Introducing Jellyfish with a contest to help me name them

in #contest6 years ago

My newest fine art photography project is a series of semi-abstract closeup photos of moon jellyfish. It's due to make its public debut at a show in Wisconsin in July, which means I'm beginning the process of preparing for the show now.

Feb Jelly 71.jpg

As my photography progresses it has been heading more and more toward abstraction. My architectural photos have been gradually getting more abstract as I go along. My animal photos wander back and forth between levels of abstraction, depending on my mood at the time. But this series is another significant step in that direction.

Feb Jelly 51.jpg

They started on a single day in early 2017, not with a lot of intention. I spend a lot of time at my local zoo, as you may have seen from my baby tapir post. While that means I have a lot of opportunity to get different animal photos, especially those that come from long experience with the individual animals, it can also be very repetitive. There's a fairly limited range of opportunities in that environment, and I'm always looking for something new to explore, whether it's looking at an animal differently, finding an unusual view of an exhibit, or using a new piece of photography equipment.

Feb Jelly 66.jpg

For a long time, I had stayed out of the aquarium-focused Discovery bay exhibit. It's very dark, and they have several large tactile exhibits, which not only aren't very photogenic but lead to having tons of little kids running around wildly at all times. When I first started doing zoo photography seriously I was a natural-light-only photographer, and I just got out of the habit of going to Discovery Bay at all. After I took up flash photography it didn't occur to me to go back there for quite a while. But one day I did, on a day I had my flash and my macro lens, and the results were highly rewarding.

The Augury She Always Wanted.jpg

While I've spent a lot of time and effort to become a high-quality inkjet printer, it was clear right away that these were going to need something else. They have a luminous quality about them that doesn't show up as well as I would like even on glossy paper. So I took the next step. I had been casually looking for something that I might want to print on metal, after seeing some other photographers' work. It works really nicely for some subjects like cars that I just don't do. My work is generally quieter, but I saw the potential for the jellyfish to be bright and luminous while still maintaining some of the quiet quality that I'm looking for in my work.

Jellyfish 5 on easel.jpg

I also really wanted them to be large to magnify the effect of the macro photography. So I'm making them as 24" x 36" prints on aluminum. They're surprisingly hard to photograph well; I've gone through a bunch of attempts, trying to capture the presence they have in a room. The one above is the best I've been able to do so far, but I don't think it's quite there. I think it's interesting that the hardest thing I've ever had to photograph was my own photographs.

You may have noticed that I'm putting the images into the post without telling you the titles. That's because right now most of them have really crappy titles. They're called things like "February Jellyfish 78." And that's where the contest part of this post comes in. I have to fill out an inventory list for the curator, which means that all of these need real titles, and I'd like your help coming up with some.

My titling scheme for these is somewhere between surrealist and magic realist. Here's a list of the titles I already have for some of the series:

The Augury She Always Wanted
The Breathless Rigidity of Pseudoscience
Searching for Omelas in All the Wrong Places
Our Metropolitan Hamburger Is a Bad Idea
A Short Brimless Felt Hat Barely Blocks Out the Sound of a Celtic Violin
Relaxing in Basins at the End of Inlets Terminates the Endless Tests from the Box
She Speaks The Language of Pears

These sort of phrases come up every once in a while in conversation around here (because we're weirdos) and I try to write them down when I do. But I have a hard time just sitting down and writing them, so I thought I would ask for help. I need about 11 more of these, and I think each of them is worth 1 SBD to me. So comment with your ideas, and if I decide I want to use them, I'll send you a transfer.

By entering the contest you agree that if you win you allow me the right to use your submission as the title of an artwork in perpetuity with no further compensation.

Amazing photography

Hmm,so without specific pieces in mind:

Twirling a wisp the unpleasantness of boys

On a good blood moon the Caribbean night

Lacking in places a giraffe might visit

An escapist from the nudist colony's bright smile

Revolving through the doors of heaven

In the space between nebulas another blue period

Not sure if those are what you're after but hope they're of some use 😉

Whoa. OK, this is going to take me a minute, you're good at this.

