My Nominations for PHC Top 3 Contest- Extraterrestrial Movies

in #creativecoin5 years ago (edited)

My Nominations for the PHC Top Monthly Contest - Extraterrestrial Movies

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• This is my entry into this month’s PHC Top 3 contest.

• This months topic is: Extraterrestrial Movies

My Nominations are:

Nomination #1


Director: Robert Zemeckis

My Reasons:

This is not only my favorite “Extraterrestrial movie” but my favorite film of all time. Carl Sagan has been one of my lifelong heroes. I read the book at age 12 & it had a profound effect on me but the film took it to a whole new level. In this movie, rather than the extraterrestrial playing the main stage it’s the scientist Dr. Ellie Arroway (Jodi Foster) & her curiosity, childlike wonder, & humble amazement of the vast cosmos. It demonstrates, in its purest form, what a nobel pursuit science is & should be. Along with Carl Sagan’s ‘The Cosmos’, this film may be wholly responsible for my addictive interest in the Universe, Physics, the nature of reality & those deepest questions humanity has ever asked. Jodie Foster & Matthew McConaughey both give masterful performances. The constant debate between the two serves as a vehicle to play out the debate that goes on daily in modern times. It is Fosters various monologues as Dr. Arroway that are the most gripping, thought-provoking, & touch me somewhere deep in the soul. Examples below:

Nomination #2

10 Cloverfield Lane

Director: Dan Trachtenberg

My Reasons:

Another film that is not a “Extraterrestrial movie” in the traditional sense. The second film in Producer J.J. Abrams’ “Cloverfield’ series, 10 Cloverfield Lane is a great little Psychological Thriller. With an Alien Invasion serving as a catalyst, it demonstrates how other people, not external forces, can be the greatest threat during a natural disaster. Mary Elizabeth Winstead is perfectly cast as our heroine, Michelle who wakes in a strange bunker with two men after a car accident. Howard (John Goodman) tells her that a massive chemical attack has rendered the air unbreathable, and their only hope of survival is to remain inside. Claiming to be their savior Howard becomes controlling of both Michelle & Emmet (John Gallagher Jr.). As his behavior becomes more erratic Michelle suspects things may not be what they seem. This paranoid thriller is carried almost exclusively on the film dialogue & character development. A testament to great storytelling.

Nomination #3

Childhood’s End (miniseries)

Developed By: Matthew Graham
Director: Nick Hurran

My Reasons:

I may be bending the term ‘movie’ here. The three part SyFy channel miniseries based on the 1953 book of the same name by the great Arthur C. Clark, needed to be longer than a two hour film to get the full story in. It deals with first contact as an alien race called ‘Overlords’ show up on earth. The story takes place over many generations as the overlords reveal more information as they slowly acclimate humans to their ways. The story plays on various themes and tropes. Among these are religion, technology, the pursuit of utopia, & humanities resistance to change. In the vein of much of Clark’s storytelling it is full of grand ideas & questions. The book has a greater density of this but the film still leaves you in a state of deep thought & contemplation. Sometimes A hard balance to find in storytelling, the intellect of the movie doesn’t subtract from its entertainment value. I enjoyed it so much I bought it on Blu-ray & digital. For a SyFy product that is a personal first (& maybe only) occurrence. It’s a rare gem in the The SyFy body of work & hard to believe produced by the people who brought you the ‘Sharknado’ films. 😂


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Curation Trail

We have a curation trail for @phctop3, which you can follow here to continue to add to the prize pool and the growth of the competition. Don’t forget to log into steemconnect.

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Hey @erixink Thank you for being a value contestant.

I just wanted to drop by and personally invite you to the new @phctop3 discord server.
Hope to see you there soon.

The PHCTop3 Panel

Awesome! Thanks for sending over your entry fee, just letting you know that I've added you in with your nominations now!

Good luck and keep your eyes peeled for the upcoming dpoll between 16th - 18th (approx.) where we put it to the public vote and let the Steem community decide their top 3 :)



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OK, I need to expand my movie knowledge in to extraterrestrial it seems! I've not heard of any of these 3 although Cloverfield rings a bell... but with your awesome descriptions, I'm now intrigued as to what they are all about and the trailers too! Hmm, these will help me get through the winter months ;)

Good luck in the contest!

Oh man, “Contact” is an amazing film with a bunch of amazing actors, based on a story by an amazing man. I’ve seen it over 30 times & I still love it. I perfectly condenses the sheer Awe I feel about the universe. Besides that, I mean come on, it’s got Jodie Foster AND Matthew McConaughey! The other two are also great & entertaining films but “Contact” holds a special place in my heart.


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Wow, three movies I have not see and I have seen quite a few something new to go find with Carl Sagan mentioned, and having seen Cosmos TV Series by Neil deGrasse Tyson, this is sure to be one not to be missed.

An avid reader in my youth, Arthur C. Clarke was an author who stretched the imagination, so thanks for arriving at #phctop3 with some refreshing new content to look out for @erixink.

Coming in hard with some excellent choices again this round! I have always like Jodi Foster as I feel she really brings so much to each of her characters. I remember watching Contact when it first came out, but I think I need to watch it again as an adult as I might get a lot more out of it.

Your second choice is a great one, as well. I really enjoy psychological thrillers, even when they tend to make me feel uncomfortable like this one did at times. Makes you think about how you would respond in a similar situation. I'm not familiar with your third choice, but it sounds like one that would be great to catch. My boyfriend loves this genre, so he's always happy to find things to check out!

Jodie is an amazing actress & is actually a entertaining director. Sadly she doesn’t do as many film as other actors but given her history that’s understandable.

Psychological Thrillers happen to mine & the wife’s favorite genre of film. A good one draws the viewer in and keeps you engaged. I love SciFi as well but these days there’s not a large amount of quality Sci-Fi that isn’t a reboot.


Thanks for these awesome suggestions for our contest this month! We've given you an upvote and logged your nominations, ready for the dpoll - keep an eye on our blog for the dpoll post!

Set your post payout to 50/50. You keep the SP and then transfer the STEEM and/or SBD (whichever is paid out at the time) to @phctop3 with a link to your blog post entry in the transfer memo. This is the minimum entry fee, but you can add as much as you like to it! The more you add, the more you can win.There is no maximum entry fee.

Not sure how to find your post payout? Look in your Steem Wallet under Author Rewards to find the exact payout for your post. In the example below you would send the 0.014 SBD and 6.587 STEEM over to the @phctop3 account as your entry fee. We’ll take it from there and convert all of the prize pool to SBD for easy prize distribution at the end of the month!



You brought a cool mix of choices to the contest! I think quite a few people will enjoy these if they haven't seen them before. We all continue to grow our Netflix queue each month when the contestants bring such great options to light. Good luck in the dpoll!


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We have launched the dpoll and here is the link: dpoll

Don’t forget to vote and tell your friends too. Best of luck.

The PHC Top 3 Team

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