WhaleShares Short Story Contest | Week #4

in #contest7 years ago

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This is the 4th week of WhaleShares Short Story Contest. I hope that there is much more entry than the last week.
And Congratulation for the winner of last week contest. If you haven't read my post about the winner, here it is:
Winner of WhaleShares Short Story Contest | Week#3

According to Wikipedia

A short story is a piece of prose fiction that can be read in one sitting. Emerging from earlier oral storytelling traditions in the 17th century, the short story has grown to encompass a body of work so diverse as to defy easy characterization. At its most prototypical the short story features a small cast of named characters, and focuses on a self-contained incident with the intent of evoking a "single effect" or mood.[1] In doing so, short stories make use of plot, resonance, and other dynamic components to a far greater degree than is typical of an anecdote, yet to a far lesser degree than a novel. While the short story is largely distinct from the novel, authors of both generally draw from a common pool of literary techniques.

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Contest Rules :

  • Write an Original ShortStory ( Plagiarism will be flagged and reported )
  • The Story contains no longer than 200 words
  • Write a ShortStory based on the topic that I will give every week
  • Only 1 entry per user
  • Submit your entry in the comment section below
  • The Winner will be decided by the number of valid upvotes received. So don't try to cheat
  • Rewards will be 5 SBD and 5 whaleshares token.
    If you're wondering what's whaleshares, you can check this thread:
    Whaleshares Project | My Experience with Whaleshares Project
  • Upvote and ReSteem is appreciated to help me grow the contest interest.

I will choose 1 winner every week, and I will also choose 5 entry that will receive a 1% upvote to any of his post by @officialfuzzy

This Week Topic is "Adventure"

These tokens are on BitShares! So make sure you have a BitShares Account to receive and send them for upvotes on your steem posts!

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Here you go, my submission for Week #4 contest.
The Lost Trail 2.
"... I heard footsteps coming down the corridor toward my hospital room. I looked toward the door to see who it was, because it was only 5:21--too early for visitors. Someone dressed in white came through the door and at first I supposed it was a nurse.

"As I looked closer, I saw it was Joy! I could feel my hair stand on end. Cold chill bumps popped out all over my body, and I couldn't say a word.

Joy approached my bed and sat by my side and gently caressed my right hand. She was robed in white and looked lovely with her big tummy.

I sat up and though still feeling dizzy, I tried to speak but she placed her finger over my lips.
"You have to find him Jay.., he is still out there" she whispered

"Find who? I asked, by now I could feel my chest thumping."

"You have to find him, he is scared and in pains, Wake up, wake up and find him".

"As I opened my eyes, I was surrounded by nurses inside an ambulance and as I looked around, Joy was gone".

The wind whipped his bangs out of his eyes, giving him an all-too-clear view of the chasm below. The only thing that ever rose from those depths was that icy wind, sounding for all the world like the howls of the dead.

“You have to jump, Thomas!” his companion hollered from the other side of the gap.

“No, it’s too far! I can’t make it!” Thomas shuffled forward a centimeter more, until his toes protruded over thin air. A delicious tremor of fear crept up his spine and froze into determination. “You have to count for me!”

“Three. Two. One. GO!” his companion growled.

“Ahhhhhhhhh!” He leapt, arms and legs pinwheeling, and landed in his companion’s arms. They fell to the ground in an embrace, and Thomas the Adventurer burst into giggles.

“Tommy, get over here and set the table,” a voice interrupted their celebration. “Dinner’s in five minutes!”

“Aww, c’mon Mom, one more time!” Tommy shouted over his shoulder.

He set the stuffed bear upright, adjusted the fan, climbed back up on the chair, and prepared to make the leap again.

One bright sunny day I ran downstairs excitedly to my parents. I asked if we were still going for the hiking towards Margalla hills??
me younger sister cried loudly ! Hurrah we are going for great adventure.
then, we packed our luggage and set on long journey towards high mountains.
It was sunny day , but suddenly its started rains drops . It was evening when we reached track 1. Father said, looked my baby! its prevailing dark now, we should moved to our camp.
my sister gazed angrily and said, o dad It was my dream to do this great adventure at night so please move on . So, we started again.
When we reached at track 2 .....suddenly we heard a noise ....ooohoooo my mother felt terrified, she cried ! there is something behind the bushes . so ! stop here . Now , we all were excited too see such creature . We moved on and saw a large tiger in the bushes . He was roaring . We felt danger. Father whispered! go back quickly otherwise this hungry tiger with tore our bodies. We ran suddenly and came back to base camp .
The tiger was still roaring . It was dark night without moon. It was unforgettable adventure.

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