Beetroot Dreaming: Out, Damned Spot! - Plus, 3 Beetroot RecipessteemCreated with Sketch.

in #cooking6 years ago

What, will these hands ne'ver be clean? So said Lady Macbeth as she scrubbed her hands obsessively after pulling a ton of beetroot from the garden and washed them. So said she too as she bit into an Australian salad sandwich and spilt canned beetroot juice down her inappropriately innocent white top, and whilst she tried to keep up appearances, worried about whether the damned beetroot scent from straining the can in the sink would ever be sweetened by the perfumes of Arabia, or would forever smell like white vinegar.

Gawd I love her. I am reminded of her naive anticipation of power yet inability to cope with the repercussions of her ruthless cruelty whenever I do a beetroot harvest.

Beetroot seems to me so interminably Australian, possibly because my husband was as horrified as Macduff discovering Duncan's blood laced corpse on the morning after the storm that us Aussies put beetroot in burgers (what's a burger with the lot? he asked) and salad sangas and everything in between. When I lived in the UK, I couldn't find beetroot for love nor money, so I bought some seeds, tenderly raised them and placed them in the cold ground and waited, and waited, and waited - until Rita, the fat pig (literally a pig), stole out of her enclosure across the road and happily snuffled through all of them just at harvest time. So upset I was that the owner of said pig gave me 50 quid, far more than what the beetroot was actually worth in fiat, but far less than it was worth in my heart. I was dreaming of grated beetroot in salads, earthy and delicious, and beetroot leaf spanokopita, and it was cruelly ripped from me like Macduff was untimely ripped from his mother's womb.

However, safely back in Australia where everyone, including pigs, seem to have a healthy respect for beetroot, I'm scheming with the spirits to come to hie thee hither and help me process tons of beetroots grown over winter to make some bloody good beetroot tucker.


First up is beetroot soup - this is well and truly a wombled meal (if you don't know who the Wombles are, ask me to explain this made up verb of ours for you) made from whatever we had in the garden - fennel going to seed, new potatoes, and lots of beetroot.



  • Cut into irreverent cubes and lash with olive oil and salt and pepper.
  • Roast in oven until tender, like Macduff's heart upon discovering all his pretty ones have been slain by evil tyrant Macbeth.
  • Take the beetroot babies and toss them warm in apple cider vinegar and olive oil until you get the taste you so desire - not so tart, and not so oily, but just right.
  • Add some garlic (I used chopped scapes, which are just in season now) and some oregano and thyme, preferably fresh.
  • Place in a sterilised and sealed preserving jar.

Seriously, roasting the beetroot makes it soooo sweet and almost caramelized.


Dammit, I have no photos of this one, and no time to make it again to show you how fabulous beetroot spanokopita is! Basically, you make ordinary spanokopita, but instead of spinach, you use beetroot leaves. Why anyone would throw these away, I don't know. I get hyper irritated in grocery stores to find beetroot without the tops!

Here is a recipe for spanokopita, if you aren't sure what it is. We used to make it in primary school in Melbourne - I think it was because the Greek mothers would come in and volunteer! I get cravings for a good spanokopita and I'll usually find the best ones in Melbourne Greek restaurants.

Imagine the picture below, except bloodied with beetroot leaf juice...

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For the Soup

This was delicious, and especially good as I sprinkled it with an amazing dukkah (for my second bowl). Recipe is approximate only - I very much go by feel.

6 large beetroot
2 potatoes
1 onion or a handful of spring onions
2 cloves of garlic
1 large fennel or a few celery sticks
1 spring of thyme, 1 spring of parsley
1 splash of vinegar or vodka (I used kombucha vinegar)
2 apples
Stock to taste

Saute the fennel and onion in an oil of your choice (I used coconut oil) and sweat with lid on until translucent. Add the rest of the ingredients and cover with water. Simmer until beetroot is very soft, then blend. Serve with vegan sour cream.

Vegan Sour Cream

2/3 cup of coconut milk or cream
1/3 cup of tahini
Juice of 1 lemon
Pinch of salt

If you missed @artemislives' amazing post on beetroot this week, go check it out here. She runs through testing for low stomach acid with beetroot juice. To be honest, this whole beetroot cooking frenzy started when I realised I didn't have a blender for this juice, and had to whip up some beetroot recipes anyway to use up the glut in my garden.

Do you have some great beetroot recipes worth sharing?

Do you grow beetroot and/or relish it like I do?



What do you mean, “don’t boil it”?!? That’s a great way to have them.... it’s as close to the tinned stuff as possible!

Now, are we on a beetroot trip. I just read @artemislives’ article earlier today...

Ever had yellow beets? It’s weird, they taste exactly the same... but they’re yellow (an heirloom variety). There’s also the funky pink-&-white ones...

