Now Rash [BLOCK] A Frank Bacon Mystery Theater Vignette

in #creativity7 years ago (edited)



Frank joined the room.

Frank made future room history visible to all room members.

Frank invited blob.

I'll work in the open. Invite whoever you like. I'll SteemIt on my end later.
Let Reddit!!!
Let's the Reddit begin!

Blob joined the room.

oh okey there is a sidebar
what? you want to discuss on reddit?
You will post something to steemit?

Just these transcripts. You?
And sorry 😐 I was late.
Have you read my DAWN Tractor piece about the Dangers of owning or operating a DAWN Tractor??

Stuff might get posted on reddit.
to answer your question
no i haven't read

Looking now...
How is your day, good 😊?


It is alright. I'm glad you are willing to discuss this.
I've been trying to figure out how the ray token will be issued initially and as time goes on. I suppose with a decentralized system there is always the possibility of forking and with Cosmos the holders of ATOM can vote on how to issue more.
Now issuance seems to be centralized!

First of all,
So that I make sure to answer all of your comments properly, I want you to know who you're working with.
Kindly review the following if you wouldn't mind 🙃


[BLOCK] go0d Emperor Bacon! - The Baron of THAT Blockchain Project. —
Steemit - Steemit On Jan. 20, 2017, Benjamin Franklin Bacon took the
Declaration of Independence, pledging in his Indoctrination… by

it's me and Dan Nakamoto. Who the fuck cares?
We just have our debate or whatever and you post to steem and some will probably end up on reddit.


Well I'm trying to establish MY credentials for politeness. 😁
U c?
So Post wherever YOU LIKE. MY stuff goes on SteemIt.
Ya dig?
Now you can call me Frank 🥓. What would you like to be called?

hmmm well you made $2.80 so I think I see the problem.

Yea, my exposure is terrible. But I think it's half good for crypto Sci fi 😐


i want to make a new social network too but I don't know if you want to talk about that or the dawn router.

Phillip K Dick, god rest his soul ☝
Either is fine. I can assist in either department. You're call.

It seems that Jacob cannot remove the "false advertising" from steem about the DAWN network. It is not really false when you know it isn't true.

Moving to a terminal. Now.
So, YOU disagree that the Steem network is compromised?
Is that What I'm hearing?


That is great entertainment clearly you deserve greater payouts. We must remedy.
So, YOU disagree that the Steem network is compromised?" What? I'm just saying that apparently you have no revision control there. You got that at Reddit.
Hardly worth 2 fiddy to be without revision control

Ahhh Do Go ON! About my entertainment : )
But no, seriously... I don't dislike the Steem Chain
But I appreciate @fadat's instincts.
He has scrutinized the code with rooms of cyber enhanced super nerds and told of great misfortune in that code. So as a Sci Fi novel MYSELF, I appropriated @faddats services to build my network.
His posts on Steemit are OPEN because he is the best Open Sourcerer at my disposal at this time.


If you have issue with what he has remitted,
please take it up with the immutability of the Steem Blockchain.
Hardly something that he can retract at this time you see?
Wikipedia also offers revisions.

I'm just assuming you have no ability to edit old posts but he could post a comment saying that there is no longer a crowdsale plan for DAWN if that is the case.
Reddit has wiki too and the "talk pages" isolate speakers and work much better.


Good point... We'll try to correct that immediately! I c your point now :)
Yes, so history lesson... This is @faddat's DAWN, but an early team of developers had a disagreement in openness. Lesson learned, moving on. Crowd funds are not the plan. Hardware tupaware parties are for certain. Are you interested in Procuring radically disruptive hardware for the coming breakaway?

Download Bacon Pretty Frank.GIF (51.46 KB)

Frankly I'm wary of hardware I get special for me. Same with software. I want to pick the time and place I buy hardware. I want to download software anonymously.
But the other issue is the cryptocurrency.

Superb! So you fit more with our brainstorming clan.
Our business is recipes... you're a fellow chef. We're cooking up recipes for our families to try out.


So I'm into developing cryptocurrency. I have questions about hardware.

We won't be issuing a Crypto Currency. There are plenty of Cryptocurrencies to currently utilize.
Our hardware plan is to use Arch Linux I believe as a default network boot device.

Brainstorming has been fine with you and Jac

Storm away! And I will try to answer any direct question as directly as I can. Catfish?


The hardware I want to ask about would be PocketCHIP or USB Armory. Mainly the later but this may not interest you.

I'm familiar.
The crowd fund showed success...
But jake I think can make those happen on Orange Pi for $15 a Pop!

