in #contest6 years ago

Source: Giphy

Winner Alert!

It's time again to announce the winners of the most recent @vdux haiku contest!

Thank you to all who entered:

@tygertyger, @kaelci, @mineopoly, @rlt47, @jadams2k18, @felicitas, @ayyeenn, @dmilliz, @calluna, @giddyupngo, @eprolific, @viking-ventures, @puppetmaster1111, @jvanman, @andysantics48, @kimberlylane

And others who didn't submit valid entries:

@antorchajohnny, @aniketmore1925, @mameh, @lologirl

Follow me to hear about my next haiku contest, which is already open!


For the most recent contest (the one that closed yesterday), I received 23 entries from 16 participants. That's a lot of haikus, but only one winner. If yours didn't win, enter the new contest here: https://steemit.com/contest/@vdux/contest-30-seconds-in-exchange-for-2-sbds-author-rewards-and-more.

Now, without further ado, this week's awards!

The Runner-Up Is: @andysantics48

Children having fun
Up snakes and down the ladders
Until one loses

Congratulations @andysantics48! It's about time! I’ll reach out to you directly soon, and I’ll post your shout-out within the next day to two. Please reply to any of my posts (including this one) or connect with me on steam.chat to let me know what post you’d like me to resteem.

The Winner Is: @calluna

“The Cluedo House Of Death”

Murder in the hall
A stabbing in the kitchen
Par for the course here

Hooray @calluna! You'll get 2 SBD + half SBD from the contest post after it closes. I’ll reach out to you directly soon, and I'll post your shout-out within the next day to two. Please reply to any of my posts (including this one) or connect with me on steam.chat to let me know what post you’d like me to resteem.

Thank you to all who entered! I'll be in touch with the winner and runner-up soon!

Also, would you like to give me some suggestions for themes? Reply here with your ideas!

AND check out this CRAZY visual effect:


Later peeps!


Congratulations @calluna - Yours was always going to be tough to beat :)

Thanks @vdux for hosting the successful contest.

Thank you, it was such an enjoyable theme, there were so many fun entries!

congratulations winners :D

Congratulations!! You rock:)

Thank you so much @vdux - that was a nice surprise :)

Back atcha. I'll post your shout-out tomorrow. Sorry I'm slack, will you forgive me?

Thank you very much
It is a delight to play
These syllable games <3

Very grateful to you for inspiring all these little ditties! Thank you so much!!

Congratulations @calluna!

And greetings to all the participants!

Thank you! I had a lot of fun coming up with ideas 😄

Yeah! That's the spirit!

Congrats to the winners!
Thanks @vdux for hosting!

My pleasure. Thank you for entering!

Thank you so much! I am so chuffed to have won!! I ended up revisiting so many old board games I had tucked away to think of ideas 😊

I can't wait to get thinking for the next round, this is such a fun contest 😍

Great. Thank YOU. Here's my post about you. I hope you're not Scottish!!!

(If you are, I will love you anyway.)


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