How Wandering Aimlessly Is Helping Me Find My Creativity Right Now

in #creativity6 years ago (edited)

Hi Friends,

My favorite past time right now is just going for a walk. What I've noticed though - is that my mind wants to attach some kind of outcome or value to it. For example, I feel like I should walk fast so it's more of a "workout", or I feel like I should listen to podcasts to spend the time learning, or I feel like I should be planning out content... the list goes on.

What I've found though - is that when I allow myself to just wander aimlessly without a percieved "outcome" for the time spent - my mind actually quites down from it's usual rat race. Often times, these quite moments of appreciation are where my best ideas strike. When I'm not trying to make anything happen - but am just appreciating the trees around me and the feeling of my body moving.

Some may call this a meditation. I find it hard sometimes for myself to sit and mediate - and so walking seems to be working well for me.

I hope you guys enjoy seeing some of the views from my walk in this video and then hearing my thoughts on this. I'd love to hear from you on what you do to quite the mind and tap into your own creativity. I know we all have own own processes - and so I thought I would share what has been really flowing and working for me lately.

Xo, Lea


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never understood what meditation is, just a fancy word, i cant get it and how can help anyone improve , i just call it mind wandering and you do that whenever you feel like, it's not planed and we all do it, you could be walking or just listening to music. In a way we all meditate. As for creativity is funny that i found your post because before a while i watched this video '' How boredom can lead to your most brilliant ideas''

Oooh yes, I have seen that video - but not for a long time. Thanks for sharing! I'll definitely go give it a watch. I'm glad this vlog found you at a good moment!

I think you hit it on the head that meditation is so much more than just sitting quietly. It can take many forms.

you dont find creativity
creativity finds you ;)

Oohh YES great way to rephrase it.

That is something that I always loved to do. Specially at night. Just play some music without actually be listing to it and just walk. I love that. That's how my phone was stolen a couple of months ago when I went for one of that walks. Oops lol

Seriously? Did you get mugged? Man, that's awful.

Unfortunately I guess it is bound to happen... in a city where almost 15 million People live this shit will keep happening and that night I was the unlucky one :/

I can soooo relate to this. The only time I switch of for real is in the shower, and often ideas come to me then. That should tell me something. I do a lot of walking, but always with a podcast or an audiobook. Yesterday though I just stopped dead and enjoyed the silence for a couple of minutes.

Question for you: on a meditative walk, would music be okay? I've had this discussion with a friend of mine. I say yes; she says no. I find that the right music can complement nature.

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