Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 04/14/18> Contest Results from the Photo Contest announced by @sultnpapper on April Fool’s Day

in #contests7 years ago (edited)

Seriously, did you people really believe that I would announce a contest on April Fool’s Day and be serious about it? Who in their right mind would work for pennies and nickels of steem, day in and day out writing posts and then give away $20 in steem? Just for some silly ass pictures of signs, and not want something in return like more followers and massive upvotes and re-steems?

Well that person would be yours truly, @sultnpapper. That’s right, it was a legit contest and I have the results so let me get right to those, in just a moment. First, let me say “Thank You”, to all who entered, commented, upVoted and re-steemed posts associated with this contest. It wasn't required as part of the rules, but very much appreciated on up votes and re-steeming.

There were in total 28 entries which I think was pretty good seeing that I am a not well known around the steemit platform. The real good news is the price of steem has damn near doubled since the start of the contest so the winners are getting more value for their photos.

Choosing the winners was not easy either; there are plenty entries that made for a good laugh. I have taken the liberty to alter the contest a little though, and I have added a few categories that I probably should have thought of prior to the start, but it doesn’t affect how I voted my winners, it does add a little extra prize money for some deserving signs that just didn’t make the top three.

First Place

First Place Winning Picture / $10.00 steem is @deerjay with this sign that speaks my language. I like that the bar owner tells you that they run the show; it is their place and what they think if you don’t like it. It’s missing the first few words of the saying but we have all heard it and know it.

Second Place

Second Place Winning Picture / $6.00 steem is @thekittygirl with her sign that is a nice play on words, I really can’t stand the Hard Rock Café, and so I take great pleasure in seeing these owners sort of stick it to Hard Rock with the “WOK”.

Third Place

Third Place Winning Picture / $4.00 steem is @annycor I liked this because the people are using the government sign to spark their will to defy the government, even if it is just bags of garbage. This entry made it in with 42 minutes to spare, talk about beating the clock.

Now for the “extra added” categories

Oldest Sign

‘Oldest’ appearing sign / $1.50 steem winner is @viking-ventures ; this sign has all the characteristics of a period correct fired porcelain enamel sign from the early 1800’s . If it isn’t authentic it is the best reproduction sign from that era I have seen, I enlarged it 500% to look at letter spacing and the print; it is definitely hand lettered. This is a very high quality sign that has withstood the test of time, in my opinion.

Largest Sign

‘Largest’ appearing sign / $1.50 steem winner is @sili ; with this very large and beautiful sign from the Czech Republic. For being so large everything is scaled proportionately and I like it, a real clean look with great color scheme to go along with the size.

Best Sign With No Written Text

Best sign with no written text/ $1.50 steem winner is @vanessapineda7 she picked up on the hint that I like signs that don’t need words to communicate the message. Her sign lets you determine what it means to you personally. Most signs with circles have the red diagonal bar meaning “NO”, this sign says “YES” , it is okay to believe in super heroes, or at least that is what I came away with it saying.

Most Likely Sign

A sign @sultnpapper would be most likely to use / $1.50 steem winner is @catweasel ; I have the exact thought in my mind that this sign says will happen. Signs are used to communicate a message; the message is loud and clear with this sign.

That leaves 21 people who don’t win a damn dime of my steem, and that is a shame. But I am giving away steem to be politically correct, like a youth sports group does with participation trophies, so you actually will get a dime of steem from me just for playing the game. I would tell you that you are still losers; but that would defeat the political correctness attempt on my part, so I won't. This also will probably be my one and only attempt at being politically correct, so enjoy it.

I notice that very few people would up vote any picture while the contest was running, I guess ya’ll were trying to keep from influencing the judge, or ya’ll just real damn competitive; I’m thinking competitive. I did see one person who didn’t enter but did up vote a few of the pictures, @xenomorph113 , thanks for supporting the contestants, check your wallet for a token of my appreciation for your support.

In closing, I do have to say that even though this contest had the least amount of rules that any contest on steemit has ever had that I have found; there were three folks who had trouble following the rules. How could I have made it any simpler?

Congratulations to all the winners, and thank you to all who have entered.

