Found out about morgellons this day

in #controversy-art7 years ago


An extremely important piece of art that i have composed. You see i had been suffering for years from symptoms that continued to persist even with a dozen trips to dermatologists and psychiatrists. I had open sores on my back scalp and neck that would not heal and i had lost my hair and my hair seemed to grow in incorrectly. A friend told me about a conditon and i looked it up on the internet. The day was september 15, 2011. I had saved images in my search as i always do and then took screenshots of the photo gallery to form a collage on the blackberry torches 3 inch by 2 inch screen. The strange thing is i had researched magellens filiment rather than morgellons filiment. I came across info on nazi rocket scientists. Strange microscopic creatures and microquasar ss443. This day changed my life as it led me to realize that i was not alone in my suffering. Within a year though i was divorced and no longer fit for duty at my hospital job. I had opened up a literal pandoras box of contreversy. After much research and attending the 6th annual morgellons conference in austin texas i came to the conclusion that morgellons was a subset of lyme disease. I had been suffering from a disease that united states did not want to acknowledge due to many reasons most of all financial culpability for being the cause of it. I am on disablility not from the physiological cause but the psychological results. Although the nature of the illness has modulated or i have adapted i continue to have symptoms but they are not as crushing since i am able to identify what it is rather than to wander in the hopelessness of not knowing.


wow this is quite interesting and amazing. Thank you for sharing your story and image. I have never heard of this. Please share a little of what the US did to hide the disease and why if you don't mind, or I will look into it myself...of course.

Experience goes terribly deep. My own experience of it gets to be quite sci-fi like to be honest and i end up dumbing it down and generalizing it so as to not set people against me. I was free of symptoms for a year and half. Thought i had beat it but last march 2017 the bacteria presented itself in my left jaw line and has been rather awful at times. I have been saying to myself that the bacteria has been here long before humans. It very well may have hyper intelligence using dimensions that we cant comprehend. It may have a hive mind intelligence and is symbiotic with me. I am a vessal for them. If i accept it rather than fight it it may end up being very helpful to me. ...etc. i dont know. Often it is impossible to ignore. Other times it says hello and leaves you alone. The neuropathy that it has caused is bad. I wish i had gabapentin. This short film summarizes some of the brutal realities of morg/lyme.

well, I feel your pain - I have had my own experience with illness that has no cure - but truly gabapentin is satanic - a friend was on that for neuropathy and it worked so well that he did not know that his entire mouth, every tooth, had decay - and now he has to have 3 root canals and fillings in every tooth - once having had perfect teeth... I am quite sure there is a natural solution to all of these problems if we are willing to search and pray for them... at least in my case - I have found that to be true and I don't mean to minimize your experience, by any means... Perhaps it is still with you so that you can be a spokesperson for it to help others? I don't know, I need to watch more videos about it... and I will thank you for sharing this - do you think the bacteria is extraterrestrial? from under the antarctic ice? As I said, I have an incurable disease myself, but I have it in remission, through spiritual practice.

Yeah gabapentin can be awful. I remember it to be a quite depressing feeling like an extended three beer buzz without the hops. It did help with neuropathy where nothing else would. Right now as i write this i am just in awful sensations with lower spine out to my left, it has me gasping for air. Im a mess. However i remember how bad it was. I could not sleep in the same bed with my wife at the time due to writhing in nerve misfirings, spasms, about satanic? I had serious body ownership issues and still do. I know this body is but a vessal to get us to those far shores but when it gets bad enough i find myself praying to the lord to take my life. You are right. Surely there is a reason and rhyme to This. I do believe it is not necessarily extraterrestrial at all. They have found borrelia in something like billion year old sample. I hypothosize thouhg that it works in dimensions beyond our comprehension. I believe it knows what i am thinking. I believe it may have intelligence far beyond our ability to grasp.

Wow... How did you get it to go into remission?

This is quite touching.

is this what you are talking about?

they are in the chemtrails. the fibers assist parasites in the body. and even guide interdimentional parasites into the body. if you have the time, this will blow your mind

thank you so much for sharing this youtube. I will watch it tomorrow - I got tingliey's in my legs just by looking at it - wow - thank you @web-gnar...blessings to you! I wish you lived closer...oh well, it is a lonely road we chose...keep up the good work of THE GREAT WORK!!!

I support charles holman foundation research. Theory that it is in the environment.

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