Maintaining creative energy is hard but the good thing is, it seems to be contagious! It's been a slow week but the upswing is around the corner!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #creativity7 years ago

It’s been a week of straight grind for @teamhumble and myself, clients that needed sorting for the most part, all good, all forward motion, but sometimes in between the 10,000th draft of a project you thought would be done weeks ago you loose that joy of just making.

Yesterday was the first time I didn’t put up at least one daily post since we’ve been back from Steemfest. There usually isn’t much that can keep me from sharing at least a few words and thoughts out into the blockchain but yesterday I was BLANK.

Not from any anxiety or depression, I wasn’t feeling unwell physically, I wasn’t stressed and my client’s didn’t roll around with their “Hey Dayle”s until later in the day so it certainly wasn’t from lack of time. I just felt like I had nothing to say.

I’m not saying that in order for me to post I need to feel this intense mystical wave of creativity or inspiration, but forcing myself when I just feel …
makes me feel super inauthentic and the blockchain doesn’t need noise for the sake of my own insecurity or pride about posting daily.

So I took a day off. I sorted clients, meditated, probably drank too much coffee and chipped away at a larger post I’ve been working on for a few days now (hoping I’ll be able to share that one tomorrow!) Also, I found out that one of my favorite console games is now available on IOS (and no I’m not talking about that sad excuse Nintendo dropped this week that rhymes with Shmanimal Shmossings- hmph!).

This week I’ve also had some comms with @acromott and @lifemovedbysteem about starting a group 30-Day Yoga challenge super soon which I couldn’t be more stoked about. The challenge is open to everyone so if you’re interested there’s more info about how to join us and an invitation a dedicated discord so we can all encourage each other! HERE.

It’s a beautifully peaceful rainy morning in van-landia, I love the sound of the rain on the van roof and the hum of this tiny heater fan who’s been working ever so hard for us this month. I’m sitting in the glow of the Himalayan salt lamp and I’ve got a sore back but also a warm cup of tea, and an absolutely lovely human sitting next to me.

We’re planning to get out for a bit this afternoon, jump on the bus and head into town for some supplies but mostly fresh air and exercise and general Dayle & Phil shenanigans. I know we’ll both be better for it.

So! It’s a few morning hustle hours for me (maybe an early quitting time to take a nice hot shower) and we’re off. Going to try to take an easy pace today, after all it is Saturday!

I hope your Saturday is treating you well, wherever you are in the world. And if it’s not, I hope you’ll decide to take some time out and treat yourself well regardless!

A sleepy,

All gifs in this post were brought to you by one of our favorite shows The Last Man On Earth. If you haven't seen it I'd HIGHLY recommend, Last Man has us in stitches regularly.


thank you, I wish very happy Saturday to you. @dayleeo

thank you friend!

Happy Saturday. Everyone needs a day off now and then to recharge the batteries. There is no shame in that.

The gifs where great! I will be looking up the last man standing.

I loved what you said " the blockchain doesn’t need noise for the sake of my own insecurity or pride about posting daily." Very mystical of you. I think that this post is very relevant. Sometimes you get into the swing of posting and if you miss a day it becomes about missing that day. Not if you had value to add or not. We should be focusing on the value we add to the blockchain over all the ego stuff. Good reminder.

XOXOX Hope you and your sweetie had a fun day of play <3

Thank you! You're so right, when we stop thinking about what we're posting and we're doing it just because we feel we should, then we're really just human spam bots no? lol

We had a nice time out, grabbed a bite to eat, got supplies and got a lot of steps in! :)

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