VCelier Contest #9: France, Canada and Europe

in #contest6 years ago (edited)


I am sorry to report that nobody answered correctly the 3 questions AND sent a comment with a guess of the rewards.
So, there is no winner for this contest.

See the correct answers to the questions at the bottom of this post.

Contest #9: France, Canada and Europe

There are 3 questions in this contest about an event or a fact that occurred in France, in Canada or in Europe.

Here are the questions:

  1. What was my "number" when I was at the École Navale in France in 1968-1970? (answer is one number)

  2. What is the altitude in metres (within 50 metres) of the highest point of the Trans Canada Highway? (answer is one number)

  3. In my recent trip in Europe, I visited many countries, including: Denmark, Croatia, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Germany. In each of these countries, except one, i visited a Steemian. What is the country where I did not visit a Steemian? (answer is one or two words)

To participate in this contest, you need to do two things, before Sunday, June 24th, 10:00AM (Pacific Time):

  1. Send 0.001 STEEM or SBD to me (@vcelier) with a memo that starts with the character '#' and that includes the answers to the 3 questions above.
    Example of a valid memo:
    # 1: 989 2: 2035 3: France

  2. Send in a comment to this post the amount in dollars shown as the reward for this post as displayed on Steemit on Tuesday, June 26th, 10:00AM (Pacific Time).

Only one entry reply per person and no update. Anybody that sends several entry replies or updates their entry reply will be disqualified.

So, think carefully before answering: you have more than three days, there is no advantage to reply early. In fact it is better to reply during the last few hours, as the reward amount does not change much after 3 days, except when the price of Steem changes a lot.

You can make as many non entry comments as you want, but avoid any hint.

The winner will need to give the correct answers to the 3 questions and be the closest for the dollar amount.
If several contestants have the exact same winning answers, the one with the earliest comment with the dollar amount will be declared the winner.

The prize will be 75% of the liquid award of this post.

Good luck.

Correct answers:

  1. My number at the École Navale was 112. See

  2. The highest point on the Trans Canada Highway is at the border between British Columbia and Alberta and it is around 1640 meters. I went there last Sunday and the GPS indicated 1657 meters.

  3. During my recent trip to Europe I visited @shortcut in Germany, @katharsisdrill in Denmark, @imperfect-one in Poland, @fingersik in Czech Republic and @velimir in Croatia. I stayed for 3 weeks in Hungary, but I did not visited any Steemian there.

So, the correct answers were:
1: 112, 2: 1640 (or so) 3: Hungary


How to do the 2nd step , I mean where can I see the amount of rewards?

On, you will see at the bottom of the post, before the comments, a line that indicate the reward of the post (currently $49.90) followed by the number of upvotes (currently 61 votes).

You have to guess, before Sunday at 10AM (Pacific time) what will be the reward on this line next Tuesday at 10AM.

It will be $49.80. Hoping the amount of steem will increase on the following day. Thank you ! Finally join your contest. I love joining contest

Peux tu traduire ton article en français s'il te plaît 😇

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