Dolphins & New Whales Are Trying To Steal Your content

in #craigrant8 years ago

Hi guys, I was reading some posts on steemit and I was surprised by someone telling people to Send their content to dolphins and new whales to post in their name and give 50% of SBD, I know people are amazing some time but I believe that steemit make them crazy.

Succeed or die trying:

Since days I don't want to post articles any more, I was just looking around commenting some good content, up-voting and making some friends (I believe in friendship every where), I was disappointed because my posts was ignored and I'm highly sensitive person, any way I decide to write a post only when I feel better.

Today I was surprised by 2 posts the first one was creative I love it, the guy propose a wonderful design for steemit, this is the post : , this guy make 7 posts only in design 6 posts with some pennies, he did not give up and try and try again the last post BOOM, here is the proof:

                                                                             NEVER GIVE UP

No Ideas to write about any more after introduce your self and thank you whales:

Some guys think that blogging is easy and simple, they think that's articles are just some words to write that's all and they are wrong, you know why because you should have ideas to write about, ask writers if you know some one they spend days thinking about some ideas to write, they never can write a word with an empty mind.

This guys who ask you for your posts and ideas they have empty minds, they have no ideas any more to write and I know this day will come, they want to steal yours, they are thieves and they want to steal you work, your ideas and your mind, even they will give 50% of SBD , they want only money from steemit , they never build a back-link like pro blogger do, they never want the success of steemit they think only about money, try to comment on their posts they never up-vote your comment if they do by mistake they un-vote after couple hours, I swear every word I said happen to me on steemit, I'm not angry I'm just telling the truth and of course I will never give the names of this guys but you can verify what I'm saying by seeing the history on, I know they will hate me because of this and they will never up-voted but the truth must be told.

Precious Gems are always buried Deep in the stones:

Guys trust me if you look for ideas to write about you will find it just look deep in your mind, good ideas are like gems we never find gems easily they are buried deep in the stones, you have to find them just think about you are doing more good than others, may be you are good at cars write about cars and innovations, may be you are good with plants write about flowers and trees, may be you are good with pets write about your dog or your cat there is always fans of what you love and you can do better than others be patient and you will succeed.

I want to share with you some thing, English is my third language and my English is poor I think you know about that before I tell you, I live in poor country in Africa called Tunisia, I can't spend more than 2$ per day, I'm divorced, I'm 38 years old and live with my family, all of this and I didn't give up, I will try 1000 time until  I succeed so don't tell me you have a bad situation.

Les Brown change my life with this words: 

 Whats the secret to YOUR success?
Focus and determination... You first have to have the desire to succeed, something to focus on, like your dreams and goals..
This becomes your focus, it is something that can not live without
accomplishing, you have to have it!!Next you need to have the determination, that you will reach your dreams and goals no matter what, when obstacles get in you way, you have to be
determined to move past them..
There are always roadblocks in our way, success is determined by how you handle these roadblocks,
do you let them get in your way or do you find your way around them?
When you have these two things, there is nothing that will stop you. One of the greatest books I ever read was by Napolean Hill "Think And Grow Rich" It changed by whole way of thinking, and Napolean Hill was not just talking about money he talked about getting rich in all aspects of your life..It leads to my favorite saying by Les Brown
"What Ever The Mind Can Conceive And Believe It
Can Achieve!" 
                                                                                                                                                        Les Brown 


It's you choice to succeed, that all I can say for you.

 #TrevonJB  #CraigRant #wealth #steemit #money


#craigrant is a thing now? What about #thedashguy??

I need support from all friends to make this thieves stealing other's ideas , thank you for the comment

I hear your voice
I follow you as you follow me 🙂

homie busted out with #LesBrown knowledge.. nice, upvote earned #knowledgeispower

I keep trying to tell people even if 99 posts make nothing you only need one to be successful :D

Exactly thank you for your comment bro :)

cool, but honestly what you fail to see is that many of the people who are getting upvoted are in the slack group or close to the people who mined in the very beginning.

when they get upvoted by a whale and consistently so, it becomes worthwhile to give them our content because otherwise we get 49 votes like you have but only 87 cents....

good luck getting a whale to vote this saying "the emperor wears no clothes"... :/

I respect your opinion bro , thank you for your comment

I have the opposite problem. I've got a ton of stuff to write about and struggle for time with the full time job and side gigs and saving the world. Not everyone can have a glamorous life or huge world changing ideas, but I think you are right, we all have stories in us if we are honest with each other and ourselves and dig deep.

the most kind comment that i have receive today, thank so much

Nicely written ben99. I love this phrase 'good ideas are like gems we never find gems easily they are buried deep in the stones' , very inspiring.

I'm so happy for hearing that , thank you for your comment

Thanks for this blog, very helpful and informative.

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