Shitty Biological Drawings - Win SBD!

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

By marimari1101 on

Those who follow my main account @suesa and read the science posts (mainly biology) published there should already know my amazingly artistic depictions of biology shitty sketches that are supposed to help you understand how stuff works™.

A few days ago, @apsu had the great idea that I should make some drawings without any explanations and have my readers/followers guess and describe the process.

That idea was too much fun to not go through with it! So here we go.

The Rules

  • Leave a comment describing the process depicted in one (or up to three) of the drawings. Don't forget to add the number of the drawing.

  • Everyone can add only one "participation comment" but in that describe several processes. Please don't edit it, to keep it fair.

  • Win 1 SBD per correct description, as long as you're the first

Special rule for biologists and people from similar fields:

I don't want the correct process from you, that'd be too easy. I want you to give the shittiest, most absurd explanation that still sounds like it could make sense but doesn't actually make any. Please also state that it's the intentionally wrong explanation!. Aside from that, the same rules apply.

The Shitty Drawings










Too much fun to resist:

I've been known to count as a biologist to some people, so here's some intentionally bad guesses.

  1. A spherical android developed by Andorians is going around and checking them for antennae. If they don't have antennae, then they get eye-stabbed.

  2. A very hungry octopus cannot afford ford. A friendly passer-by gives teh octopus some EOS coins to buy some food. Unfortunately, the octopus does not realize it has no internet and doesn't know how to conver EOS to fiat anyway.

  3. A plant has a drinking problem, induced by feelings of inadequacy over being illiterate. After learning some of the alphabet, it gives up drinking, but goes through a 'goth' phase.

  4. FINALLY. I've had this damn zipper messed up for so long, but now it's unkinked and ready to mate.

  5. The joy of nachos.

  6. If you don't clean your mustache, be prepared to deal with whatever weird organism falls out of your face.

  7. Finally graduated, our friend Rex Tangle is happy to enter to the 'real world' After learning about the current job market, Rex loses their innocence. The constant worry makes them sick, and due to a lack of affordable health care, they die. Their student loan debts are, of course, transferred to their beneficiaries.

  8. Forgetting to brush your teeth doesn't seem like a huge deal, if it's only for a day. But after a week camping, it's not a very pretty sight.

Can't win because you didn't follow the rules, but you got a 100% upvote because this shit was hilarious :D

I'll take the upvotes and the compliment!

Because I can't read, here's the 3 for consideration for a prize: none of them, just tell me what you liked.

Excellent imagination!

Haha Loved your post. Not sure how many already answered correctly but will answer whatever I got.
(1) It's a serial killer in the town. He goes and ask everyone why. Why are we here? If he doesn't like the answer he kills you. What a natural killer he is.
(2) Looks like an octopus caught red handed manipulating science reporters that it is an Aileen. Now I know where that news comes from.

(4) That is when you unzip those jeams, but you see God's spies crawl around it and then close it, because you are somewhat conservative about this shit.

(5) Offering steak to a vegan!

(6) Not sure if that is two friends exchanging their video collection in back alley or just bacterial porn.

(7) I know this, this is voldemort getting a nose job.

(8) That looks like Christan Grey's collection from 50 shades of grey. I will just quitely chuckle in my head looking at those beads.

Ok tried my best to keep it as absurd as possible but can't resist asking.
(3) Guess that's some mutagen you poured onto your plant. Though AGT to AGC mutation won't change the amino acid in peptide chain but still you got a phenotype. Maybe that SNP was in promoter? Or am I on totally wrong track ?

Aaaaand you answered more than three and thus can't get any rewards :( but I love the answers so you get a 100% vote

This is so easy, I could skip reading the rules and just explain all of these but I'm not going to do that.

Number 4 is clearly what we call "dental caries". As described in "Caries Ecology Revisited: Microbial Dynamics and the Caries Process" by Takahashi N. and Nyvad B. source the bacteria in mouth and the dental plaque cause the process of tooth surface being deminarilized and thus causing "holes" in teeth. As seen in the picture 4.

