Dreams Come True : A @xpilar & Mariannewest Entry

in #creativecoin5 years ago

Speaking of intergalactic journey across planets, the technical skills of Damian can't ever be overemphasized, his acute knowledge of how the dimensions works and how they can be manoeuvred to go through the shortest distant in reaching a goal has made him one of the best pilot in East Nebula XVII.


That wasn't all, many were forced to think of him as an intergalactic boy, a name generally given to guys who trained in the International Space Agency. But that's not true, in fact, our little genius pilot was self trained. Many wouldn't even dare ask him what was his motive, what could actually boy of this age be looking for across galaxies. Damian didn't care to tell anyone too.

His friends aren't many, just a handful. With Tom topping the list, he doesn't have anything sensible to ask of Damian but relationship, sex and women. Always asking Damian about this girl and that girl. Of which he also has found a generic answer to them all with a serious face he'll say "Yes. She is a friend. Well, she was one until recently..."

Going through time too is starting to have an effect on this star boy, a citizen of Eagenee has once asked him when he will get settled or retired from active service. The woman so old despite being in her early twenties by earth time but presently living in a world whose time is eight time faster than us. Causing body regeneration faster.

"Month by month, your calendar is a vivid reminder of all that ... means to you..." she always reminds me, but Damian would never care to bulge nor get entangled by the old lady's concern. For his concern far exceed her thoughts.

Touring through the cores of the whole world and finding nothing to satisfy his soul. Damian one day finally accessed himself and camr to the conclusion that he is done with flying everywhere. Since what was lost in his life couldn't be found, he has accepted fate.

Siting on the balcony that day, staring at the news from Saturn of some uprising, he dared to look up, and there was his heart yearning, standing right in front of him. His phone dropped.

The above story is an entry into @xpilar
writing challenge 👇
and @Mariannewest weekend freewrite


Sometimes I feel as Damian in that I am not yet doing that which would mean most to me. I am headed in the right direction, though, and change will soon come.

Waoh, am so happy that you can connect with the story.

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