in #creativecoin5 years ago (edited)


This weekend was something quite incredible!! I had the best paint class ever, such a relaxing Zen filled space!! Everyone did so amazing in the class!!! I am so proud of each person that walked through and opened their hearts to fluid art for a few hours!! The paintings turned out gorgeous!! When they are all dry and cured, I will post pictures of them all. This is a picture I took of everyone getting in their meditative space that is fluid art


We took a short drive this afternoon up into the mountains, for some beautiful scenery as the leaves start to shift over to the phase of shaking off the old. It was so relaxing listening to the beautiful aspen trees leaves quake in the wind....ahhh so beautiful!! @derangedvisions flew the drone up there, so he will be sharing his footage soon! EEEEKK!! I am so excited!! We then drove down and took some mommy daughter pictures in some sunflowers, those will also be ready in a few days for me to share!! I love spending time with our girl! I sure miss hanging out with our son, who is nearly an adult now, so he is figuring out what his life is going to look like for him on his own :( .

AND THEN!! THE BEST NEWS OF THE WHOLE WEEKEND!!! FOR THOSE THAT HAVE BEEN HANGING ON TO THEIR HATS, WAITING FOR APPLE PODCASTS TO BE APPROVED FOR MOMMA BEAR CONNECTS.....IT IS NOW ON THERE!!!!! WAHOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Addie and I recorded a very raw and vulnerable episode today, please take some time to listen! We'd love feedback and listener support! Tell us what you love about our shows!! this is our website, you can access all our listening avenues through here, or just search the name "momma bear connects" and you will see our logo on your favorite Pod Cast player!!

Logo Designed and Created by @derangedvisions and myself

Thank you for taking time to read this, and to listen to our Pod Cast!! I will post more pictures of my paint class and our photoshoot when I get those! Have a blessed day!!


I have never tried fluid paintings for now but I can imagine how relaxing it can be !
It's great that you enjoy yourself that much with your daughter and have a connection with your son....💝
our children are the masterpiece of our lives, we cherish them and we let them live with all we have sown inside them, wishing the best for them and trusting that we have done our best as they intimately know we will be always here for them 😊

Oh my goodness!! I am sure you'd love it!! Thank you so much! We are very blessed with the 2 kiddos we got!! They are the best!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE This drawing!! SO CUTE!!!! Thank you for listening!!!

very nice work

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