Why I am Upvoting @chainflix

in #copyright7 years ago (edited)



@chainflix is accused of Plagiarism, while guilty of Copyright Infringement

Plagiarism is a form of fraud, it lies to the audience about who deserves credit for work. Copyright infringement has no such fraud involved, and is an unjust law. It asserts that we are not allowed to copy information without the express permission of the original creator. It asserts ownership over information. We as a community should not be enforcing the state imposed concept of copyright onto members of the community. My upvotes are in defense of the right to share and copy information.

@chainflix is good for Steem

The core message and value of Blockchain is censorship resistance. Irremovable links on the blockchain to irremovable files on IPFS demonstrate a core use case of Steem, one which is valuable to millions of people around the world. We will have to fight this battle eventually, uncensorable streaming movies will bring literally millions of people to Steem, and help rally the public against censorship and for the tools that resist it.

Copyright was created to protect creators and ensure that they get rewarded for their work. Steem is already a better way to achieve that for creators, without having to impose upon the rights of the individual.


It is very true what you say @demotruk
I appreciate all public posting as long as it does not make cheats.
Thank you for reminding a million people. thank you

Hi @abudar, let me know if you don't want the Steem Power delegation to expire in the next couple of days.

Yes @demotruk
I plan to send more steam to get a delegate from you.
I really hope that and I am very happy to get the trust from you @demotruk
I would like to express my gratitude

Ok, unfortunately because my SP is now mostly delegated, I can only extend the current delegation. However it will be half the cost.

If you want to extend for 4 weeks, please transfer 58.5 Steem Power to 'demotruk' with this memo:


Ok in these few days i will send steem to you @demotruk
thank you

Hi @abudar, your delegation has expired now. I'll need that transfer soon or I'll have to cancel the current delegation.

I hope you don't mind me asking, do you run a shop? I think you might be the first business doing real world (not just on the internet) recurring custom with Steem and Steem Dollars.

Yes i am sorry, i just saw your comment @demotruk
Yes I run a business in the store and where I receive the payment of the price of goods with steam or SBD. I will continue the delegation from you.
And I have some steem for my transfer to your @demotruk account

Hi @abudar, delegation will be cancelled in the next hour.

@demotruk I've transfered 58,500 steam to your account to get a delegate. And I will wait for the delegation from you.
Thank you for your trust @demotruk

Hi @abudar. Unfortunately it will take me a week before I can delegate to you again. This is because the delegation expired, and when I remove a delegation the Steem Power does not return to me for a week. If you check my account balance, you can see that I do not have Steem Power available as a result.

I can give you a refund, or if you prefer we can wait a week and I'll delegate the Steem Power to you then. If you take a refund you'll be able to get Steem Power from www.minnowbooster.net much faster.

Yes, I will give the steam again
How much steem I transfer to your account @demotruk

Hi @abudar,

Tomorrow I will have 10,000 SP available. Do you want to do up to 100 Steem for 10,000 SP? (Or any amount less than that).

Hi @abudar, I have 10,000 Steem Power available now. Please let me know as soon as possible if you wish to lease again, as there are others who have requested it.

you make a valid case for keeping the movies on Dtube, but not for upvoting them.
I see no reason to upvote them as they are not his original work.

My upvotes are in defense of the right to share and copy information.

the right to share and copy information is still there even if you don't upvote.
Even if heavily downvoted the videos are still visible on Dtube.
upvotes are for rewards, and rewards should go to the content creator IMO.
any rewards given to pirated movies is less rewards available for original content, it drains the reward pool.

Also I believe it is naive to think the FBi won't be able to do anything about it. And when they do decide to crackdown on it I don't think it will be a great day for Steem.... although bad publicity is still publicity .

The purpose of votes in Steem is to determine who is contributing value to the network. As I argued in my post, sharing and making information available is a form of providing value.

