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RE: There Is No Such Thing As Chemtrails

in #contrails7 years ago (edited)

"crystals of water vapor from jet engines" Really?

I would be interested to hear your understanding, or possible perception of this question then. Why would we have "RANDOM" planes going into the sky, and leave a trail of "crystals of water vapor from jet engines"? Yet any passenger plane, or cargo plane does not do this.

Any plane in history has never left this behind, until recent years. Did you know while I was in Mexico, I NEVER saw one. While in Jamaica, I NEVER saw one. Our skys in Canada are littered with them, on a daily basis.

This is not something that takes place all over the world, why would just these planes do this?

I think you have some smoke blowing coming from your story. Thanks for your input, I do appreciate having an open debate or conversation regarding an individuals outlook on a scenario.

Please remember, don't think that EVERYONE that notices these things can be lumped into one type of person. You shouldn't give up on a topic you post, and not state your real reasoning behind your topic. You just gave up and assumed that no one could be reasoned with "scientifically". This makes your story less credible. #justsaying

I find often when people are challenged with a question they give up, and do not give solid reasoning's. Just go with what we were told, because that is how we were raised. Have you ever been to an air show? Have you ever noticed not a single plane has this crystals of water vapor from jet engines, except for when they put our your countries patriotic colours to please the crowd.


Any plane in history has never left this behind, until recent years

The first reports of contrails date back to the First World War, the first photos are from the 1930s.

Right, but do you know the person who wrote that book? have you seen that item that was written in the 1930's? you cannot believe everything you read, i mean really.... even history is a joke, half of it is not true. I have a good friend of mine who works for the news film crew, holding the camera, while listening to the story taken place. he has explained that 90% of the story is removed, and replaced with shock value to keep people interested.

if they were started in the 1930's, please oh please tell me why we have doubled in planes dumping random crap in the sky. Those planes do not take passengers or freight, so what business do they have in the sky dumping such "water".

I suppose this booklet from 1952 was discussing the future? Or sent back in time by the Illuminati time machine? And yes, I own a copy.

If there is anybody who shouldn't believe everything they read, it may just be you.

clearly you took offense to what i was saying, i was trying to make it clear that no matter who actually wrote the book or if you have that particular book in your hands. what i asked is if you knew the person that wrote the book, because honestly anyone can write and publish a book. There's no need to be NASTY

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