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RE: Lockdown extended in Vietnam and more regulations introduced.

in #covid3 years ago

Hopefully things get 100 percent under control and things go back to normal in your neck of the woods quickly, man. I'm glad things are easing up here, though I won't be going around hugging people or hitting the movie theaters anytime soon.


didn't you get both of the shots? How'd that work out for you? Did you grow any new appendages and if so, I hope they are at least useful.

I did, the first shot ended up being more rough than the second for me. I still got ill from the second, but it was for a much shorter period of time. I would assume the reason I got so sick on the first dose was because I had covid previously, from what healthcare workers have told me.

I definitely feel more at ease after getting them, but, still taking precautions because I have a family member with a compromised immune system. Plus, I'm pretty fucked up myself apparently with all the shit I've been diagnosed with recently. Just got tested to see if I have POTS (Which I do), and now I have to get an MRI done here in a few weeks to see if something is wrong with my brain due to a sudden onset of weird symptoms and pain I've been having. It's gooood times here, mannnnn.

I had to look up what POTS is, I had never heard of it. Damn dude, you are in pretty rough shape. I like how positive and humorous you remain even though out of all of my digital buddies, you probably have a higher level of shit you could be complaining about, but you don't.

Gotta cope somehow, what better way than to just constantly talk about dildos, slapping ass and how 2002 Kids Bop was nothing but absolute bangers.

I look at it this way, I'm not having the best time at all. But, there are also a lot of people who have it much worse than I, and I can either just go with the flow, or waste my time losing my shit over stuff that I no longer have mostly any control over for the rest of my life. It sucks, but it is what it is.

That's a good way to look at life... for sure.

Exactly. Imagine how much more boring the blockchain would be if I just decided to snort bath salts and come up with some ingenious way to decapitate myself in front of school children, to scar them for eternity.

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