I am also upvoting them to mitigate the damage of having their reputation unjustly destroyed.

surely the point of steemit is to promote and reward original quality content creators. posting other peoples work and expecting to get paid for doing so is not the idea. blockbuster movies are produced at great expense by hardworking people. why should the steem chain reward pirates who do nothing but copy/paste files and links? for sure you can share your movies with friends by inviting them round to watch them with you, or see movies for free with friends who have them, sharing is ok in that sense. but do you really want the steem reward pool raped by parasites who just post other peoples work in order to get some easy money?

the sort of people attracted by free pirate movies are probably not the sort of people who are going to invest in steem. they will do nothing to help the price of steem. this will just lead to pirates raping the reward pool, and cashing out all their ill gotten gains, which will be added selling pressure and only lower the price of steem. not to mention destroying any chance that steemit will get a reputation for providing quality content and being a good place to post your work...

surely the point of steemit is to promote and reward original quality content creators.

The point of Steem is to build a network of people who cooperate to provide value to each other. From that a more efficient and generally superior financial system emerges.

posting other peoples work and expecting to get paid for doing so is not the idea. blockbuster movies are produced at great expense by hardworking people. why should the steem chain reward pirates who do nothing but copy/paste files and links? for sure you can share your movies with friends by inviting them round to watch them with you, or see movies for free with friends who have them, sharing is ok in that sense. but do you really want the steem reward pool raped by parasites who just post other peoples work in order to get some easy money?

There is no raping or parasitism involved here. Those are inflammatory words that are used to make copying information sound like something really bad. Sharing information is a form of work. It can be rewarded by the community just like any other work, if they feel it provides value. Sharing movies with people who otherwise could not see them is a form of value to the community. I would prefer if the movie creators were rewarded directly on the network, and they would be if they joined.

the sort of people attracted by free pirate movies are probably not the sort of people who are going to invest in steem. they will do nothing to help the price of steem. this will just lead to pirates raping the reward pool, and cashing out all their ill gotten gains, which will be added selling pressure and only lower the price of steem. not to mention destroying any chance that steemit will get a reputation for providing quality content and being a good place to post your work...

I don't think any of this is substantiated. Nearly half the US population pirate movies, and those who pirate also spend more money on content legally.

i was introduced to steem by a friend who strongly recommended you @demotruk. he said you have been very helful with helping him develop original ideas and post. thats why i am very interested in steem, the arts, photography and news on cryptocurrency are a breath of fresh air. thanks

I agree that @chainflix is not plagiarising the films he is putting on Dtube. While your views on copyright have lots of merit,( information wants to be free). I don't think this is what he is doing also. He seems to be a Pirate. profiting from the works of others. I don't mind him or others file sharing and have watched many shared files in the past. If @chainflix was to refuse payout on his posts I think it would be OK. I also I think since 25% of the payout will go to the Dtubes hosters it will put them in danger, so it could open a big can of worms. If this is allowed to continue I fear that people will begin downloading popular videos from the site only to reupload and reap the rewards of the steem pool forever. It's a very complex situation.

I dont we should call pirate to someone that post movies online. Man there is no way moral or ethical to compare take a ship in the sea in a violent way with posting stuff online. We have to think about the meaning of the imposed language. Also I don't really now if steemit (dtube) is prepared to take the fbi. Surely they may come up infinite mirrors, but then you lose a lot of people

I understand what you mean. I should have said Digital Pirate. which is defined by the dictionary as
(digital piracy - Investment & Finance Definition. The illegal trade in software, videos, digital video devices (DVDs), and music. Piracy occurs when someone other than the copyright holder copies the product and resells it for a fraction of the cost that the legitimate producer charges.) which I think is what @chainflix is doing when he accepts steem rewards for posting movies

IPFS makes a point of not storing data that has not been requested explicitly by that IPFS node, so IPFS node operators might not carry the same plausible deniability that something like FreeNet carries. As a brief example, I'll show you how to get IP addresses of IPFS nodes serving particular content. There's a ton investigators can do once they have IP addresses.

