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RE: Contest Alerts: Active Contest List on 18th June 2024

in #contestalerts3 months ago (edited)

Up and about now. Got to get the show on the road.

First stop is Classic Automotive to see if they have got better news on my car.

My old '66 Ford Thunderbird is my pride and joy - perfect for a road trip just like in the movies...


The car isn't fixed yet and they don't think it is going be ready by Saturday.

It's been there for nearly a month now

Now they say another bit is broken and they can't hold of the replacement for a couple of weeks.

I love my car but it is costing me a small fortune.

Time is tight - I've got to get where I'm going before the beginning of July or there might not be any Independence Day celebrations for me.

We need a Plan B.

All suggestions welcome...

UPDATE : June 19th, 2.29pm - PLAN B

Carolina had just split with her boyfriend and he took her car.

She hasn't told me what the fight with him was about but I always thought he was a jerk so I think she is better off without him.

He had a job as a truck driver but he never seemed to have any money and was always borrowing off Carolina.

I think Carolina is okay but she is definitely worried about something.

Hopefully the road trip will help solve her problems.

She is keen to set off as soon as we can and has come up with a great Plan B.

We are going to buy an RV

Classic Automotive must be feeling guilty as they have offered me a good price for the Thunderbird - $6000 wasn't bad considering the state it is in.

And Carolina has found another 6K from somewhere so we're going 50-50 on a second hand RV.

An RV is the perfect solution as we won't need to pay for any motels along the way.

This is going to be a great road trip !!!

But first we need to find a suitable RV.

Can anyone help us find us one?

We need it by Saturday and we only have $12,000 to spend...

UPDATE : June 19th, 9.51pm - Have we found it ?

It looks like Carolina's landlord has come through for us.

One of his contacts has an RV for sale.

It is in budget and in Austin.

The photo on his website looks good and best of all it has Starlink so I can keep curating while we are on the road

We are going to see it first thing in the morning.

Hope no one else finds it in the meantime...

UPDATE : June 20th, 12.10pm - The Road Trip is on !

We got it - we have our new motor home...

Sonic (I don't think that is his real name) was a bit strange but then most of Creepy Craig's friends are odd.

But he stuck to his word and let us have it for $11,500 cash.

The other $500 has already gone on insurance and filling the tank.

The van has got solar panels and Starlink so I can keep curating when we are on the road...

We're setting off on Saturday afternoon.

I'm going to pick up Carolina from work.

They have a birthday party there for someone she works with.

I'm not really a party animal but she insists I come along.

If I am invited I feel obliged to take a present.

No idea what sort of gift I should take but I found a really lovely old book of poetry at a second hand book store. It seems like a suitable present to me...


Where is the rendezvous with Carolina on Saturday?

UPDATE : June 20th, 11.04pm - We're All Going to the Zoo Tomorrow

Thanks to @the-gorilla for finding Austin Zoo (10808 Rawhide Trail, Austin).

Carolina has been working there as a Guest Relations Associate since she had to leave Steemit.

They have let her park our new motorhome there so she's sleeping there tonight.

I feel bad I have been calling Carolina's landlord Creepy Craig. He is a bit creepy but he did help us find the motorhome and he's offered to bring all of Carolina's stuff over from her apartment so she doesn't have to go back there. She's going to be living in the van now.

Tomorrow I've just got to get a few more supplies for the trip, pack up my stuff, and then buy the replacement birthday present.

Can anyone help me find a suitable gift for a 5 year old at the zoo party. Carolina did tell me her name, but I've forgotten it now. It was an unusual one beginning with Z...

UPDATE : June 21st, 10.22pm - Roaring to go...

Busy, busy day!

I decided to ditch my apartment. It was such a dump.

I've handed in the keys and will sort out somewhere new when I get back - if I need to.

Sold my treadmill and my TV on Facebook Marketplace and they've let me store the rest of my things temporarily here at 815. (Thanks E )

Need to get some sleep now ready for the big day tomorrow.

I'm taking an Uber to the Zoo in time for Zulema's birthday party.

She's a White Tiger...

Then we are setting off straight after.

Yay! This is going to be a great trip...

#flashquiz 003 (Stage 2)

[Before we move onto Stage 3 please check out the FlashQuiz Feedback]


Saludos, siguiendo con las pistas, me parece que debió haber comprado el libro Songs of innocence and of experience en la Austin Public Library Recycled Reads Bookstore ya que tiene buenos precios al ser una tienda de libros de segunda mano.

austin library.JPG

Pero al parecer se llevo el único ejemplar en físico, porque ahora se consigue en formato digital o electrónico.

portada del libro.JPG

Los precios son súper económicos desde 2 dolares a 25 centavos.

Thanks for the tip.

Do you know any of Blake's poems?

Sinceramente su nombre me llamó la atención,.pero no como poeta, sinó como pintor y fue así por la famosa serie de Hannibal Lecter, cuando aparece el asesino serial que se hacía llamar El Gran Dragón Rojo y cuaya transformación ocurría al ver la pintura que no es más que la de William Blake. El gran dragón rojo y la mujer vestida en sol.

