North Carolina man arrested for planting bombs at three locations. Media says almost nothing

in #crime3 years ago

I know why they say nothing and that is because it doesn't fit into the "guns cause all crime" narrative.

The gun control debate is back on the menu these days and if you look around my community you will notice that there aren't very many people that are pro gun-control. You will also notice that this would be one of those communities where the "come and take them" attitude would almost certainly occur.

The thing that always gets me about people that are pro gun control measures is that the seem to always want to blame the weapon, not the person when these things happen. But then when someone is able to cause damage using other methods than a gun, the media doesn't even want to touch the story because it shows that gun are not necessarily the problem.

doesn't look like a lunatic at all!

Terry Lee Barham planted 3 explosive devices, two of which were detonated with very little damage done and no loss of life. The larger bomb was discovered and deactivated before it was detonated. This was found at a church and for whatever reason, it had not yet been set off. There were exactly zero people killed or injured in this attempted, whatever.

The thing that I am trying to say here is that Terry Lee Barham is clearly a sick individual who wanted to cause harm. He just didn't have the balls to do it and have people know it was him. I don't know how easy it is to make a bomb but then again, I have never tried. I would imagine that it is something you could simply look up online. Something like a timer on a propane tank would probably do the job quite well. Even though he is a white guy, which would normally have the media talking about him nonstop because all white people are obviously bad, the media hasn't really been touching this story and why do you think that is?

I can assure you that if Terry were to be involved in shooting at some people at the same locations that the bombs were at, and failed to injure or kill anyone, that this would be all over the news for a week because of the political witch hunt against firearms. Someone with the knowledge of how to build a bomb is going to be able to kill far more people than someone with a rifle.


My community is very pro-gun. I am relatively convinced that nearly everyone owns a firearm of some sort. As a consequence we have almost no property crime outside of little kids occasionally vandalizing stuff because well, that's what kids do (I did.) We haven't had a shooting as long as I have lived here and no one has ever brandished a firearm in a bar, bank, shopping mall, etc. There is something to be said about a responsible, armed community. If you went into the local Wal-Mart with the intention of robbing it in my county in North Carolina, you would need to be a special kind of stupid since there is a very good chance that over 50% of the people in there are legally armed, trained, and prepared to kill you if need be.

Guns are not the problem any more than cars are the problem when drunk driving deaths occur. I know that is a cliche statement but it is a good one that is constantly avoided when a gun grabber wants to talk about how guns are to blame for crime.

Liberals, you are not going to succeed in taking away guns. It simply wont happen... give it a rest.


Let's hope that communists are not going to repeat history

I don't think they will ever succeed in taking away gun in USA, they will make various adjustments to laws that get reversed every couple of years and it is merely political talking points for politicians to pull on the heartstrings of stupid people... normally they use children as props for this as we saw with the emergence of that idiot David Hogg.

Before 2020 and masks I was thinking as well that it would be impossible. However, now when I have seen the level of compliance... I'm not that sure. Maybe 40%

well a lot of states are already pre-empting the emergence of federal level gun restrictions that supersede the federal laws. I am not sure how any of this works but apparently it does. I don't recall exactly how many but nearly 20 states have already drafted and approved legislation that will negate any additional gun laws the federal government enacts. I'll do a bit more research on this and maybe do a blurb about it sometime soon.

God Bless Founding Fathers for creating highly decentralized country

Never underestimate #newspeakliberal stupidity. I saw a Forbes headline recently where Biden asked the Supreme court to seize gun without warrants

The Supreme Court's primary position as a governing body is to prevent violations of the constitution. Such and act would violate 2 of the first 4 things mentioned in that document.

like government cares... and the courts often side

some anti-gun individuals that I know here like to point to how gun crime went down a lot in Australia when they federal government seized all weapons so I was curious and looked into it a bit. I discovered that gun murders did in fact go down following this, which you would expect... but the number of overall murders didn't change at all because people who want to kill someone are going to do so. Not having a gun doesn't change that.

Interesting. I never bothered to dig into that because I think such an action would be met with extreme resistance in this country and especially certain conservative states such as my own (well, NC is a strange one but still conservative for the most part). We also have to consider that the entire country of Australia has a lower population than many US states.

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