If number 4 was bad, then number 6 is worse! It's clearly a pathogen transfer process. The cell number 2 is in pain as the cell which is hosting a disease transfers the dangerous pathogen to it. Not sure what a pathogen is, but I'm assuming it's a super bad gene.

Pathos is the greek word for "suffering". This means it's suffering gene, which is bad.

As described in "Pathogen transfer through environment-host contact: an agent-based queueing theoretic framework." by bunch of people (too many to cite) Source there are host-to-host transferred diseased. I'm assuming this is related to the suffering genes, especially when the header states "Pathogen". And we can see a transfer happening.

Then the final one, number 6. As described on "Viral diseases of marine invertebrates" by P.T. Johnson source there are many known diseases harming... marine introverts.

These contain the group of animals called "Mollusca", which contain also the octopi. In the first image the octopus called "G-Daddy Bobberton" is fighting the virus. The G-Daddy Bobberton seems to be doing OK and it finally defeats the virus. It then hands it over to a biologist who studies viral diseases of marine introvertaberetiums. I'm 100% sure this is how microbiologists get their samples.

Priceless :')

I really tried thinking (guessing and googling) what those could be. The number 6 is the closest one to success I got to...

Googling "Octopus cell" and "Virus" is not as efficient as I thought it would be in terms of finding out biological processes.

8 - The central dogma of molecular biology. DNA-mRNA-protein. Protein ends up superfolding as expected to

1- I think this is some process of cell recognition. Differentiating self from non-self by the immune system.

And just like that i fell dumb as hell for not realizing that what @suesa draw was a protein xD she even went to the trouble of drawing the mRNA in a different color... if she had drawn the rRNA and tRNA i would have know

I'm not making textbook illustrations here

LMAO tRNA and rRNA ? You gotta be kidding 😂

Oh, I think 6 could be bacterial conjugation. The red circle is the F-plasmid that it is being passed from one cell to another by direct contact (the donor even has the pilus)

I think number 2 is the presentation of an antigent by a dendritic cell, or something very similar

Number 3- altering the genes of the plant with some chemical, from a c to a T

Number 4- Helicase , dna polimerase and at the end the dna replication, so it's basically dna semi conservative replication steps

All three correct, although I would have preferred a longer explanation :P

The only thing that i'm not sure is the name of the chemical used to change the t to a c... i know that if HNO2 is used the adenine changes to hypoxanthine that begins pairing with citosin but i think it isn't the one being used there, right?

How can i explain the number 4 better if you didn't even put the 5´3´and 3´5´to know where the Okazaki fragments will be? :P I heard Berlin had a good Art's school, you could go and give it a test drive, it would be an investment to your future

I can go and get my microbiology book and explain them to you ahahah, atm i'm trying to figure out what the hell is number 7 and 8...

BTW one of the faces in number 6 is very obscene xD i guess dirty minds draw dirty things

The 5th and 6th look easy too... don't have a clue about the 8, 7 or 1... wait now that i look better at the first one i think i got it, but it's kinda weird suesa, you need some art lessons ahahah

You obviously don't know what you are saying >=/

Good to have you back buddy

It's good to be back! :)

In the drawing #4 we can obviously see how a capitalist molecule is trying to build its staircase in a very calm way, when suddenly two disgusting socialist molecules arrive to destroy what was being created so calmly and try to make it egalitarian to get the best out of it (according to them). And we see at the end how the result is two stairs, yes, but completely defective. As usual. Disgusting molecules. >=/

You sir should win a special 1 sbd comedic prize, this was funny as hell

No. 6 - Looks like Horizontal gene (vector) transfer.

Technically yes, but I need you to be slightly more specific, as this is supposed to be a very specific process.

:( What is it? But I got the number 7 in between. Not commenting about it, because only one participation comment is allowed.

Well it is a horizontal gene transfer, but there are several ways.

Maybe I'll wait for a shitty technology drawing. Biology kindda scares me :p

But I know someone that would definitely crush on these drawings.😂

I think I'll give some recommendations here

no 6- conjugation in paramecium

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