CREATIVITYgif: Soul Of Creativity

in #creativity6 years ago (edited)

The soul of Creativity-gif:

It has been said, that creativity is the soul of business.

I have my own idea, however, currently, at least, I don't know how to explain it. Whilst having a mind full of knowledge, but not knowing how to apply it to a business model, how will I succeed?

My own research has shown me that creativity is comprised of two things. An idea and an explanation.

But, before I go deeper into this short piece, what exactly is creativity?

When I look at the word creativity, two key verbs come to mind.
The first one is, Create.
What does it mean to create? Before we even get there, what about the role that the mind plays in the creation process.

It is interesting to note that in order to create anything at all, we must first develop what we wish to manifest in our mind. We need to have a clear image of our creation already actualized, then from that blueprint, we bring it into being through the act of creating.

First off, creativity starts with your mind, whatever you conceive is what you give birth to. Kinda like what you sow, you reap.

So to create has many things to do with your mind, whatever you conceive is what you give birth to. Just like what you sow, you reap.

  • Next comes Activate.
    The activation of something indicates movement or the course of action to be taken in order for something else to happen. Your activity is the driving force that takes you step by step towards your finished product.
While the word activation can be defined in varying ways, I wish to discuss the transitive form of the verb, which implies to make active, to make reactive or rather more reactive.

It is one thing to conceptualize an idea, and something completely different to activate the manifestation of it and have it build momentum.

Now Creativity

Creativity(Create-Activity); Now, I did not study English. I am an engineer by profession, but through my study of the word (both theoretically & active engagement) I've deduced that creativity, without the conception of an idea doesn't exist, for there is nothing to create.

Furthermore, the actual creating (create activated) only begins when conscious steps are made towards the desired creation Thus it is first the idea, and then how well executed the steps towards its actualization are achieved, that will ultimately determine the deliverables


What idea is your mind currently impregnated with?

Do you know how to initiate the actualization of these great ideas? How do you get there?

Do you need help on ways to expand your level of creative thinking?
How do you open up to new and fresh ideas?

This is great questions that might be ringing in our heart, but you know in the multitude of counsel there is safety. Get close with great thinkers, motivational speakers, mountain shaken personality and clear away challenges on your road to success.

Remember I started with two kinds of words; Explanation & Idea this are two separate words that mean two different things. Get this understanding idea are greater than Explanation, but the simplest cant is understood if the main strong word misses the direction. Explanation simply the great idea you have, and you know Idea is simply your beliefs or your brainstorming which may later turn to big thing when action is taking. Your ideas must be understood by you before you can explain it to any other person close to you.

The functionality of A Man Is A Product Of Your Heart & Your Action Is by Engr. Samest

Be Create-Activity lolz.


Thanks for reading. All the images were constructed by @samest via picsart, mirror lab, and thumbnail maker

Below is the image @samest generated via picsart and mirrorlab and use for all images/gif on this post. Every image here are #originalworks



you are battlesword! full of inspiration and knowledge.....
tips hat

Thank you my battleaxe....everytime is a battle field when post is out. Challenge all stronghold and place them under your feet...axe them all lolz

One thing is to have an idea, another is to know how to translate it into being. There can be no creativity without first an idea. Nice post @samest

Well said dear. Thanks

@samest excellent work the gifs...this is a very ingesting side of you, loving it tremendously...dream it into reality with clear explanation can only be thought of from and electrical engineer. Love it keep it up...I’ve learn so much from you brother thank you. Not just from your post, but from many things you do , and the way you handle your friends!!! One love ❤️ To many more post.

You know something, going by my profession for power generation there must be the source and until thus source is being activated there is no supply with is the output, same illustration in relation to creativity

Thanks for your comment

Oh my Gosh, this post has really opened my mind ! Now im pregnant with ideas, ready to deliver

Im happy you found one important thing on the post. Thanks for reading

Well defined, my friend. I like the call to action what are you pregnant with.

Thank you friend.

There is one thing in creating idea and another thing in explaining how it was created..nice gif @samest

Brother, thanks for your comment. Two important things working together

Am so in love with this gifs 😘😍😘....Sliding to your dm, you have to teach me how to do this.😁😂😀😃

Lolzz funny you...yeye gal

Aw I am so sorry I missed to vote this one when it was active because it is so true. We say in spanish del dicho al hecho va un trecho (from say to do there is a distance). I burst with creativity but I fail to organize myself and I struggle to finish things.

No problem dear. Thanks you can check my new creative art


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