What would it take to modify a Raspberry pi (not the SD card) to alter its boot, install malware.

So we can put a DAWN network on a Chip like you speak of... Planing on it in fact. We call it Swarmware...
Have you read about the Dangers of DAWN Products yet?
It really is vital we establish safeties if you wish to delve further.


Why would I put DAWN on anything? It uses centralized issuance.

Ahh! No... we haven't gotten that far yet. And we won't be issuing anything in this conversation.

as far as i can tell

It uses Blockchain Issuance... the Blockchain is most certainly NOT centralized.
But that's not where WE are NOW... you and I, in this conversation. You're asking me about Malware vectors. On an Armor or an orange Pi. Those questions I cannot answer. Our strategy is to ONLY use open source hardware and that is a case by case basis with the Dawn Tractor (router) being a prototype right now.

But a PI Stick configured for the DAWN Network would actually be OPEN for someone like YOU to use for building your own chain. you c?


"ok, so validator keys really need to be part of the account registryso we can provide a recovery route for lost and breached keys as well as user accounts" - l0k1
I wasn't asking about the DAWN router but I get the basic idea that you are packing validator keys with software with hardware which I told you I'm not interested in.
The discussion of hardware, firmware, microcode, software, and cryptocurrency are completely separate in my mind.
You know you can't sell free software so you try to bundle it with hardware just like the unholy alliance between OEMs, OS, and those distributors that add all kinds of spyware and garbage.
I have a different system where software devs are issued creditclaims which they must agree to fixed exchanged rates in order to issue cryptocredit.
chat's crapped out again
oh is it working now?

Well that's one perspective. But the communications have been Fuzzy to say the least. But I assure you, I'm not hocking that Script you just wrote. I'm an Open Sourcerer my self and don't jive with that rout.
But as the first UnOfficial of DAWN hardware, I can tell you the process is MUCH different.

Have you read the Tractor piece?

[BLOCK] INTERNET, DAWN Tractor, MINNER - A Frank Bacon Router —
Steemit - Steemit Posted on August 17, 2008 by ; ) Nine Dangers of the
DAWN Tractor This is a long post, so groan or smile… by frankbacon

The only difference between the DAWN router is that you are bundling validator keys. I don't think this will be very popular.

Perhaps you are not my target audience?
So ask me direct if I care what you think is popular ; /


Keys that can apparently be revoked or renewed by the central authority (l0k1)

We have a recipe for Validator keys that's different than the impression you have.
I've offered to straighten this out for you... no?

"I've offered to straighten this out for you... no?" I didn't notice that you had but go ahead.
I am mildly amused, not informed.

Well, I don't agree with the assertions you're making but understand where the miscommunication came from. So let me be more BLUNT Blobo...

We can all bundle hardware orders so our hope is to collaborate with buyers. If you are not a buyer then you are an open Brainstormer with everyone else. So if you have something to offer Constructive... have at it. Otherwise, I've offered you more up to date material on our open workings...
So please dispense with quoting out of date Loki-Isms... please : )


Until we have an official revision or an explanation, we have the quote.

This is why you don't have friends... I'm just informing you...
Are you able or interested in buying hardware?

We are in the brainstorm process right now. The question being considered is whether bundling validator keys with hardware is a better way to monetize software development, than the WebOfCredit.


That isn't the discussion no... that's a misinterpretation that YOU won't let go of.
We sell hardware that runs WebOfCredit Software... so that's where we are.
I'm not hustling Validator tokens... I don't even know what those are in respects to this conversation. You can crowd fund your enterprises quite well on a DAWN Tractor. But you could just as easily go in with us and buy lots of open routers and set up your your way nd the DAWN guys will do a jig with validator tokes and what not... catfish?

We will need the webofcredit software if your statement is to be true.
"catfish?" No thankyou, I have potato.

Well, in my worlds, Blockchain is the SaaS I deal with and that's why Bought a robust piece of equipment from @faddat and we are building stuff with that... but THAT stuff, that's all private.
So Let's talk less and I will let you get caught up with some reading. Here s our latest UnOfficial White Paper. No where in there does it discuss Tokens...


[BLOCK] Network - What Frank Bacon needs to know — Steemit - Steemit
Form: Pentagonal Current Logo: Composition: Hardware (Open Source)
Software (Open Source) Utility… by frankbacon

Your brain needs more storminess. It has become ingrained with a stank meme.


Happy Trails. In join the Dankness! :)

[A Work of Crypto Fiction By Frank Bacon]
[Block] THIS, THAT, & BOOKS.

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