Lockdown extended in Vietnam and more regulations introduced.

in #covid3 years ago

After a year of experiencing very little in the way of restrictions that it seems most of the rest of the world was experiencing, Vietnam recently had a reemergence of Covid cases that 2 weeks ago resulted in the lockdown of certain parts of the country. I cannot speak on behalf of the other parts of this country, but where I live in Da Nang and also where some friends of mine reside in both Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, the lockdowns are in full effect.


It all started for us in Da Nang around 16 days ago when a single solitary case was found in a man that checked himself into hospital by his own decision. After following his trail of where he had been in the past few days a few more cases were found and the choice was made by the powers that be that the entire city was going to go into lockdown again.

Unlike the rest of the world (or at least most of it) the restrictions have been very mild here and I guess, upon reflection, we kind of had it coming. We all know this virus is easily transmitted and even though most people have very little if any reaction to it, the ability for the virus to spread quickly and in a widespread fashion is well-documented - or at least from what the official sources say, that is what we have been told.

Certain parts of the city were immediately quarantined and just like when this happened last time, certain businesses were shut down. Initially it was bars, massage parlors, and snooker halls, but just a few days later this extended to all restaurants as well. Since then we have been on a take-out and delivery basis only for all restaurants.

Today is Monday in my part of the world, and it was the 2-week point after the cases were discovered. There have been no additional individuals that have tested positive for Covid since then so those of us that live here we were hopeful that the restrictions which include what I already mentioned as well as the closing of public spaces such as parks and the beach areas, would be phased back a bit but instead we woke up today with this notification.

WhatsApp Image 2021-05-17 at 00.29.21.jpeg

In the event that you don't know what Grab is, it is a major transportation company that is like Uber and also is involved in the transport of other goods and also delivery for restaurants. As of this morning, Monday the 17th of May, all Grab services and other taxis are completely shut down as was the rest of all public transport. It is rumored but not yet confirmed by any sort of official source that these services will remain shut down until all the people involved in it can be tested and confirmed negative for Covid.


One part of me appreciates the diligence of the authorities here as far as all of this is concerned and the other part of me feels as though they might be taking things a bit too far. There have been ZERO new cases in Da Nang despite widespread testing and I feel as though they are over-reacting. At the same time I am not going to protest because as I have mentioned many times before, the Vietnamese government has been extremely accommodating as far as the life of an expat is concerned. I am already many months over on my initial one-year visa and I have not been hassled about this at all, nor have I been forced, or even encouraged to leave because I am not a Vietnamese citizen.

In the meantime we have to get takeaway food by walking or biking to the place that sells it or you know, you could always get reacquainted with your own kitchen and cook for yourself like a real grown-up.

I have been a bit arrogant in the past about how when "all of you" were locked down we were free to roam about as if nothing had ever happened to the world and now I am starting to see the reverse happen and I will take this one as it comes. I will just trust the authorities know what they are doing, not because I actually believe that, but because I am a guest here and my opinion really doesn't matter.

So at least for now it looks like we are going to get at least another week of limited travel, masks all the time, and closed public spaces. Perhaps it is time for me to work on learning the language from Duo-Lingo or something along those lines.

I hope that those of you not in Vietnam are starting to see some easing in restrictions in your own countries perhaps on the level that I have been experiencing for the past year.


Hopefully things get 100 percent under control and things go back to normal in your neck of the woods quickly, man. I'm glad things are easing up here, though I won't be going around hugging people or hitting the movie theaters anytime soon.

didn't you get both of the shots? How'd that work out for you? Did you grow any new appendages and if so, I hope they are at least useful.

I did, the first shot ended up being more rough than the second for me. I still got ill from the second, but it was for a much shorter period of time. I would assume the reason I got so sick on the first dose was because I had covid previously, from what healthcare workers have told me.

I definitely feel more at ease after getting them, but, still taking precautions because I have a family member with a compromised immune system. Plus, I'm pretty fucked up myself apparently with all the shit I've been diagnosed with recently. Just got tested to see if I have POTS (Which I do), and now I have to get an MRI done here in a few weeks to see if something is wrong with my brain due to a sudden onset of weird symptoms and pain I've been having. It's gooood times here, mannnnn.

I had to look up what POTS is, I had never heard of it. Damn dude, you are in pretty rough shape. I like how positive and humorous you remain even though out of all of my digital buddies, you probably have a higher level of shit you could be complaining about, but you don't.

Gotta cope somehow, what better way than to just constantly talk about dildos, slapping ass and how 2002 Kids Bop was nothing but absolute bangers.

I look at it this way, I'm not having the best time at all. But, there are also a lot of people who have it much worse than I, and I can either just go with the flow, or waste my time losing my shit over stuff that I no longer have mostly any control over for the rest of my life. It sucks, but it is what it is.

That's a good way to look at life... for sure.

Exactly. Imagine how much more boring the blockchain would be if I just decided to snort bath salts and come up with some ingenious way to decapitate myself in front of school children, to scar them for eternity.

My opinion is the same as when he discovered those boxes announcing what was to come, if the restrictions are intended to save lives then welcome, sometimes it is good to exaggerate a little when what is at risk is so important.

I would very much like to see soon an article where the existing cases have been controlled and you can go back to enjoying the freedom you had before, in the meantime be very careful.

In my country they apply a blockade a bit strange, 7 days you have complete freedom to go wherever you want (not very far because of the current shortage of gasoline), then 7 days of total blockade. I do not understand this logic but it is the one they apply and of course it has not worked because COVI is there all the time. So there are a lot of dead people as a result.