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RE: Dead Poems, Round 11, Contest and Community Building

in #contest6 years ago

These acts of Love Light and Music
performed before my tear-filled eyes
my regretting heart,
poorly fathomed by my cluttered mind
By Grace, out of all this, grows such as You
that when another Act is cued,
You will remember this Light

That just about made me cry. A child's love is so pure and remarkable. Bravo:)

You are so correct. Even as they become teenagers, that love still shows (though they try hard to hide it ;-) we know it is there. Thank you for your kind praise and for reading my verses.


Beautifully written, brother.

I've got a beautiful 17-year-old daughter and she is the love of my life. I am, quite literally ... possessed.

It's nice to see I've got company.


Thank you, my fellow possessed brother. :-)

Fantastic writing that reveals a feeling of unconditional love towards that improved extension of ourselves, our children, whom we always see small. There is so much excitement and appreciation for the reunion of all family members in the home that jump and fill us of that. Powerful writing makes us participants in the delivery and reflection of love.
Excellent work, @trumanity!

I'm happy you felt as though you participated in this. Your words are so kind. I'm flattered, thank you.

The unconditional love of a child… that perfect reflection of our best selves.

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