How to control how much you speek???

in #control6 years ago

Our words carry enormous weight and, ergo, responsibility. We are responsible for what we say irrespective of what triggered us as our words are capable of leaving lasting impressions –positive or negative- on the mind of the listener(s). There is a need for us to make a conscious effort not to speak out of turn or without thought for how our words would be taken.
Do not be the type that likes the sound of his/her voice too much. Listen more than you speak, and when you speak, pick your words. Herein, we discuss guides to responsible speaking..

Only speak when its important.

Talking too much puts people off. People listen less and less to a talkative people. This is disadvantageous as anything important you say would not be heard because the listeners would have stopped paying attention. To avoid this, a few things have to be in place. You must know what you want to say and the clearest and brief way of saying it. This is preceded by deciding if the contribution you want to make is important. If not, it is better you sit out of that discussion.

Remember there is always a tomorrow

How many times have you revealed something or expressed a thought and later wished that you hadn’t? We all have wished we had kept our mouth shut at different points in time. So stop, take a deep breath, analyze the situation and think about if it’s the right time to speak.

Avoid speaking to impress.

In a gathering of people, some people contribute just to show their depth or knowledge about what is being discussed. This is not necessarily a bad thing but over time, such people begin to try to monopolise discussions..

Contribute to discussions but not in order to impress participants. Doing this allows you to really think things through. You are also better able to give quality contributions instead of just dropping nuggets you feel would impress others.
Speak when in a tight spot.

When you need help, speak. Do not suffer in silence. Instead, tell your family or those you consider close friends about it. Even when doing this, be direct. Pick the words that best convey what you are going through without having to beat about the bush.

For many of us, talking too much is a defence mechanism we developed over time. Sometimes, it is to get people to like us, talking about all sort of things, trying to seem interesting. At other times, it is to come across as knowledgeable. Whatever is the reason, it has to be curbed.

In some situations, it is to cover up our anxiety, especially when we have to address a crowd or during an interview. In this type of situation, the best thing to do is to remain calm. Try as best as you can to remember that you can do it without having to rush or talk too much. Whenever you find yourself speaking too much, pause and try to regain control of yourself.

Listen to Others.

Being talkative has many demerits. For one, you will find yourself talking about irrelevant things, constantly deviating from the central topic. In addition, people will find it hard to trust you with secrets as they feel you are a blabbermouth. To get rid of this habit, make a conscious effort to be more of a listener than a speaker. When you have to reply, do so after thinking through what is being discussed and also how to respond without giving away too much…

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