Grow your steem power with the "Steem Power Mining Pool"... by Craig Grant

in #craigrant8 years ago (edited)

Support your self and others by using the "craigrant" tag on your blog posts. Reap the benefits of interacting with a community of bloggers who support each other, and grow your steem power by upvoting and commenting on the blog posts that use the tag.

This list shows some of the steem power holders who support the craigrant tag. You don't have to be on the list to benefit, anyone who uses the craigrant tag is swimming in the pool. If you have more than 4000 SP and would like to be on this list, let me know in a comment :)

Steem Power Mining Pool
19000 SP = @kevinwong
17000 SP = @craig-grant
14000 SP = @juneaugoldbuyer
15000 SP = @blakemiles84
12000 SP = @bobbylee
5600 SP = @paco
5500 SP = @crypt0
4000 SP = @trevonjb
1300 SP = @yuliana
1100 SP = @thecryptofiend
1000 SP = @chriscrypto
1000 SP = @jonnyrevolution
700 SP = @brianphobos

craigrant/new ---- #craigrant

and a cool picture..

be free and HAVE FUN :)


Add me to that list! @craig-grant

thank you very much for the support, you are on the list :)

I just printed off the new list and going to spread some more love! I'm at the bottom of the list and need to keep hustling my way up!

dont focus on the list so much, it's just for show, the names on the list dont matter, only the amount of steem power they carry, it's not a popularity contest, it's all about steem power

Hey man! Add me up too! :D

Finally, a blogger with more steem power than me in the pool, This is GREAT!.. thank you very much for the support, and upvote your own comment so this moves to the top :)

Been watching your youtube ever since you came on Steemit :) Free & easy. Good vibes brother!

Yes...the #craigrant & #truecrypto tags are becoming an awesome homepage for me.

P.S. - Craig, I've just moved up to 1,100 SP.

Thanks, @craig-grant . I see some names in there that I recognize.
And that's something I'm noticing is become a very important part of Steemit.


If it's happening, it's because you're being active in the community.
And just as with any community, the more active you are, the more benefits that will naturally come your way because you're active, which I think is a great thing about this place.
If you're trying to be a one-hit wonder here, you came here for the wrong reason.

Expect to see a lot more of this tag from me. ;-)

Nice to see you on here. Welcome. I am familiar with your useful posts already:)

For sure. I've seen you around as well. In fact I believe we've traded words a couple of times. :)

Good to see I'm in the list and with my new fund fortune from ETC i’ll have a bit more Steem power :)

Hey Craig. To be clear, the idea is that we put this tag on our posts and look through the tag to find interesting content, but of course nobody is obligated to vote - it's just a different way to discover content, perhaps helping us avoid spam a little bit too.

Sounds good to me, count me in.

YES :)

Cool List. Cool Pic. Cool Guy. You keep rockin it and encouraging the community to grow. Super Star Steem Status Achieved.

@tomkirkham - how about adding me?

ok, thank you for the support, I will add you when I update the list in my next blog post

feels good , peace!

Really solid idea that will keep people from feeling down if they don't get the amount of upvotes they thought they deserved. This ensures that someone out there is always supporting them. My latest:

This is the sort of thing I have been looking for. I will definitely be participating from now on even though my SP is on the lower side compared to the "list". I will get there one day.

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