We Feature You! And a Chance to Win!

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

Features YOU.png
Day 10 brought to you by Marianne

The Freewrite House features You!

By now, we think you all know that the Freewrite House is all about YOU!! We want it to be fun for you and also find ways for you all to shine more.

We also all know that the life of a post on Steemit is pretty short. Yes, it will be on the blockchain forever - but...

The big but! How many times are we looking at posts which are older than 7 days.

And the other big but. Even if it is still read, nobody can vote on it anymore. (You all know what that means - we don't need to spell it out).

Those are two issues with older posts. But what about the posts we are writing right now and only one or two people are going to see?

You all know that we are making a great effort to make sure that everyone gets at least one reader. We have a wonderful team of Freewrite encouragers lead by the beautiful Ms @brisby who come to your posts, read them and leave you a comment with the current prompt.

Big shoutout to @marcoriccardi @marie-jay @ebitularmbert @honeydue @eyedreemit @deirdyweirdy @whatisnew @byn @wordymouth @brisby @snook @f3nix @omra-sky

If you all would like to join the crew - let us know!! The more, the merrier!!! Just let us know.


Four Ways to Feature You

  1. One of us at the Freewrite House finds some of you work which is still current (voteable) and presents a nice little post about it to get some eyes on your work.

  2. We find posts which are way past their payout time from different members and feature them in a post. The freewriters featured leave a comment under the post- maybe talking a bit about their pieces - and we all can vote on the comment.

  3. We do an interview, pictures and all, with you.

  4. You are finding posts of your fellow freewriters and we publish them here.

What do you think? Are you interested in a combination of all of these? None sounds very interesting to you? One more than another? Let us know!!! And you can....


Win, Win, Win!!

You Tell Us for a Chance to Win a Membership in Steem Basic Income

Steem Basic Income
Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.

This is what you have to do for your chance to win a membership: Leave us a comment
Which has something to do with this post
Is at least 50 words
We will let you know if your comment is accepted and give you a number.

Here is a free word count tool

At 5 PM Pacific time the day after publishing of this post, we will close the contest and draw the winner through a random number generator. This will give you almost 36 hours to post your comment.

The winner will be announced and sponsored the same day.

5:50 PM Pacific Time 3/25/2018 The contest is now closed.

The next contest is already posted and another one will go up in the morning. Many more opportunities to win!!


And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

Join the Freewrite daily prompt


Watch this space. There will be a daily chance to win for the next days - and maybe longer.


I love the featuring thing, something like curation. Feature #freewrite post daily, that's cool. That's how I saw #freewrite from the past actually.

Meanwhile, regarding joining your crew, I wonder how. I admit I have always been busy in different communities resulting to my time limited in each of them. But I will allocate even little time for the community, whatever I can offer. Thanks.

7 iyanpol12

You are in!! Thank you so much!! We have 4 more days of a give away and then another type of contest. After that, we are starting to implement all the Ideas we introduced. I think it would be cool if starting from a week from now, you put together a curation post. It could be on a shared google doc and when you let me know that you have one, we publish it. The only thing for a curation where we want to send people to the blog of the featured writers, the posts need to be fairly new - maybe 2 days or so.... You could do that whenever you have time....
Thank you for being willing!!

Pinches sat at her desk. She never would have thought that sitting at her desk would make her so happy.

She really wasn’t in the mood for walking today, and probably not for the next few days. She had several blisters on her feet, and all that because of this stupid „Pimp up detective work with music”-week.

Hulk practiced his tap dance in the hallway. Thurman apparently didn't want his Chihuahua to get ahead of him, dancing-wise, and had by accident taken up breakdancing. Thurman had actually hoped that there would be a pause every other minute to chat.

Pinches sighed. Where had Thurman spent the 80s? She frowned. Where had he actually spent the 80s? Hm. She didn’t really know a lot about him, she realized. She had to pull out some old stuff, digging deep. Maybe she would find things that no one had actually seen before.

This was not a bad idea for a day she had to sit at her desk, anyway. Dash was roaming the streets or rather the diners, she thought, but he would probably still be there tomorrow. Wait! Pinches startled. The cloning thing came back into her mind. Maybe ... was it possible that Dash didn’t want to clone himself, but that he already was a clone? Pinches involuntarily started humming again: “I’m a clone who walks alone.” Stupid song. Was it even a song?

