Are we not smart enough to develop an automatic royalty system that comes out of Steem and bring Cosplaying Instagram models to Steepshot, and have competitive game tournaments to win dates with them?

in #cosplay6 years ago

Are we not smart enough to ALL start using instagram the way I do to promote steem and try and harpoon different attention whales, aka hot IG thots? is my Instagram an its basically only used to promote steem and flex with valuables to PROVE t o the world steem is not just a scam like most other crypto currencies like Ethereum. Its sad how pathetic steemit inc has become but the steem blockchain will rise like a pheonix, but only if the MALES on this chain start waking up and going after the girls who have the hundreds of thousands or millions of followers. The women of Instagram who get all the traffic are the ONLY thing we need

Some might sit here and think I am somehow being sleazy trying to be a heterosexual male going after women, oh how dare I excersize by biological right to grab actual attention for steem. ya know the amount of mediocrity in steem these days is just eye watering, its painul to see how cuckish and beta male steem is, there are absolutely no alpha males left here except for me! I am the only one who strives and steem has weighed me down and tried to drah me down to the beta cuck level of 4chan so many steemians are wrapped up in. All i hear on steem is this sort of nasty sort of self destructive WICKNESS where the MALES are ignoring the females and becoming gay nazi robot grey aliens troglodytes and I refuse to hibernate into your disgusting world of eternal nerddom. Go out into the world like I am and try acquiring friendships with women on instagram who have MILLIONS of followers, like vikingbarbie on instagram, she has over 1 million followers, thats 10 TIMES the amount of the aprox 100k human users on steem! (Yes I know there is this lie of 1 million "accounts" which means nothing but Steemit Inc has completely failed in succesfully allocating accounts, i mean even coinbase was able to do that and EOS is going to completely eat our lunch if we cannot attract females

ALl of crypto has a sausage party problem of too many males, and you cannot just have this hivemind of all men and no women, we have to slow down and have more fun and make our lives LESS NERDY and be More of a jock, find outdoor sports that are actually fun, not just football that women may not always be into, you have to actually do things women like, you all have to try harder. If we are ever to lead the weaponized autists of 4chan, we will ALL have to come oyt of our turtle shells an stop beiing internet addicts

One thing that is NOT helping is the marathon discord death spiral of 24 hour waste of time discord channels where there is no privacy, users are hacked and have no private messages all conversations are spied on and there is no honor. We live in a world of information compartmentalization because (((those))) with money decided NOT to invest in Trump, in America, and so we are all being reformatted by the Military. We WILL learn to breed and provide children for the military industrial complex and steem WILL be exposed as the government project it is, because the public sector toxicity is killin our game. All the public sector ever does is come in and print money they send to their friends and then they pay people to pretend they are running businesses, and most of the small business in the USA and the world is now a fraud centrally funded from a faucet of federal reserve money printing, BUT WE CAN TURN THIS AROUND over NIGHT if we just accepted the fact that if you are POOR you must WORK. People like me who saved up enough crypto and who have good families are going to simply retire and relax and you all in developing countries are now up , its your turn to do ALL the work while we Americans get to sit and live off our good choices while we WONDER whythe rest of the world doesn get to work and SPECIALIZE

So there is a really sleazy website called returnofkings by some 4chan style writers trying to give advice on how to hook up with women, and I was going to post about how they are paying $10 worth of litecoin per article they approve, which is a great gig opportunity for some steem users in developing countries who are good at either getting laid or pretending to get laid and inspiring others to go on important breeding missions, and if you just repost a steem article you actually cannot loose because youll get paid on steem no matter if you get approved by

So I hope I can organize people here into an anime factory, create storyboards with @desmond41 and get some easy to use animation apps people can actually work on from their smartphones, we can just animate storyboards at first, release them as a series on steem and celebrate different steemians and then just go after all the attractive females on steem and instagram and start idolizing them like they do in Japan, creating "steem idols" where we can mix in video game competitions and setup the winners on dates with girls doing customized cosplay, turn this world into one large real life LARP MMORPG, and when we actually pay people to LARP and make it a fulltime job with custom clothes and storylines, we will create heroes better than any movie. The world will be like a real life Zelda or Pokemon game

If we cannot get these girls to join steem, we fail at life. And before you say "Ackkza why dont YOU go do that" well first of all I am, second of all its not my job to run around with no budget trying to do everyone elses job for them because they all dropped the marketing ball at steemit inc.... oh wait it IS my job, I am the shadow head of marketing for steemit inc and I am the shadow head of the CIA and have been tasked with decentralizing and downsizing the military industrial complex

So I just want to remind you all about the stats of steem

Dont forget about how my Memetic Vision Boards are the only things keeping us on a positive timeline

Its my job to SIMPLY make the mockups, i am NOT here to do all the leg work, thats up to YOU people. I ve DONE my work, I MAPPED the future, its now up to YOU to FIGHT for My future or at LEAST show something better! But no one can argue with my plan, we have NO other option but to DREAM BIG

if we accept mediocrity we die but if we work harder and realize we are like one Body of a Single Billionaire with the Steem Blockchain HIVEMIND, then we will wake up to our assisted telepathic destiny. In College i wrote about assisted telepathy and now we have it. Yee of little faith, why dont you al realize that I have nanotech enhancements? I have already been upgraded and I am just trying to assimilate to my own new brain speed. I naturally have a higher amount of dopamine than most people, a trait that literally keeps me extra happy like I get free drugs and which will be the most sought after genetic traiit in the future as we all review our own genetics on a DNA eugenics blockchain.

Another clip from Gattaca

The Biotech Blockchain is going to embody the Nazi Eugenics program, and since Nazis won world war 2 and project paper clip allowed Nazi eugenicists to take over, we should all just get ahead of the game and PROVE that we are genetically superior SIMPLY by having steem accounts! What else could be the ultimate test of intelligence? Anyone who waited until hard fork 20 to join steem basically lost the global end game extermination simulation, just try to be nice to each other while you rack each others necks.... This world is full of "Borrowed ladders" and if you do not have any crypto currency you will be kept from breeding

I expect people to start dropping like flies soon and I am not being dark, im being honest. There is a massive medical eugenics program that is artificially selecting humanity an MONEY is the only think that will allow you to breed soon. If you raise a child in the welfare system you will end up a neofuedal slave.


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