Over 2,000 Cases To Be Reviewed In Wake Of Police Abuse Scandal

in #corruption5 years ago (edited)

Prosecutors in Houston are expanding their investigation into past criminal cases involving at least 2 officers who worked for the city.

They will be looking at more than 2,000 cases after those officers were involved in a drug raid in January where two people lost their lives and 5 officers had been shot.

At least one of those officers is accused of lying to secure a search warrant that eventually led to the raid in January that cost two people their lives. That officer who has been accused of lying has already been relieved of duty. State authorities think that it could take more than a year for them to go through all of the cases that involved these two officers, to be sure that those arrests and convictions were proper.

It isn't clear whether or not there will be more cases reviewed either, they could still expand their search, especially if they include cases involving other individuals who were involved in that January raid.

When officers are untrustworthy, when they lie and abuse their position of authority, it brings the entire department into disrepute and as you can see it's extremely costly.

It's cheaper for the department to try and weed out these bad actors rather than ever seek to protect them, because of the liability that they pose and the danger that they present to the community.

Previously, the Houston Police Department Chief has admitted that one of their own (the officer who has been relived of duty) likely falsified a search warrant that was used in that January raid in southeast Houston. And this wasn't a rookie who lied because he didn't know what he was doing was wrong, it was a veteran officer working in the narcotics unit who should've known better.

According to an HPD internal investigation, that officer allegedly lied about using a confidential informant to conduct an undercover buy at the same residence where the raid took place.

"It's a serious crime when we prepare a document to go into somebody's home, into the sanctity that is somebody's home. It has to be truthful, it has to be honest, it has to be factual. We know already there's a crime that's been committed. There's high probability there will be a criminal charge." - HPD chief Art Acevedo

The incident prompted the HPD chief to call for an extensive audit, looking closely into the 170+ member narcotics division and the cases that those 2 officers had been involved in.

pic 1 - KERA news
pic 2 - pixabay

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  1. End the war on drugs
  2. End the extortion-funded police monopolies.
  3. End police personal immunity protections.

Innocent til proven guilty I suppose. Still, it is people and people are prone to take advantage of their situation and position for personal gain.

Imagine the salaries spent on the full time employees to review 2000 cases? Man what a waste.

Posted using Partiko iOS

innocent until trial by media (or alt media)😂👍

It certainly would be less expensive for the affected communities to weed out corrupt cops than to cover for them. That's why it's not often done. When corrupt cops prey on innocent civilians, money is made - that's what costs the communities money, somebody elses profit.

When cops are tools of profiteering criminal racketeers, it costs honest people money. That's why I'll be amazed if HPD does much about it. Stealing from honest people is what crooks do, and anyone that thinks crooks haven't been using LEAs to steal from honest people really hasn't thought about how to steal from honest people very hard.


Corruption is a huge problem here in South Africa, it is in Government, the police and almost everywhere. People are bribed to get Scott free when they are caught doing unlawful things as well as people take bribes to award tenders that are hugely overpriced, the entire country now has a bad reputation, their is however a big drive to eradicate all of the corruption, I hope they are successful!!

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