Fuente de la imágen

Ahora no solo nos divertimos con las pistas, también nos nutrimos en conocimiento.


Tyger Tyger, burning bright...

Tal vez le guste el trigo? 🌾

"Tres tristes tigres comen trigo en un trigal"

aunque este escenario parece todo lo contrario a un cumpleaños 👁👄👁


Seguire leyendo ese poema 😂

Okay, so you want a campervan... well, will it be a real road trip?
That reminds me, I recently met a RV dealer I trust. He made me a special offer. He said I would like the RV because it is named like a town in Austria. He had probably forgotten that although I speak German, I'm not from Austria...
To be honest, I wasn't interested in the vehicle. But it fits into your budget :-)

It is located at American Dream Vacations RV Sales & Rentals (10777 S Hwy 183, Austin, TX 78747, US):
This is the offer (with a special price for a friend of a friend :-D ):

Enjoy your inspection :-)

Hi! I was just coming to ask if it could be a trailer, because I think that needs to be connected to a vehicle, right?

The ones that have everything complete are much more expensive, the so-called motorhomes, which I thought was what he had ordered, but now I have that doubt.🤔

Oh yes, that's right, they don't have a car to which they can attach the trailer... damn... Plan C has to be found... 🤔

Oh yeah! I have checked all the places on Google that offer motorhomes in Austin, and there is not a single one that costs less than 40,000 dollars, 12,000 dollars seems like a very small figure for that...

It also occurred to me that if he would be willing to go at least one day to another nearby city to see if he likes an option, if we can get a motorhome there that fits the $12,000 price tag, for example look in Huston, it could be. ., I think, while something else occurs to us🙂

Time is getting tight now.

Yes it is the motorhome type we are looking for.

We put a message on Facebook and a guy called Paul offered us this one - but it's not in great shape...


Also someone called JP has one for sale but I am not sure it is near enough...


These are both pretty big to drive, so we might try something like this but a bit smaller.

I am not sure what condition vehicle we are going to get for $12K.

Carolina's landlord Craig says he might know someone...

I don't think I'd trust Craig if I were you. I understand he's got this list which helps people to hookup.

If you're willing to take the risk though, this RV with Solar Panels and Starlink might be ideal. It's just down the road from where you sold your car and looks like it's in decent condition.


Slightly under budget too so you can spend the spare $200 on getting yourself Roadside Assistance.

Just make sure you're careful and check the cupboards and bathroom for anybody hiding.

You got there first!


The 30-ish factor, as hinted, in a reply!


I'm again impressed!

I don't think it's the correct place but it fits the story 🙂

Es perfecta 👌🏻
Desperté algo tarde para encontrarla antes 😂😂😂


That's the one 🚙🚙🚙🚙🚙🚙

We're meeting the guy at 9 to look it over and hopefully do the deal.

Bit nervous carrying that much money in cash but the seller said he would knock the price down to $11500 if we pay in 💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵...


Heyyy, we got it 🚙🥳🚙🥳🚙

Congratulations dear for the successful deal. You did it. Very great 😃. You really had a good amount, hard cash to pay to the seller. Hope, you can execute your work now safely.


That's great 😃 let the girl's adventure journey begin!


How did you get our photo 😲

You found the right Craig, great!👍😁

Jesse Pinkman un gran personaje, me dice que se encuentra en Albuquerque, California, y que le puede dejar la autocaravana en 5 mil dólares porque tiene un detalle en la puerta, unos pequeños respiraderos.

Además, tiene un olor un poquito extraño, pero que de motor está muy buena, podría llevarlos a donde quieran. Eso sí, alejense un poco de los perros de la policía.

Ah!! Y la cocina, está en excelente estado. Jaja, verla es comprarla.


✅ That's a bit far away.

And I am not sure we want bullet holes in the door.

Although the extra ventilation might be a good idea...

Entonces ésta oferta queda descartada, sin embargo JP dice que los orificios no son de balas, fueron unas abejas que chocaron muy fuerte con la puerta. Claro, a él le interesa venderla jaja.


They must have hard core bees in Albuquerque !


This Paul?

Captura de pantalla 2024-06-19 221013.png

Don't pay much attention to him because he is hanging out with a very clever alien!🤣

✅ Glad we didn't buy his van - they look rather scary 😱

Oh yeah! But believe it or not, the little green man is just a big joker!

It would be fun to ride with him, that's why Paul has gone a little crazy wanting to sell his dilapidated motorhouse...

But better to look for another😁

😂😂 😂😂 A nice decision indeed.

I won't enter such van because it looks like it's go to Mars .

I think if this the only van I would just take a stroll to my destination

Didn't you say you have an Independence Day to attend this July?


I think this will be a perfect RV for you, but I hope you won't welcome an alien 👽 to Earth while using it. You can ask Will Smith for more details. As a genius maybe you could shove an alien corpse into a Prius after all. 🚶🚶🚶🚶

Or maybe I could ask Kenny to lend you his Van? Seems in a pretty good condition, no extra bullet holes


Interesting story line...

