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RE: [Books] What's In Your Library Challenge: Let's Share Knowledge

in #contest6 years ago

OH my goodness, where to begin! Thanks for sharing. I love the way you introduce your books and what a romantic you are, I can imagine you crying into the pages of these books haha!!

100 Years of Solitude is one of my absolute all time favourite books ever. I loved it so much - we studied it at uni. Also, your brother has Never Let me Go and Everything is Illuminated - two great books that made me totally bawl my eyes out. They are three of my faves!!!

Oh Martin - responsible for me wasting a whole summer reading and watching everyone die. But all men must die, yes?

Led Zeppelin and the Stones I love. I was brought up on the Stones and Dad has every single one on vinyl. A bit of Orwell and Bukowski too. And I love Shackleton's story, thought I heard he took a lot of unneccessary risks. Those adventure stories are awesome. One of my favourites is 'Batavia's Graveyard' - that's a totally nuts story, if you ever come across it, by Mike Dash.

Thanks heaps for sharing - it's so good to learn more about you through books, and I love love love the way you write about them!


Love your comment Kylie,

Thanks for taking the time to carefully inspect my shelf to notice all the books and to compose such a beautiful comment.
When I heard that Steemit has a unique way to connect people I didn't believe it, I thought... "nah just another social media". I've never been so wrong in my life hahahaha
It is thrilling to meet people with the same ideas all over the world!

I can imagine you crying into the pages of these books haha!!
Duuuude that phase was tough! But I'm glad I had to pass through that, it's the best way to learn, right? Now I see it as a positive thing, I've learned a lot since then.
Oh Martin - responsible for me wasting a whole summer reading and watching everyone die. But all men must die, yes?
I just hope Mr. Martin doesn't die hahahahahha I'm still waiting for book 6.
Those adventure stories are awesome. One of my favourites is 'Batavia's Graveyard' - that's a totally nuts story, if you ever come across it, by Mike Dash.

Wow, wow, wow! I quickly checked on google, sounds amazing.

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