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RE: We Feature You! And a Chance to Win!

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Yes, yes, yes. All of the above are great ideas, but I particualrly like 2 + 3

We find posts which are way past their payout time from different members and feature them in a post. The freewriters featured leave a comment under the post- maybe talking a bit about their pieces - and we all can vote on the comment.
We do an interview, pictures and all, with you.

I have entered a similar initative before called 'thedeadpostintiative' which runs on the same premise as the first idea above. The only problem with that one is that I know from experience that people get all there steemit friends to come and upvote the comment post and drop a quick spammy comment. I know that we're a group of unique, wonderful, spam hating peeps in the freewrite community, but it could be worth using a different judging mechanism to avoid:

The second idea is nice as we get to see the faces of the freewrite community but some people may be shy or really value there online anonymity. I'm the opposite and have plastered myself all over my steemit posts 😉


Whatever you guys come up with I'm sure it will be amazing. I'm of the opinion that re-igniting dead posts is an important issue for steemit as a whole. Purely from a publishing perspective, there are a lot of amazing writers on steemit who have published works that would be accepted to anthologies but as they have given up 'first publishing rights' there stories would not be accepted. The problem with the steemit reward mechanism is that it encourages everyone to read new stuff (great) but the curation mechanism actively discourages reading old work (not so great) as there is no incentive to visit the old posts.

Ha ha, that's my two cents anyway. Here's another monty python giph for sticking with my long-winded rant 😜


10 raj808

You are in!! It's great to see your enthusiasm for giving some love to older posts! It would be difficult (ha, impossible) to prevent any spam but you've the right idea that cautious judging should weed out anything that is against the spirit of the feature.
The interview option is certainly one of my personal favorite ideas for featuring our awesome freewriters!
I think that if the writer would rather not have a photo of themselves included but rather places or items that have given them inspiration or have meaning to what they've written, it would still give us the chance to learn more about their lives and grow closer together as a community.
From the beginning, I've felt that the one week timeline for posts was a bit daft. I'm personally poor with the technical aspects of so much regarding blockchain tech but I've wondered why post payouts can't be extended for a longer period of time.
THANK YOU for the Monty Python GIFs! 😂 (Your comment was in no way long winded but the laughs are always appreciated!) (bris)

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