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RE: Where do you find your inspiration?

in #creativity6 years ago

I would love to try creating stuff while smoking, I’m just not very used to smoking itself, even though I’ve tried plenty of times. I want to be able to consistently find that awesome high that I’ve found a few times before and just spend it in a little creative bubble. I will need to try that once my body feels a bit better!

Great to finally have you there! You were one of those people I was hoping to pull in. Hope you join the conversation soon!


Thanks. I really need to be more active on discord in general since I am a part of a few things now and that seems to be where most of the socializing goes on.

Haha yeah it can help but it can also backfire a little (I wasn't completely joking about the mild panic attack lol). I usually find that I write a little slower when I have a buzz but I also feel a little more creative and more concerned with things like the sound of my sentences. That is generally a good thing but there are times where I catch myself using really clunky wording to maintain alterations and things like that.

I tend to be very inspiration driven which has its benefits and its issues. When it strikes, I can produce some pretty good stuff at a pretty good pace. When I don't have it (like on nights like tonight), things slow down a lot (my next post is probably going to be a day late at this rate). I think altering ones consciousness a little whether it is chemical or through other means can help with whipping up those inspired feelings.

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