Here's the IPFS hash for the poster of a particular movie put on DTube: Qmb4zt1i3dxQMbpYprdeMqZeLoT6r64gcMmUHhV9D7AQVY
I'm not going to link to the video stream itself - that's an exercise for the reader, but the priciples are the same.

Here's how to find a list of nodes hosting it:
ipfs dht findprovs Qmb4zt1i3dxQMbpYprdeMqZeLoT6r64gcMmUHhV9D7AQVY

Then, from that list we can get IPs for the nodes serving that content:
ipfs dht findpeer [nodehash]

There's some other things about the way IPFS and DTube are built that make finding viewers and content hosts much easier than torrents too. If I could figure this out in a few minutes, you can bet some investigators can too.

It seems to me to be a victimless crime. The latest blockbusters have been available free for years on such sites as Let Me Watch with little effect on box office receipts worldwide.
Should we be concerned though about incurring the wrath of the great Hollywood machine?

It's about time we see how well blockchain systems can stand up to attacks from incumbent industry and the state.

How should digital artists make money of their work when everybody copies it without the artist being paid for it?

Steem is a pretty good example of how we can provide value to creators...

The existence of copying did not stop Netflix from coming to be, nor did it stop Steem which also serves as revenue for creators.

Netflix pays the content owners, please do not forget that. As Spotify and all other music streaming services do. What is happening with chainflix in essence I dont mind copyright material to be shared and even making money of it. What I find scary are the Hollywood Blockbuster and how well Steemit Posts are on Google Search. Hollywood os very powerful, and they can make or break services. And that is what we do not want with Steem and Steemit and DTube, right? We do not want those powers to come after us, left or right. Wrt artists, eg music artists I have to opinion they shall make their money with performances; In large part of the electronic industry releases are more to promote themselves to promoters as well as to keep engagement with their fans; Sharing and eaning little money for the sharing of productions by such artists I'm very much ok with since it gives more free publicity to the artists. Doing the same with Michael Jackson and Madonna tracks, may be a little less wise to do, but also with such artists I dont think and service hosting such shares, will get strong forces coming after them since he music industry is not fierce at all in this. But Hollywood IS! For how ling, that is the question, but currently they getting even more fierce than ever before.

Netflix pays the content owners

Indeed, this is despite the widespread accessibility of content online and common use of piracy. Even pirates use Netflix, paying content creators. They do it voluntarily.

Let Hollywood try and fight us. We will have to fight the financial industry too, which is so much more powerful than Hollywood. Might as well get started. Anti-fragility only develops when we experience stress.

I figure you might want to delay the fight with big copyright until DTube and Steem are hardened. Right now, Dtube is a single point of failure. Ipfsstore.it is a single point of failure. ipfs.io is another weak point. There's things on the ipfs that will be less breakable, but not right now.

It's only under the stress of attack that we are likely to change and become hardened to it. Perhaps Hollywood is too big to invite to attack us early, but I do think it is better to experience the initiation of legal attacks sooner rather than later.

I also think that one of the best ways to resist attack is to be ubiquitous. If disabling the Steem Blockchain or IPFS content hosts was akin to disabling Facebook or Twitter, there would be mass uproar as it impacts so many people directly.

I have nothing more to add. See you around.

I understand were you coming from. No change without fight. But are we ready for the fight? I would have waited for a bit, let the decntralised platforms become stringer than they are now with lesser provocative content. And then take on the fight, or maybe as an interim, invite the content owners to start publishing on these channels, with a cool service around it for them for which they pay dearly! I beleive in connecting to old industry with the new services and technologies by building big bridges, and those bridges will be paid for by the commercial old industry. At some point in time when the old industry is moved more and more across the bridge, I think the time is ripe to accelerate the walk across the bridge for all these businesses (and consumers) to enter the new world.

I guess that is a fundamental reason some people joined steemit. To battle censorship and not be beaten down by the elites @demotruk
It is weird how people are passing this guy off for 'plagiarism'

Strongly agree with your viewpoint! Thanks for sharing such useful information!


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