I'm going to accept Twirling a Wisp the Unpleasantness of Boys, Lacking in Places a Giraffe Might Visit, and An Escapist from the Nudist Colony's Bright Smile. And the others are nice too, they just don't fit what I want quite as well.

3 SBD coming your way shortly.

Awesome, thanks :)

Some truly beautiful photos, @tcpolymath! Etherial and compelling.
Funny that I found your post today because I was just in the midst of putting together a post of some pics of our visit to the Jellyfish exhibit at the Quebec Aquarium a year and a bit ago. (It's not posted yet because I have to run to work. )

I did have a couple minutes though to let my mind wander and come up with some potential titles for your luminous images. Hope you enjoy!
Here my entries to your contest:

-She Steps Through The Curtain Of Destiny, Without A Single Glance Backward
-Hovering On The Edge of Infinity, I Think, "Yes"?
-Don't Skip Sideways, Unless You Wish To Be Wet
-A Graceful Caress Bring Memories Of Home
-Seen Through The Lens Of Intimate Nothingness
-The Eyelash Of Divinity Blinks Once, Twice
-That Which Flows Inward, Dies Slowly
-The Light Drops, Plip, Do You Hear It?
-The Perilous Portents Of Passion
-This Way Lies Maddening Silence

(Feel free to edit or modify as you wish any that you chose to use)

Nice work. I'm going to take several of those, let me see.

She Steps Through The Curtain Of Destiny, Without A Single Glance Backward
Don't Skip Sideways, Unless You Wish To Be Wet
A Graceful Caress Brings Memories Of Home


Thank you! And you are most welcome. After your show opens, if it's not any trouble for you, it'd be a kick to see pics of your photos with my titles attached to some of them. 😎

Also, this kind of thing comes very easy to me, so if you ever need titles or anything similar in the future feel free to hit me up!

Hopefully I will remember to do that.

And I'll keep an eye out for any of your future contests 😎

Hmm.... names for artwork can indeed be difficult. I don’t know if you are still looking for titles. Here’s what I have:

Drink Deep the Intrusion of Spirits
Fingers Running and Trickling Down
Golden Shell of a Blue Tiger
Endorsement of Wilderness Folded and Bent
Crash Your Tea But Sip In Stillness
All Good Things Float from a Single Cord

Good luck @tcpolymath !

Wins for Endorsement of Wilderness Folded and Bent and Crash Your Tea But Sip In Stillness.

Thanks so much! Can’t wait to see what you end up naming them all! :)

The Maddening Purr of Grumpy Cat (kidding)


Unraveling the Fabric of Reality
The Birth of a Universe
When Maidens Fart
Love is Fluid

I'm actually going to give you a win for the joke, though I'm going to take the liberty of making it The Maddening Purr of a Grumpy Cat.

Wow some of these picture are incredible.

This one is my favorite, I dont know what to call it but the fine detail is beautiful.

Here I bring you some titles for your works:

1.- Death is far away, it does not look at me.

2.- The sweet poison of my hair.

3.- The night comes silently from secret slots.

4.- I will suck all the moisture that lives in you.

5.- When you dance, your body speaks.

6.- My enveloping translucent contact.

7.- Eternity summed up in a smile.


It's a pleasure to follow you and see what you share in your post and your contests. We want more from @tcpolymath in Steemit!!!

Mystic Death

Around the Horizon

Beneath the Shadows

The Magical Comfort Zone

Wings beneath the Wind

My Beloved

When I looked that photo, I saw, that is not a jellyfish.I mean , look at that photo carefully, that looked like some hair of a young lady.

How do you think ?
...That's my opinion.

@tcpolymath My title for this piece: Translucent royalty passes silently

And you're the first winner! Transfer in your wallet in a minute.

Payment received, thanks mate. BTW, love the photos.

Amazing images! Very relaxing for the mind to look at! I also think they would work amazing when printed very large. Good luck with finding good titles!

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