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RE: Snowpocalypse Survival Challenge Day 2

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

this option gives you the best option for survival in a cold snow storm / blizzard. I live in Canada and it seems like every year you hear of a death or two because someone got their vehicle stuck in a snow storm. To leave the car is death because in a snow storm you have no orientation, and lose body heat and a lot of energy fast trying to go somewhere in the storm and in the snow. Maybe they will find your body in a ditch somewhere next spring after the snow has melted

Best to bundle up, stay warm and dry and wait in the vehicle with the windows rolled down a crack until the snow stops falling and the storm passes. You can start and idle the car for a few minutes each hour to conserve gas for later. Having the windows open a crack helps to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning, lets in some fresh air and lets out some of the warm moist air escape from the car. Thee is a good reason why Eskimo's had vent holes in their igloos.

To stay in the car with the engine running and the windows rolled up risks running out of gas if the storm lasts and to risk death by carbon monoxide poisoning if the exhaust pipe plugs as the snow accumulates around the car, or if there is a leak in the exhaust pipe or muffler, or if you backed into snow trying to rock the car back and forth to get it unstuck.

Stay in the car, stay warm and dry, be sure to have a supply of fresh air, wait out the storm and pray that your friend is okay.

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