in LOGICZOMBIE5 years ago

Authoritarians everywhere are squealing with glee.


But today and for some unspecified amount of time, everyone is mostly voluntarily self-quarantining and social-distancing themselves into a tizzy to "protect the elderly".

ANY "global threat" is the perfect argument to dismantle "free-market-solutions".

ANY "global threat" is the perfect argument that we all NEED a 1984 Big Brother style government.

ANY "global threat" is the perfect argument that we all NEED "publicly funded healthcare-for-all".

ANY "global threat" is the perfect argument that we all NEED "universal-basic-income".

I have a hunch that someone has developed a new class of quantum-super-computer and hyper-intelligent-AI.

And they've been itching to pull the trigger on their "cashless society" plans for a while now.

You might want to swing by your bank's ATM today before 5pm, because you might not get another chance for some unspecified amount of time.

You might think I'm insane, until you look out your window and see the national guard patrolling your streets.

It's IMPOSSIBLE to organize any sort of "resistance" when you're under curfew and aren't allowed to gather in groups larger than whatever arbitrary size the government specifies.

It's IMPOSSIBLE to organize any sort of "resistance" when you're deathly afraid of your friends and neighbors and the kid at the grocery store check-out.


And they've managed to use FEAR OF THE COMMON COLD to hypnotize the planet into submissive "lay on the ground and place your hands over your head" submission.

If my account suddenly goes dark, you'll all know what happened.


Click to watch 1 and a half minutes,

ANY "global threat" (climate change/human extinction) is the perfect argument that we all NEED a 1984 Big Brother style government.

Perhaps anarchy already exists and "THE COMMUNITY" is merely the highest manifestation of organized crime. – special thanks to @thoughts-in-time



Your scathing critique is requested.


.....are you manipulating me and planting seeds of This whole virus things sure does get one's head spinning in regards to what is at play here. You really want to be convinced it's a virus and this too shall pass. Then on the other hand when I see them playing good cop bad cop with this chloroquine this morning during the news conference it really makes me wonder. We have a drug that's been around for fifty years and has shown to be a safe drug to use, use to be sold over the counter here, is still sold over the counter in many countries, and Laura Ingraham has no problem getting it prescribed to her anytime she wants to take a long plane wide somewhere that our government stands up their and let's this fauci doctor tell us we have to wait for studies in a time of urgent need. The president stands there and says I am fine with it being release while Fauci stands there and says he's not. Then when a reporter gets up in their faces about it Trump accuses them of causing fear....well the fear is the fact that this drug has a very proven track record and for some reason you feel compelled like you have with everything else and grab up three million of them all while telling us we can't have access to it. Yet world renown specialist, of which Fauci isn't in that group, say all the US has to do is follow already established guidelines being used in France, China and South Korea. One specialist has already done a small but peer reviewed study that show the med cured those inflicted with the virus and that with those more severely inflicted (but not near death) that chloroquine with a commonly use antibiotic cured the rest. It's related product called hydroxychloroquine showed in the same study that it works as a prophylactic. It would seem to me that letting doctors prescribe this in area's highly inflicted to keep down the number of infections is a better strategy than hoarding the medicine and letting hospitals become overwhelm and people left to die.

Step 1,

Manufacture a Global Crisis

Step 2,

Consolidate Power (change the rules)

Step 3,


 5 years ago (edited)

The powers that be already own the means of creating legal tender through the Reserve Banking System.
Everything else is about keeping themselves in that position.

The next level down want profit, its only one of the means used to maintain control. Those who are materially independent are drawn into submission with unspeakable violent delights or just cut down.

You are correct, the "true owners" don't give a rip about "money".

But they love to "throw their weight around" every once in a while in order to increase their stranglehold on power and shower their sycophants with the tiny pieces of paper they love so much.

 5 years ago (edited)

It should also help to keep couples inside. :)

Baby boom explosion when it's all over. lol. For me the reality is my dog, two cats and an aquarium with a cat fish, frog, algae eater and three blue grourmi. I was still watching a couple grand kids since school was cancelled but one developed symptoms of a cold so they told mom she could work from home on her computer until they can determine whether he has a cold or what. He spent the day outside with dad yesterday quite a bit cleaning up the yard so maybe it's a bit of a allergy thing. I haven't seen my other grand kids in almost two weeks, their mom is scared to death to let them out of the house.

Thanks for the amazing info!

in france a few days ago, before the italian number started to shock them, they pushed non stop the eu new competence on health. right now it's a national state competence, but all the agents of sorros and eu (to then merge it in the un) were before the lense to promote their new take over of power... more money for them = more cayenne = more cock suckers... so logic for them, what ever they can take, they will... and the best all their tax looted as salary, is tax free for them :).

we pay them to enslave us... and to propagandate us how great and indispensable they are... most boomers had it to good by design to understand (candie to trick).


forget "domestic" resistance... its' way smarter to move to the "other side" and there will be many...

ex : the chinese will not let foreigners rule them (specially the western globalized child raping cleptocratic class who started war against them 400+ years ago)

islam... it may seem divided, but ruled by kuffar eating porks? same for the little guys in their sand box

hiiiinnnnddddiiiiaaaaa? good luck ruling it :)

there are a lot of serious people capable of providing AIR SUPERIORITY or at least DENIABLITY to the western globalized child raping cleptocratic forces (nato, cia, dod etc).

on their turf you are useless... on the other side, you get true warfare and the opportunity of positive asymetry... the frontlines of pla aren't "medics"... hehehe and everyone knows it.


Amazing. Thanks for the link.

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Also, keep an eye out for some sweeping legislation (patriot act style) to be passed before the end of the year. The Authoritarians know they must "strike while the iron's hot" and they won't let this golden opportunity to consolidate power pass them by.

 5 years ago 

I am sorry to say that the fear is there. And it is spreading. We may be feeling secure and objective but I really think fear will kill people.

Who cares! There is a lot of posturing and earnestness but if you see- the top ten or twenty people in the world should be coordinating and they are definitely not!

Govts are dithering and pharmas are proclaiming that the cure may be around the corner.

I have never seen a world more confused and cowed down before.

the top ten or twenty people in the world should be coordinating and they are definitely not!

Well, there's certainly an "upper echelon" who dumped their hotel stocks and loaded up on VPN shares 3 months ago!

I have never seen a world more confused and cowed down before.

100% this.

 5 years ago 

Shortage of Medicines
Shortage of Doctors and support staff
Shortage of foodstuff
Shortage of toiletries
Shortage of Leadership
Shortage of co-ordinated research
Shortage of clear long term planning by administrations - of countries, states and counties
Shortage of common sense
Shortage of Patience and necessary discipline

Shortage of [TRANSPARENT] clear long term planning by administrations - of countries, states and counties

I have a feeling "everything is going according to plan", but it's more of one of those "noble lie" plans, like the one hatched by Adrian Veidt in "The Watchmen" (and probably not one quite as idealistic).


This is absolutely fantastic short explanation of this scam, @logiczombie.

Thanks for the note.

If nothing else, I certainly love to "get straight to the point".

Also, feel free to copy and or claim any text (or images) I produce as you see fit (even without attribution).

All my work is free-to-use, as specified under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) framework.

Thank you very much, @logiczombie, but I will never take anything without asking you, despite your free-to-use license. And will always credit when I cite you or take your pic. And I am very glad I met you here :)

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find the critical logical errors and conflicts within the Holacracy Constitution,

Click to watch full analysis, especially the Q&A session,

Also, I bet a lot of people wish they'd converted to Mormonism right now.

Click to watch 14 minutes,

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