Lack of writing = writer's dip

in #creativecoin5 years ago (edited)

Friday - Nov. 15, 2019

I woke up at 4 am like usual.
I wrote my entry for the contest "What does CCC mean to you 2:23". I posted it with @actifit. I made 5k steps.

The children were still in bed and the bus-kid came out of it later as usual. Today it is helping out at school. The school has its "open house" for new students. You can stay home too but showing up means working as a volunteer 3-4 less elsewhere. Elsewhere might be in the town's library or at a meeting point that runs a cinema and where several celibrations from schools and organizations are held. In rare occassions there are exhibitions (birds lately, a few years ago snakes and a crocodile).

It is a foggy morning, it is hard to see the road but I arrived just before the bus left and came back home around *6:10 am

The youngest was still in bed. Both children are still watching Dr Who and go to bed way too late. The youngest has a "celebration" day. Let's see how they celebrate this year. The mother who always baked pies her child left school. That kid always won with the team it joined. Winning means: The team and teachers eat pie the rest can watch.

8:50 am
I posted Diary Day #61 - November 12, 2019
[Writing is not a profession.]
( This might be no use to you.

I only have 10 minutes left if. I want to post my entry to Wednesday's contest and I need to feed the wolves first. I won't make that since I am writing this diary. 🤔
IIt took me 30 minutes to post My entry "What does today, Nov. 13, 2019, mean to me? 2:23".

10:20 am!
Fed the wolves, dishes done time for a test, #nanowrimo time it is.

It became a chaotic day.
I started with NaNoWriMo 12... Tested if speaking didn't go faster. It did about three times. First I spoke in Dutch next I let goigle translate translate it

12 o'clock
The bus-kid is at the busstation but the first bus arrives in 1.5 hour. A bus leaves in 20 minutes to a small village. I drive over there (30 minutes drive).
We went to the gasstation and bought food for the wolves.

Once back the youngest is home. Her group won they became cake.
We eat and after dinner the bus-kid makes butterpie. The oven is within 19 minutes over 300°C and we try to save and bake it. It does not taste bad. At some spots it is burned. Bad luck, next time we try something else.

I work on my NaNoWriMo and it took hours. ☹ It is hard to concentrate. But I write enough words although I will not use them all for my tale.

[NaNoWriMo 12 - Testing](

All photos are made by me

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My Diary Days

Diary Day #1 - Sept. 13, 2019
A day full of surprises

Diary Day #8 - Sept. 20, 2019
Finally Friday

Diary Day #15 - Sept. 27, 2019
Finally Friday

Diary Day #22 - October 4, 2019
Gaining weight Day

Diary Day #29 - October 11, 2019
A bright Friday

Diary Day #36 - October 18, 2019
How to hang in.

Diary Day #43 - October 24, 2019
Editing on

Diary Day #50 - November 1, 2019
All Saints Day

Diary Day #57 - November 8, 2019
NaNoWriMo goes on.

Diary Day #60 - November 11, 2019
Busy like usual

Diary Day #61 - November 12, 2019
[Writing is not a profession.]

Diary Day #62 - November 13, 2019
What does today, Nov. 13, 2019, mean to me?

Diary Day #63 - November 14, 2019
I lost a day.

To protect my ownership this was published on.Weku first.

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@wakeupkitty I am a huge Dr Who fan many years ago I had a dog that I name T.A.R.D.I.S come to think of it he was half wolf and Alaskan something, I can not remember. He was funny drinking water he did not lap it like dogs do he sucked it up. He was smart.

@myjob You are a Dr Who fan. Great name for a dog and funny story. I noticed they do not eat all in the same way. My eldest eats clumsy and partly spoiling it, guess it is his happiness. Great day to you. ❤️

@wakeupkitty, we are happy to have you as a member of CCC. We stopped bt to give you an upvote for your good content. We wish you a great day. @team-ccc

@team-ccc Thank you so much for stopping by and the upvote 😁

You are welcome. Enjoy your day and keep writing.

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