The contest has officially ended as all steem has been transferred so check your wallets.

The official payout list paid in steem:

https://steemit.com/@deerjay $10.00

https://steemit.com/@thekittygirl $6.00

https://steemit.com/@annycor $4.00

https://steemit.com/@viking-ventures $1.50

https://steemit.com/@sili $1.50

https://steemit.com/@catweasel $1.50

https://steemit.com/@vanessapineda7 $1.50

https://steemit.com/@maverickinvictus $0.10

https://steemit.com/@svarozich $0.10

https://steemit.com/@sweetcha $0.10

https://steemit.com/@lidac $0.10

https://steemit.com/@tattoodjay $0.10

https://steemit.com/@sparrowbernard $0.10

https://steemit.com/@mineopoly $0.10

https://steemit.com/@maslowmission $0.10

https://steemit.com/@eaglespirit $0.10

https://steemit.com/@cstrimel $0.10

https://steemit.com/@martinalex $0.10

https://steemit.com/@drowkeudrow $0.10

https://steemit.com/@jsolon $0.10

https://steemit.com/@abrigella $0.10

https://steemit.com/@hornetnz $0.10

https://steemit.com/@bashadow $0.10

https://steemit.com/@apanamamama $0.10

https://steemit.com/@bigtom13 $0.10

https://steemit.com/@buttcoins $0.10

https://steemit.com/@kamis $0.10

https://steemit.com/@rodode $0.10

All Photo Credits belong to the folks who entered the contest and are their exclusive property. They are used here without permission, but since they won some steem, I don't think they will mind.

Thanks again.
Until next time,



Congrats to the winners.

Thanks @sultnpapper for your not-politically-correct politeness of encourage the rest of participants (we, the loosers).

Thanks, for pointing out my error, I need to edit that, I didn't put in the, "so I won't." Would that get me back to PC on this post?

Thanks for doing this contest, it was very entertaining and fun! I enjoyed looking at all the other entries and you got some good signs and chuckles out of this, definitely! 😁

Your welcome Tiffany, your sign really wok'd the Hard Rock folks. I enjoyed it and overall I was very pleased with the variety of the entries. It did make for some good chuckles.

Thank you so much and congrats to all :)

You are most welcome. How does that bottled water sell and taste?

Thanks again :)
I think the sales are pretty good, more than good actually. I have just found and article saying that turnover of Mattoni owner was over 356 000 000 USD in 2016 and it is growing. It tastes all right, it has all kind of different flavors, so you can pick just an ordinary sparkling water of for example orange, grapes or all kinds of fruits.

Ahaaaaa! I nailed the no words thing haha! Thanks a lot! Enjoyed the contest, if you keep them coming, I'd love to be part of the fun!


I had your sign in third place up until the last few minutes when another Venezuelan popped the city hall sign picture in. Your picture actually was the sign that created the other categories, it was just such a fun sign and let's the people decide what it means. So i decide to find away to reward it and a few others that I really liked. I didn't expect to get so many signs that would "reach me" in some way.
I will run another contest in the future, not exactly sure when but I enjoyed it and I think the people who entered did as well.

Thanks a lot! Well, that's me creating categories lol

Congratulations to the winners. Nice contest @sultnpapper! Perhaps I will have my camera for the next one!

It is so great to see you giving back to the community. I am always glad when I see your name pop up so I can read your post.

Congrats to all of the winners!

We have crossed paths a few times now and I have ventured by a couple times your blog space. i like folks who give back to the community and you fit that bill to a "T" as the saying goes. So before I wrote this response I slipped by again and looked around a little more. I never follow folks right off the bat, I like to make sure that they post things that interest me , this time before I left, I commented on your magical Monday post and also clicked the follow button, so I guess we will be crossing paths more in the future. Thanks for coming by and congratulating the winners, maybe next time we can get an entry from you.
The response to this contest was good, I think, I hadn't run a contest before but I needed too. This community has been good to me and I owed it to the community. There will be more contests in the future but I don'r see it being a weekly thing at this point in time.
See you around, soon.

