Steemit Cartoon : Notice Me Pleassseee...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

I am not sure about you guys, but this is becoming an unhealthy obsession with me. I crave for attention. Please tell me its normal. Not attention from the opposite sex but attention from...


The Process

01 - Sketching idea


02 - Base colour


03 - Layering background colour


04 - Basic colour for characters


05 - Basic Tone and shadow colour


06 - Add more highlight colour and shadow


07 - Add Background and details


08 - Finishing touch


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Hello, Sireh, and welcome to Steemit. I see you are quite new, and I must tell you that you will go through some growing pains. (I've been active for just over 2 months now, and I too have attracted only a bit of attention from other Steemians or whales.)

I saw that many of your posts are resteems. That is fine, but you should also create some quality content on your own, and upload original posts.

Write about something you love, fill it with information that others might want to know or might find interesting. Add photos and images to complement the text.

If you're uploading photos, make it a complete photo diary, with close to 20 photos and plenty of interesting commentary regarding the photos. It can be your experience of the site in the photos, details about the subject of the photos, history about the subject of the photos. As long as it's interesting and informative, it should get a better response than a single photo.

Another way to get recognition is to go through your Steemit feed, or through the "new" posts feed, or any feed, and look for something that interests you. There will be much that you are not interested in, but everyone can find posts that they find interesting or even intriguing.

For those posts, you can UPVOTE, COMMENT, READ Replies, Re-COMMENT to the replies, and even UPVOTE the comments and replies. This will bring you minor rewards at first, but it will bring you recognition.

Slowly but surely, you will be noticed more and recognized more. I know from experience.

Keep plugging away, and keep striving to do a bit every day.
Eventually, you'll find that you are moving .... Full Steem Ahead.

All the best.

p.s. I love your graphics above. I assume you drew them all yourself. They're well done and interesting. Also, the development stages show that you put a lot of thought into them. somehow, you might find a way to use those skills / talents in some of your Steemit posts. :-)

Wow!... Thanks @majes.tyty ... yes I'm new to this and still learning... glad that I have the friend like @perennial and others from @Team Malaysia who gave me support... without them I may be lost in Steemians sea... your comment is very much appreciated. Thanks for the tips... cheers!

There are also two advices:

  • Comment a lot but only on things that interests you!! find a niche you like and comment on them... Make sure you read the post so you comment on things that make them know you're interested. If the same person find that you commented on them in more than one day they'll would want to see your posts.
  • Don't mention asking for upvotes or followers in your comments. it's a very bad idea. I wrote a post about it... If someone liked your comment they'll upvote you without you asking.

Excellent comment about commenting and upvoting. We should strive to make / maintain Steemit as a platform full of quality content, replete with interesting and valuable information.

Fake comments and unearned upvotes will take us into the opposite direction, making this site a shallow venture focused on earning rewards, making money, and increasing profits. That is NOT something that we want, and we should strive to ensure that we do not go that route.

Post about what you love, and certain Steemers will love what you post.
Comment about what interests you, and other Steemers will find it interesting.

And if other Steemers love your posts and find them interesting, then they might follow you and upvote / resteem your posts. If many of them don't, many others will.

Full Steem Ahead.

You're very welcome. I'm new too, and trying to learn lots.

It can be a bit frustrating, but think LONG TERM. Keep doing what you love, keep posting interesting stuff that other people will love, and you will find that the rewards will come. Maybe slowly, but surely.

Following you now... may learn many new things from ya...

Cool. I'm here to help whenever I can.

By the way, where in Malaysia are you (besides CyberJaya)?

Cyberjaya is the place where I'm teaching (Multimedia University)... its next to Putrajaya, 15 minutes from KLIA Airport... and 30 minutes to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia...

Thanks. I must have passed it when I visited KL about 15 years ago.

I've also visited Malaka, Kuching, and Penang. I love travelling in Malaysia, and will probably visit again someday.

Teach your students well. :-)

Hahaha... 15 years ago Cyberjaya didn't yet exist... and wow!... you're traveling Malaysia more than I do... isk!

I was here just to say this, and you said more than I ever thought I can say. Great... upvoted!!

Thanks! @ahmadmanga... your tips and your upvote are very much appreciated... we'll keep in touch... cheers!

Great advice and tip! Just have fun making friends... :D

The obsession is perfectly common when you are new here. I spent like 12 hours daily on Steemit the first month but now just check it 2-3x daily. 😊

wow...that is an addiction

Whales can't see us. Know why? Their eyes are side to side hahah

haha... wish they have many eyes ...

actually they have only two.... haha

imagine if they have compound eyes like flies...

awww, I missed the payout date, love your artwork! Do you mind if I use it?

Thank You @kubbyelizabeth, yes... you have my permission. I really apreciate it if you can put credit (moral right) and promote my works to your friends... Thanks for your support ya... cheers!

You paint really nice, seriously. More concerning to the theme, I'm new on Steemit and I've been reading to some guys that I consider succesfull in this social media, they say that adding value to the things that you read by commenting good stuff helps to much, gaining followers too, making high tier aportations no matter how simple are they.

I think I can say so many more things but I prefer to recommend you this post, I really like it and can help you.

Thanks!... great read... love it... hopefully, one day my cartoon will lead us to that point... its not about how much we make, or who notice u or who's belly we rub ... its about how we build a relationship and create meaningful community who support each other in positive way... cheers!

Haha fits perfect! That´s exactly how I feel with steemit! OBSESSED!!!
Wonderful cartoon! Love the expression of the whale and the minnows!

I still can't get your kaiju spiders off my mind. Those spiders were wicked.

Aww Thank you so much!! :D

  • notice me whale senpai *

hahaha!... you're leng lui mermaid ... sure whale notice you... so glad you join this community, this is so relevant!! i hope more and more people especially the whales will notice your artwork more!! :D

well, that is one of the reason I put this up...I am the octopus holding the hello sign...hope there are some whales here...HELLO whale

lol ... awesome representation of a minnow

haha... more to come... sensei

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