I am enjoying the poetry contests here, Could you add your creative thoughts? I won SBD :)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #creative-writing6 years ago (edited)

Thankyou to @hartfloe for holding regular poetry contests and giving us minnows a chance to express ourselves.

The Steem blockchain is becoming a place offering the chance for the creative to express themselves, find a voice and interact with others who share common interests and passions.

If you want to get involved, search contest entries under art, writing, poetry whatever it is that would be all the richer for your input. I would be happy to share my first winning entry with you below.

This poem is all the more special to me now after I heard it read in a live discord poetry lesson through steem schools by the truly amazing @d-pend Talk about talented Wow! He made my little poem sound like the words were spun from pure gold.


An ethereal light dances in the periphery of my vision
what can it be, I wonder, but can form no real decision
Is this the moment told to me, by an angel in the past?
Could it be I'm homeward bound and out of pain at last?

Am I prepared to journey back to the place from whence we hail?
When, once, to cling onto my life, I'd have fought with tooth and nail
But now I'm so much older, I'm weaker now you see
A life lived well behind me, leaves me eager and ready

I'm coming home my Darling, I will see you once again
The years have made me love you more, but always I had pain
Our happy life together, by one shot, it was cut short
But now the time will soon be here, again, you'll be my port.

Its not like how they tell you, 'bout life flashing by your eyes
All I see are the happy times, and each one draws more sighs
For the hours almost here now, rapt anticipation grows
A wondrous sound beside me and a soothing golden glow

My ailments forgotten my rapture is here, I notice, not, the pain
A majestic harps crescendo, like sunshine after rain
The site before my eyes, I can't believe it's true
I am being led back home by YOU

Steemit has given me some great opportunities to try out my writing skills lately.

I have been joining regular contests and if you have an interest in writing...Try it too, you can get some recognition, critique and you may even make some SBD along the way!

Images from the AWESOMETASTICAL Pixabay.


Wow. I didn't know @hartfloe had poetry contests going on. I'm going to have to get in on that action.

But now the time will soon be here, again, you'll be my port.

This is my favorite line, something about the image of a ship coming in to port and it's correspondence to finding yourself at home in a Lover's embrace.

It is always such a thrill to know somebody has read a piece of mine...

...And we all know that eyes don't come by too often when we are still sharkbait minnows, but to receive such an amazing, thought out comment is fan-bloody-tastic so thankYOU very much, it makes it all the more sweet that it has come from such an accomplished, well respected wordsmith such as yourself!

Your comment and time are more than appreciated.

To the journey :)

Sharkbait for sure. Lol. 😎 Looking at your comment it looks like you're learning some nuts and bolts. I like how you struck through the word sharkbait. I'll have to figure that one out.

Yup the phrase popped into my head and I thought the best way to catch it in text was to use a strike-through...When I tell you it took an hour, trust me, this is as technical as you will ever see me, I almost retired from the block-chain on a high after my epic accomplishment.

And it was as simple as using two tildes around the word (WTH! Is a tilde? Was my first reaction...)

Using ~~ tildes around the words ~~ but without the space before and after the word gave me the fabulous effect of

Sharkbait...ECSTATIC WIN!

Thankyou so much for the comment, it means more than you can imagine.

Nice, thank you for this tidbit of wisdom. Oh yeah, I don't know if you know this but your featured in my most recent poem.

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