Digitex Futures: No transaction fee on popular cryptocurrencies like BTC/ETH/LTC! Hurray!

in #contest6 years ago (edited)


So far we know there is always a transaction fee at each and every steps of transactions associated with cryptocurrencies that used to disheartening for all of us as maximum profit generated due to fluctuating nature of cryptocurrencies is lost without any reason.
But thanks to the Digitex, since with them there is no any kind additional charges exists as transaction fee!

What is Digitex?


Digitex Futures Exchange is a platform that allow its user/ trader to do exchanges without asking/ charging or cutting any kind of transactional charges.
Their cost of operation is being sustained by synthesizing their Ethernum based DGTX token. This DGTX token will include profit, loss, margin requirements and account balance hence it is compulsory requirement for every traders trading with DGTX or participating in commission free market exchange.
Some silent features of DGTX Futures Exchanges -

Zero transaction fees. With Digitex from now there exists nothing called transaction fee while buying Bitcoin/ litecoin etc. Only you have to buy DGTX token that is liquid token and since it's demand will be high in long term it pay more then the amount one put it inside.
Decentralized account. DGITX Futures trader's account balance are stored on a smart unhackable Ethernum blockchain in independent manner not on DIGITEX. That allow much better security and safer investment environment.
Decentralized Governance. Traders holding DGTX have the authenticity to determine how many DGTX token shall be published and when.This allow traders to have an equal opportunity to be the part of development or benifits or loss associated with DGTX. But the core idea is - More minds work together maximize profits.
One Click per interface - DGTX Futures market allow traders to deal with order i.e buy or sell instantly with just a single click of mouse.Along with this Digitex market are demonstrated on ladder interface that allow the traders to check market progress.

Large tick sizes and tick value.

"A tick is the minimum price increment that a futures "
Tick value of DGTX = 1DGTX token.
The large tick size featuring DGTX makes it more involatile in comparison to other cryptocurrencies.
That could be easily demonstrated on ladder like interface without any tension of a sudden shrinking of its value to the bottom or sudden climbing to the top.

Decentralized governance with blockchain. Along with decentralized governance of blockchain it provides centralized efficiency while making the transactions.
Advanced technology. DGTX designed with the same programming language as that of whatsapp i.e Erlang/ OTP stack. The most advanced programming language that provide better security along with instant real time updating capabilities. Matching engine match trades in less than 1 milli sec. That provide scalability to its millions of users.
Privacy Since in Digitex transaction occur via their DGTX token. So, there is not any kind of requirements generated that ask users to provide their personal data first. This make the privacy of users ultimate secure.
No auto deleverging - Digitex provides trader a high leverage and unlike today's trends of crypto manufacturers, Digitex doesn't cut their users profit while winning.
High liquidity DGTX token and their smart process of synthesizing, always keep on increasing the liquidity and non volatility of their token. That will surely provide traders tremendous benefits.
It is a liquid token manufactured by DGTX Futures Exchanges that provide the users zero transaction cost on trading BTC/ETH/LTC and help in managing their operation cost.. So, in future its demand will always keep increasing.
DGTX is real Utility token that has real value and can be used for buying BTC, LTC and ETH. Means all profit and loss is expressed here in terms of DGTX.
Incredible increase in values of BTC and their high transaction charges seem to be disarmed after the introduction of DIGITEX and it's DGTX token. That's called Right place at right time.

How it will change the way cryptousers interact with Futures?

Futures market allow user to trade without the risk of paying maximum fees, storage and transportation etc while buying any of the real or virtual assets.
Digitex Futures Exchanges introduced its own native Cryptocurrency named DGTX token in the market cap, that is compulsory for each traders aiming to trade for zero transaction fee.
This property of DGTX token always keep its demand high in the market.
Moreover holding this for a viable time period will surely earn profit at the end date of user's withdrawal.
Earlier with the other Futures where investors suffer quite profound loss as transaction fees. Nothing such will happen with DGTEX Futures.
Secured by this number of investors will increase eventually and lot many small traders will look forward to crypto world with extracting what they deserve without any other risk of any kind.

Why are fees problematic for users trading in Futures?


Presently Futures Exchanges available reduces the amount paid to the investors and due to recurring trends of such kind small investors hesitate to withdraw their handsome when they require. Since, so called transaction fee is being charged to every users at each steps of transaction that they make and this reduces the profit generated due to volatile fluctuations in prices of cryptocurrencies.
A lot many little investors with their cryptocurrency related earning has to wait for a viable duration before extracting their hardworks rewards into fiat and due to fluctuating nature this duration many exceed then expected.

In shorts:
• Earlier they can't extract instant benefit.
• They either have to invest more or may have to wait more years for withdrawal.
•They have to pay transaction charges also that affect their overall profit.

How does creating a no-fee futures exchange allow users to gain more from their trades?

As discussed above now with DGTX tactics a large number of little investment can be made and this opened the door of crypto world making it available to all investors.

Since no transaction fee means all profit will go in traders pocket, not to the third party source as a cost of operation.

At the right moment investors can invest or withdraw their amount. No bound fee will exist to hamper their personal interest and profit of investment in any cryptocurrencies either it is Bitcoin.
They can invest with little capital also. No problem of certain fixed amount as it is asked in plenty of coin with Futures.

How are trading fees killing traders profits?

You must be familiar that as a buyer of crypto coins you will pay maximum fee.
As a seller you will be receiving least price.
This is today's trends that could basically throw some light on how it affect investors income.
If you buy 1.8 coins for 2 dollar current price.
If you sell that 1.8 coin you may recieve 1.5 dollar.
Even if it's actual rate is 2 coins of two dollar.
With this rough idea you can calculate the entire profit and loss.

With such a strong foundation and fast growth, where do I see Digitex in 2019, 2020, and 2021?

Within 17 minutes of DGTX token, it sold raising its market cap to 5.2m $. Such phenomenal!
With such a high rate at almost October of the year 2019, It will replace majority of Futures Exchanges and its coin will be one of the most dominant in recent years and this is due to its phenomenal features of offering zero transaction fee on popular cryptocurrencies.

What is the impact of giving users the power and control over how the Digitex Futures Exchange is funded?

Giving user the power and control over DGTX token manufacturing will surely gain attention and will be largely excepted. More minds will work here to maximize the profit. Moreover synthesis of Token as per the will of investors and demand in the market will allow traders to be a part of ongoing development in terms of profit.
That's awesome!

         <h1> Use cases</h1><hr>

1.Joy was a student who earn small money as an independent minner.
He was in the need to buy a book. Though he has some money stored in his ETH wallet but he can't take it out since the transaction fee will decrease his ETH value and hence the price he will receive will be less then he needed to buy the book. So, he either have to wait more month.
His friend Tom told him about DGTX where there is no transaction charges for any exchange, he just need to buy DGTX token which will give him profit again some time later as the demand will keep increasing.

  1. Rob Carter had a job that earn less. One day he decided to invest his 20% of saving in cryptocurrencies specially after listening to the noise of cryptocurrencies and its profit from his rich friend, he also wanted to invest in Bitcoin. But due to high transaction rate. His almost three dollars worth coin seems to be of one dollar and even negligible when he' ll try to take this out at current rate.
    His all expectation was started giving him a shock.
    Then he read a blog on DIGITEX futures where there is no transaction fee on his favourite coin Bitcoin.
    And now he could happily invest his small saving without any tension.




This is my entry for contest @originalworks.
Information source:
Information and Image source:
DIGITEX official website
DIGITEX Whitepaper
contest here

Some image taken from pixabay
My video presentation:



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