Curious Winter

in #creativity7 years ago

Hello Friend! We have received urgent message from North Pole! Here goes!

Dear Lily,

Winter is here. It is time crawl out from underneath the pile of warm blankets! We know you are getting a little sleepy now, but we have few tasks for you to complete before Christmas arrives.

Best wishes,

Elf #31

Oh my goodness! Look! They have sent me seven envelopes, a task in each.

P.S. Christmas spirit depends upon their completion.

This seems very important. Will you help me out? Which one should I open first?  

Lily’s Christmas song of the day: Bobby Helms - Jingle Bell Rock
Lily’s choice of the Christmas film: Die Hard

Pick a number from 1-7 and share a memory from your childhood about winter or Christmas in comments. Lily will open the envelope with number that was picked the most.

If you are not familiar with Lily the curious hedgehog you can have a look at her previous adventures here, here, here and here.


I love this idea.
Envelope 2

The tree was lit with flashing lights and my brother and I would pretend they were a laser security system and would try to get past without being caught. I was perhaps six, he ten-ish.

The rules were that we could only move when the lights were off and would have to be still when they were on to avoid detection. Each would try to get past while the other played security guard (judge).

It was a very simple game to play but one that I remember well.


Thank you for sharing @tarazkp! :) Aww!

When I was little we had these beautiful Christmas lights shaped like little, colorful stars and we would hang them on the wall. They made me so happy. Mom would always turn them off before sleep. I then sneaked out of bed and turned them back on.

Number 4 would be my choice. ^^

This is going to be extra weird, but the first Christmas memory and favourite at that, is from an extra early age (I am not sure how old I was though), but I remember.. well, imagine the traditional Christmas as we have them and after the "official part", where we would now play board games and such, since I was a tiny person, I remember going up to the room, probably to get to sleep. And I had this new book that I had just gotten. I think it was something with dwarfs to do if I remember correctly now. But the room upstairs was dark (if you remember I was always afraid of the dark until you fixed my fears with the cat eye concept, thank you for that!), but I felt sooo safe, warm and fuzzy. That being up there on my own in that room after Christmas, in the dark with a dwarf book in my hands.. THAT right there is my favourite memory.

Aww! I don't think you had ever told me this one before. ^^ Thank you for sharing @josie2214!

Hehe, the cat eyes! I needed them myself, never been too comfortable in the dark.

It's not the only fear you helped me conquer, there was lightning too.

Number 1
I don't really recall any of my younger Christmas's so I am going to tell of my Christmas as dad. I have learned over the years that kids do not really know what they want for Christmas except on a very rare occasion. You try and try to get them things other than what they ask for that really shows that you've mastered being a parent. I pat myself on the back for all kids over 3, it's the babies that are truly heartbreaking. Every year we spoil the youngest because it's their first Christmas or on their second Christmas because it will be the 1st they remember (maybe) or their 3rd Christmas depending on when they are born.
It is the same with each child who has Christmas under two at our house and we never learn and keep buying them toys and toys. Each year it never fails, their favorite item of the Christmas tradition is and has always ended up being the empty boxes and balled up wrapping paper. We have never learned our lesson and have a stack of things for Finn this year as well.

Thank you for sharing @erodedthoughts! I wish Marry Christmas for your entire family! :) The little ones are so precious.

thank you, same to you and where ever you spend your holidays.


You know, I don't actually have any active memories of christmasses exactly, but I do remember it being really cold in the evening, my dad was listening to christmas tracks by Cliff Richard, and I was curled up by the fireplace hugging my Granddad's black labrador, who was also curled up by the fire, as I dozed in and out of sleep in the dim, LED flashes from the tree.

Thank you so much @mobbs for participating and for all your support!

Aww. As I read this I could actually picture it. Thank you for sharing :)


Many years back, when i was still a kid i remember waiting for the clock to strike 12 at christmas night so i can open my presents. Having the whole family gathered up to celebrate christmas and just having a good time with the christmas songs playing in the background, and just being around the people that we love the most, our family.. man i miss those times. In fact Im getting emotional writing this down.. thank you m31 for making me reminisce about my christmas past and for reminding me that in life, family is everything.

@andywong31 Thank you so much for sharing your memory and participating :)

Family indeed is important! Aww! I am so glad it made you remember all those happy and good times :)

Envelope 7 cause 7 is a magic number :)

My most fond memories of Christmas are from when I spent it in the small village my father was born in. There usually was a lot of snow, a house warmed by firewood and the adventure of going into the beautiful winter forest in the snow to get a Christmas tree (which was usually a Christmas branch, because we didn't want to chop down a whole tree). We also didn't use much store-bought decorations for it, but made our own like popcorn tinsels and chestnut ornaments.

@rocking-dave Thank you for sharing and participating :)

Christmas branch aww! Sometimes we would have Christmas branch too in the city.

For past ten years or more we have a tradition of picking our big tree from the forest. It is always such a joy and exciting activity. I am looking forward to it this year as well.

My pleasure!

Nowadays in the city, we tend to go with an artificial tree that gets reused over and over. We bought it because it's supposedly better for the environment instead of chopping down trees, but I haven't really researched if that's the case as we already have it and we are not going to buy anything new until this one falls apart.

But the Christmas branches of my childhood were the magical ones.

So cuuute 😍😍😍😍😍

Thank you so much @supernoval! :)


And what a cute little hedgehog! I don't really have a story to share, but I hope that my envelope vote is still going to count :)

what a lovely idea!

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