of Homeland Security has a video series about human trafficking. Or that the FBI has been bringing more attention to human trafficking... why would valuable airtime on cable be wasted on that topic?

As a nation, we're oblivious to the number participating in the trafficking of women and children.


The short answer is that those in power have trained us to not pay attention. Here's an example how:

Do you know the old Roman adage of "Give them circuses and bread and the poor will never revolt"? Circuses in our modern world involve technology (how many people will wait in hour-or-days long lines for the newest phone or game console or movie release?) and professional sports. I have a basic google search to back this up.

Did you catch that discrepancy? There are 278,510,000 more articles about sports in America than there are about sex trafficking, and that's without getting nit-picky and aiming toward Child sex trafficking.

Why would our media fixate on 'circuses' rather than the obviously more important topic of sex slavery? So that We the People don't revolt due to the government dicking us around. And I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but they've been dicking us over a log without the benefit of lube, gaslighting us all the while. For years.

I know I use the CIA as a whole as a connotation of bad, evil, skeevy shit. And I know that there are some awesomely ethical people in that agency, as there are in the FBI, NSA, and every other alphabet agency. When I use CIA or Deep State in articles such as this, I am specifically referring to those who know what is going on, and is complicit in covering it up so it can continue. Those are the assholes whom I have set my sights upon.

It is those human-shaped sacks of shit that need to fund covert operations and so rely on trafficking and exploitation. The Iran-Contra affair and how it ties into the Franklin Cover Up helps demonstrate this principle well.

Back in the 80's, there was a credit union being used by the Reagan administration to launder money from selling child sex (This would be the White House Call Boy scandal, as those call boys came from Nebraska) and child pornography and funnelling it to cocaine shenanigans in Central America. Oliver North took a beating in the media; I was a kid when it happened and I can still remember so much news coverage of North... but none from the call boy scandal.

Russia is taking the place of distraction/scapegoat Oliver North and the Iran-Contra. Let's all focus on this most terrible, horrible affront against the awesomeness of America and ignore the fact that people who rape babies get slaps on the wrists at worst.

Unless, of course, they are poor people.

What most people don't realize is that those who control the American government (which is to say, not everyday people like you and I) love power and wealth over all things. And if that means harvesting refugees from areas deliberately targeted via covert operations in order to curry favor and build wealth, then so be it, evidently.

We know that the CIA is nose-deep in human rights violations. including rape overseas. And that they trafficked American children. Yes, that's true. Retired FBI Agent Ted Gunderson wrote a report on them. US Customs, did too. See, some fellows were arrested for being all well-kept and toting around some grungy, improperly dressed kids. Two of the kids showed signs of sex abuse. And in the end? Those kids were given back to those men. Time after time, investigations into kidnappings would lead to dead ends. And sometimes, those investigations were halted after getting a call from higher up the food chain. In fact, from city to federal level, the investigation into the "Finders Cult" were stopped and referred to the CIA as an "internal security matter."

Think about that for a moment. Children were abused and given back to their abusers, and the issue shut down and never prosecuted.

Children of every nation deserve better than that; better than the threat of being kidnapped/raped/killed, and better than being herded by a government complicit in such actions.

If the government as a whole really wanted to crack down on human trafficking, they would have done so long ago. Look how quickly The Patriot Act passed... if those in office felt the same urgency about citizens being kidnapped, raped, tortured, and killed, they would absolutely do something about it. But since they profit off the torture of their fellow citizens, they turn a blind eye until made to look at the damage they have wrought upon not just a nation, but the world itself.

In 2007, it was revealed that 70% of the defense budget went to contractors.


Those same contractors that trafficked women and children through the Eastern bloc with help of the UN.

Those same contractors that email their whole office to share a single slice of "pizza."

Those same contractors that keep doing what they do best: rape and pillage in the name of America and to feed a misbegotten notion that to be a conqueror in their country's name makes them an uber-patriot.

We have a media complicit in hiding the truth to protect those who are guilty of crimes against humanity. For example, The New York Times covered the Norwegian bust...

And then removed their article when Pizzagate started becoming a thing in the minds of people.

We have a State Department complicit in hiding the predilections of ambassadors embarrassing America overseas.

And a Defense Department that handles the topic of human trafficking by basically shrugging its collective shoulders and muttering, "Nah, bro," under it's breath.

We have various entities and personnel trying to bring attention to the issue...

But get shouted down because sport seasons provide razzle-dazzle jazz hand distractions all year long.

Maybe if there was an open season on pedophiles, things would be different.

Maybe we would be spared articles such as this; not because the media is turning a blind eye, but because we, as a nation, got proactive and actively sought to stop it for really reals. That our zero tolerance policy for fucking with our youth is more important to our country's well being than staging political turmoil over seas. Because when I see news articles like these, I know it's only the tip of a huge and incredibly ugly iceberg no one really wants to deal with because ewww. Plus, Cubs won the World Series!

Thanks for reading. If you want more Ranty Tangents about Pizzagate, here's my offerings upon an imaginary silver platter.



Want to take my twitter poll about the Deep State coup?


They get a pass in the media because the MSM itself is infested with this filth along with the puppet masters who own the MSM- the government is also infested with pedophiles- not for much longer though.

MandiReiSerra Mandi Rei - Author tweeted @ 18 Feb 2017 - 17:07 UTC

Are you okay with a Deep State coup against America? Deep State = Military complex, CIA, pedo elites (ala WH call boy scandal) #NotTheEnemy

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

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