Oh horror, horror, horror!!! I assure you, my roast and marinated ones does taste like the tinned stuff, but a zillion times better...

Yes, I have grown yellow beets and rainbow beets but in the end went back to the good old trad beets. Can't beet 'em....... xxx

I love yellow beets!
But I love all beets! So there's that! Especially with balsamic, which is how I pickle mine.
Awesome article
Roast in oven until tender, like Macduff's heart upon discovering all his pretty ones have been slain by evil tyrant Macbeth.
... Not often I find this in recipes, poor Macduff, but now he has a beetroot legacy to uphold hahah
Thanks for sharing @riverflows love these recipes!!

Xx ToL

Do you know the play very well? That scene always kills me.

Oh yeah they are SO good with balsamic!!!! Yum!!!!

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Oh wow, these sound very interesting and like they should be tried out... hmmm, I have to get my hands on some beetroot :)

Is it common there? When I was in England I found it hard to get!

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No beeting about the bush (pun intended just for you @riverflows) what is up in beet kingdom that there's beets all over my feed? That spanikopita looks yummy! As far as m'Lady is concerned, if only it had only been the blood of veggies on her hands!

Hahah... don't beet me up for filling the feed with beetroot! He he... I adore a spanokopita... but with beetroot leaves is a whole other thing. X

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I had to jump in and take a look at this beet post of yours.... i love them so! Just as you ❤ i had some beet salad yesterday. It is roasted beet choped up well and fine garlic and a tangy vinegar salad dressing with a few pumpkin seeds and a bit of feta cheese on top it was so good! My heart felt sad to hear of the outcome to your beet planting in England! I bet that was a happy well fed piggy after that!

Yum. Beetroot and fetta are a marriage made in heaven! Sounds like a gorgeous salad!!!

I love beets also. But the harvest was poor this year ( blasted rain!) and all I have to show is a few jars of pickled beets. Love your recipes!

😍😍😍 I like to think I have become a beet connoisseur myself, but beet spanakopita? That sounds like a a delicious new twist to me! Though I'm still waiting to give @buckaroo's beet kvass a try next. 😊

Oh YES me too. @artemislives has a good kvass recipe too. I must try that for sure. Think i still have a few beets left in the garden.

I have seen spanokopita made with the beetroot themselves but it seems a no brainer to just substitute the leaves. And I have some beetroot go to seed or plant heaps so there's always extra leaves. I also do one with mixed leaves... nettles, beetroot, dandelion, spinach.. whatever greens I can find. It's great. You could also try using a vegan fetta but haven't done that yet.

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Beetroot is Bloody Beautiful, stains and all. She who rarely uses recipes might just make an exception.... :) The creme de la creme? The vegan sour creme. I'm NOT a vegan but we have coconuts and vegan houseguests a-plenty! Plus we have avocados. A LOT. :) A brilliant-beety post. INspired. And thanks for the link to my post. :) x

I'm not vegan either but I don't eat much dairy and LOVE this sour cream. Also can be made sweet. My recipes are NOT precise as I don't use recipes!!

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My goodness riverflows youhave outdone yourself with this one and there is absolutely non reason why you are only getting a lousy $2.37 for this?

'riverflows, the girl who makes vegan food look awesome!!'

Thanks @karinxxl I haven't made much on anything of late. Never mind... xx

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Vegan sour cream sounds very interesting, definitely something I would try looking at ingredients, not a fan of dairy sour cream for some reason haha.

Nice compilation!

My grandma used to make this beet salad with walnuts and garlic, it was delicious, by far my favorite dish cooked out of beets.

Oh that would be great... I'll try that for lunch as I found half a jar of walnuts in cupboard. Hubby can't eat them but he is away at moment.

You can also make vegan sour cream with raw cashews and a dash of vegan milk and lemon juice. Add maple syrup and it's a lovely sweet cream too!! I much prefer it to dairy sour cream.

I was eating the tahini one straight from the bowl.. omg so good!!!

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I have yet to experiment with raw cashews. I've been looking at some vegan desserts, mainly cheesecakes made out of those, but never tried making those myself. I need to get ahold of some nuts!
If you're interested, check them out over here, super pretty photography and a lot of healthy desserts:

Hope you enjoy the salad! Thank you for the vegan sour cream tips, noted! :)

Thanks for that. Vegan desserts are quite easy and delicious. They are quite expensive though depending on the price of nuts.

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Oh I love beetroot, I grew up with it always in the house, it was a stable round my parts. Right now I am loving roasted beetroot with garlic and rosemary and I do love beetroot juice. I swear it keeps me sane. I am so excited to have some in my garden at the moment, but alas it is not ready yet. Thank you for the recipes and loving the pickled one, sounds yum xxx

Yum beetroot roasted with garlic and rosemary sounds divine. I might do that tonight lol. Loving all of these suggestions coming through and good to know I am not the only fan of beetroot.

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