Since gorilla got you an RV, are you on the road yet? Didn't find an update

oh, the comment has already been updated, see above 😃

I think they're sorting out the purchase documents, and they must be having lunch right now... You know girls take a long time to get ready.👯‍♀️

You know girls take a long time to get ready


Considering your budget of $12,000, I will help you find a smaller motorhome or a travel trailer that suits your needs. Since you are concerned about the condition of the vehicle, though it is good that Carolina's landlord Craig has volunteered to connect you with someone who might have a reliable option.

But I think I have an option of that amount and
It's easy to maintain . Check this out. This is A class B motorhomes is a camper vans. it is very easy to drive, and often more fuel-efficient.


Thanks for the searching.

We've now got the one @the-gorilla found.

Oooo for that I need to congratulate you.

Well, Craig Lowndes, he could recommend someone to you since he himself traveled all over the country (Australia) in a motorhouse with his family... maybe he can tell you where you can find one that fits your trip and budget ... 😃

Now I'm seeing that Gary Kratzmann was the one who helped Craig... Don't you have a Gary Kratzmann in Texas?

Hihi! Du bist so guuut!

Thanks - we'll take a look.

Podrías intentar cometer un crimen para que la policía sirva de escolta hasta el lugar donde quieras ir y luego escapar


Que la realidad supere la ficción xD

An RV is the perfect solution as we won't need to pay for any motels along the way.

Have you thought about the parking fee. Is this decision a good news or a bad one?

Most older people can’t drive something as big as an RV, so I assume you and Carolina are still in your prime. Hmmmm.....

But the burning question is, where will you find one!!!


🤷🏻oops Not available on Saturday...

Let's check another one:

See if it fits your budget... How long is the road trip though?

Am I even following the plot... If not, just ignore this comment.

Do we look like we are a day over 30(ish)

Neither of us have driven an RV before but it can't be too difficult... can it?

Walmarts for parking?

Is Carolina here yet?


No, just me.

But I'm not going there again. They have totally messed up and my car won't be ready in time.

No leí la actualización antes de enviar mi comentario, es una lastima lo que le pasó a tu auto!
Creo que para darte sugerencias necesitamos saber que tan largo será el recorrido, estas pensando pasear por Filadelfia junto a Carolina? o aun tienes temas legales que resolver? (Ya que la firma del acta de independencia fue en ese lugar)

I'm looking for other autoshops near you to get you back on road, in the meanwhile I'm on my way to pick y'all up. Gotta make sure you reach the destination on time. Getting rental car is out of question? Or maybe you could just ask Carolina to pick you up in her car? How is she coming? She must be in a car?

This motorhome can be a good option, according to the specifications of the seller have made important replacements such as battery changes, and tires, also have the support tools in case of any inconvenience with the wheels. Seller is in Hudson Bend

On the other hand, the habitability looks great, the bathroom spectacular, which is important for this long journey.


Thanks for searching but we've the one @the-gorilla found now.

Although I'm not entirely sure of your destination, I wish you an excellent trip to Dallas.

Carolina tomando dinero ''de alguna parte'' para comprar la casa rodante:


¿Traigo palomitas? creo que necesitaremos muchas xD

The way I bursted out laughing 🤣🤣

If you are in Av. Felter Lane in Austin, and you are in trouble for lack of vehicles, you can take the option of renting a car, you only owe to "Fox Rent A Car Austin"



Dice al alquilar será difícil :(

Es cierto, al momento de publicar no se generó la actualización de los comentarios, pero a la final es una opción.

Good suggestion - but might lead to unintended consequences... 😓

Hi, There is a small difficulty, and that is that I cannot find a motorhome for the price of 12 thousand dollars in Austin...

The closest thing I have been able to see is an option in Texas:

For a price of 12,878 dollars:
Captura de pantalla 2024-06-19 184142.png

I would have to keep looking to see if I can find something better somewhere closer. But I'm still looking...🤔

Thanks for the searching.

That is a bit too far away unfortunately.

Tengo una hija que recién cumplió 6 año, por lo tanto su edad y gustos pueden familiarizarse con el cumpleañero,. Sí va a un zoológico, los niños se sienten atraídos por los magestuosos felinos.

Por lo tanto una máscara de tigre sería un regalo que seguro disfrutará y apreciará mucho. Mi hija juega tanto con su máscara de jaguar, que hasta se queda dormida con ella.

El regalo de la máscara de tigre también podría hacerlo sentir satisfecho, ya que compartiría en cierta forma la esencia de su primer regalo pensado, el Libro de Poemas de William Blake.


Se sentirá fuerte y protegido durante la noche.

Tigre, tigre, brillo ardiente en las selvas de la noche, ¿Qué mano inmortal, qué ojo osó forjar tu terrible simetría?

Extracto del poema Tigre 🐅 de William Blake. Canciones de Experiencia 1974/1826.


I think that a tiger mask would look very interesting indeed 🤔

Do you think Zulema likes it?🤔


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