Thank you so much @sultnpapper. That really means a lot to me. I love your Daily Dose of sultnpaper and I try to come back and at least upvote as often as I see them. They are always so interesting and I look forward to seeing what comes next. I really liked the one with your wife and the black airplanes flying low! I too get freaked out by low flying objects sometimes so I had a good laugh. I would be more than happy to join in on the fun whenever you decide to do another one.

Hey! Look at me! I'm a winnnnnnneeeeeerrrrr. Or maybe not so much :)

I actually posted with out checking the competition. I knew when I saw the first post in the comments that I was looking for 2nd place at best. The horse is one of the coolest signs I've ever seen.

Thanks for the participation trophy. I'd like to thank my parents for not putting me on the potty chair backwards and....

It's the first participation trophy ever for me. In all seriousness, thanks for this. It was great fun and some truly wonderful signs.

Thanks, the winning sign is great in many ways, color, size, font, the horse etc, when I saw it come into the mix, it grabbed me.
Thanks for entering, I did like your sign but ...

I'm glad your parents didn't put you on the potty seat backwards, too. Not half as glad as they are though, I bet.

Congrats to all the winners and to such a great contest mr Papper, just sorry I was not able to go out and find a sign, have seen some real funny ones over the years! You did very well with getting so many contestants :)

Thanks, Lizelle. I kept waiting for you to slip one in but it just didn't happen. Maybe next time I run a contest we can get in. Thanks for your support.

I'm so sorry I could not make it, love all those quirky signs, hope you run this contest again mr Papper! Great prizes as well especially with steem doing so well again!

I will run another sometime, just need to earn some more steem first.

Hey! I'm one of the winners, It was one of the best contests I've seen in the community, thank you very much !!!

Yes, you are and I appreciate your comment about this contest being one of the best you have seen in the community. Aside from being a winner, was there anything else that made it stand out in your mind as being as you described?

Yes, of course. I felt completely identified with your description of the managment of the contests in SteemIt. When I read your explanation of how that many rules to participate (resteem, upvote, post, comment, how many photos, process photos, proof of life...) takes away all the fun and leads you to skip that contests and reduce your interactions.
Of course I wanted to win, but if I had not been a winner, I would still follow your blog and read it.

Thank you. I appreciate you answering my question. I believe that we all need to do our parts to help make this platform the best we can. To many contests are run for the express purpose of the contest promoter to grow and profit from the contest directly in my opinion. This contest was part of my attempt to give back some to the community as a "thank you" and also to help possibly spark some thought within others on how to run contests that resonate with the people . Many of the people here came to get away from restrictions of social media of one sort or another so putting a bunch of "rules" on contests seemed counter productive to me.
Thanks again, your answer pretty much was exactly what I expected it to be, I have one last question if you would not mind me asking. You are under no obligation to answer and I'm not trying to pry into your strategy for contest participation, but how many days prior to the end of the contest did you come across the contest?
I put the contest at just about a two week period, so people had plenty of time to go find exactly what they thought would be the best sign photo in order to give them a shot at winning. You submitted your entry right at the end of that period, so I am curious if you waited to submit or used the longer period to find what you thought gave you your best chance, or if the contest was still being circulated around right up until the end of the period?
I won't ask any more, just trying to figure out how to make the next contest better when I run another one.

Actually I found your post a couple days before it finished while I was watching other blogs I follow, one of them resteem your post. But most of the times I get late in the contest, not on purpose.

Also, I took the photo with an old phone because Caracas is -sadly- one of the most insecure cities, you have to be very careful in the streets if you are taking a picture with a phone or camera; if you have a smartphone you leave it home.

This is the phone I use when I have to use public transportation WhatsApp Image 2018-04-15 at 12.39.08 PM.jpeg

Thank you, it is nice to know that the contest information was still making its way through the platform by resteems that late into the entry period. Sound like a pretty sad situation in Caracas and Vz. as a whole, I wish you well and thanks for taking the time to satisfy my curiosity regarding the contest.

Thank you for your April Fool's joke and such a long going contest. They are a great collection of signs @sultnpapper.

Glad you enjoyed it. I was very pleased with the quantity and the quality of the signs that people submitted, it did make it an interesting decision process when selecting the winners.