Everyone Gets Upvoted Daily Photo Contest #3 - Take a Picture of a Book

in #contest7 years ago (edited)



Each day I'll give a subject/topic for a photograph. Could be a color, could be an item, could be a theme. You take a photo and post it in the comments section below. Pictures should be taken specifically for this contest, don't take pictures from Google images and don't post stuff you've already put out. The whole point of this contest is spontaneity. Anyone caught using Google image photos or previously posted photos will get a 100% downvote. This isn't get the most polished photo out there, this is a fun spontaneous daily contest, creativity counts.

Every single photo/comment made in the first 8 hours will get an upvote from me, with one winer, or the best photo getting a 100% upvote from me. I'd also encourage you guys to upvote and support your fellow Steemians as well.

Creativity counts. I may say take a photo of a fork. There's nothing wrong with just taking a picture of a fork on a table, however if you want to stick it up your nose or have a friend hold it as they jump into a pool or something goofy that makes things more interesting. I'll also on occasion be giving out Steem or SBD prizes to especially creative posters.





Imagine my surprise when Brad told me this was the new book he bought, lol. Will it help him? Prolly not.

lol, I think I actually saw the movie with my gf one day when she was sick. Whenever she's feeling under the weather I'm a little nicer than normal and we always watch her shows lol. Last weekend we had a "Say yes to the dress" marathon lol

LOL I made Brad watch hours of that too! He absolutely hates that show now. Don't worry though, as soon as you actually do get married she will stop watching it :)


I still haven't finished it because I'm too busy looking at crypto stuff all the time. Sigh....

One of my favorite books. I think it's really interesting how you can look at all these examples from back in the day whether it be those CD through the mail deals or penny loafers or whatever other old school examples he gives and the overreaching principals still hold true for what makes trends happen online today and what makes things go viral.

My entry for the contest is this wonderful books, I started with how to hear from God early this year am not done with it yet but my sister gave me this two wonderful book from Ben carson

I've always meant to read some of his stuff but hadn't gotten around to it yet. I'm heading to the library this weekend to get some books for my trip so I'll have to pick one up

This is the book that my friend gave me in my last birthday. IMG_20180224_132301.jpg.
God Bless

My book photo.
Had two books with me,was a bit confused on which to read,so i started with The five love languages by Gary Chapman,its a great book to read. 1519401172688537894420.jpg


My entry.... 😂 decided to use this

I'm getting ready for the trip


My old high school textbooks i had to dust them for this photo shot.IMG_20180223_193425.jpg


This is a book for my weekend. I like reading because this a best way to relax for me and I got some knowledge from book.

Hey buddy the contest today is a picture of a book.

A bit late but I found this old book. On the inside of the book it says it was given as a Christmas present in 1925.Apparently it first came out in 1678. Not sure when this one was released though.20180225_125654.jpg


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