"Okay, time for some serious background checks", Pinches murmured, "digging up the past of Thurman and Dash. Let’s see what I can find."

Hulk tap danced past her office entrance, followed by Toprock Thurman.

Another day in the office.

I'm with Pinches, digging up "old" stories would be great. I do love all your ideas, but particularly No 2 - I do always love to hear something about stories, and I don't mean interpretations but rather how the writer got the idea, was it an easy writing or were there points at which he/she didn't immediately know how to continue, or (as they are short freewrites) if they want to continue the stories (or already have done so). Those are questions/aspects I would love to hear more about!

Thanks a million for another great idea! Let's see what Pinches will find out ;)

2 storytllng.rocks

You are in!! We love how Pinches has developed her own theories about the going ons at the Freewrite House.
I am always interested in finding out how the mind of people works. So, yes, we need to keep that on the list :)

I love how your stories are like a spin-off...and we get to see a bigger picture of the mysteries haha...and what Dash is really like lol

Thank you so much! It's so much fun writing it and sending Pinches on all kinds of crazy missions ... apparently she was almost made by Jenkins today, lol!!

Haha...and I'm sorry to hear about your incident with the rocks! 😂 But congratulations!

LOL!! Thank you! Guess I have to literally get myself together now, haha! :))

I love all four ideas! And you can implement them at the same time. That way more freewriters have the opportunity to get noticed, and the readers have variety! My favorite is probably the interview. But I wonder, would it be a written interview or a podcast?

Also, I hope I'm commenting in time...I read this yesterday, but couldn't resond yet!

12 freedomtowrite

You are in!! You've made it with time to spare. 😉 Thanks for being so enthusiastic! We want everyone to get the attention their fantastic writing deserves and to have fun doing it!

Oooh, great question about the interview format! I think that would be another choice left up to the comfort level of the featured freewriter. It would be a treat to be able to hear someone speak about what inspires them to write and their feelings on their pieces! I love that you brought that up, thank you! (bris)

Haha...I'm glad I was able to contribute! It definitely makes sense to leave it up to the freewriter, whatever makes them the most confortable!

I like the idea of pulling from the annals of our steemit catalogues lol (like two months ago ;) My most successful post on steemit thus far was a short story I had written about a year back and just randomly posted a couple months ago. (it'd be a bit too long for a 5 minute freewrite lol).

Anyway, it's a great idea to promote getting to know eachother better, and looking back into some of the past's work.

I like the idea of the "hosts/essesss" just picking someone every week, maybe, and sort of showcasing their work and the author themselves, as well; I also like the idea of picking out people we like amongst our peers; although how that would be done, i'm not sure--voting is one option--or... it could just be random; OR, it could be totally "secret" and some hidden "powers that be" just chooses someone every week :) There are many possibilities. I'm sure someone here will think of something creative to do

11 gjones15

You are in!! It's great that you like the idea of rewarding older posts and giving everyone to read stories that may have been missed the first time around! Our freewriting group is certainly full of creativity. We're so lucky to have people that feel free to add in ideas when commenting to each other with the confidence that what they've said will be listened to and thought about, aren't we?

Hmm.."secret" and "powers that be"...I like it! 😎👍 Thanks for stopping by with your thoughts, Gjones15! (bris)

Yes, yes, yes. All of the above are great ideas, but I particualrly like 2 + 3

We find posts which are way past their payout time from different members and feature them in a post. The freewriters featured leave a comment under the post- maybe talking a bit about their pieces - and we all can vote on the comment.
We do an interview, pictures and all, with you.

I have entered a similar initative before called 'thedeadpostintiative' which runs on the same premise as the first idea above. The only problem with that one is that I know from experience that people get all there steemit friends to come and upvote the comment post and drop a quick spammy comment. I know that we're a group of unique, wonderful, spam hating peeps in the freewrite community, but it could be worth using a different judging mechanism to avoid:

The second idea is nice as we get to see the faces of the freewrite community but some people may be shy or really value there online anonymity. I'm the opposite and have plastered myself all over my steemit posts 😉


Whatever you guys come up with I'm sure it will be amazing. I'm of the opinion that re-igniting dead posts is an important issue for steemit as a whole. Purely from a publishing perspective, there are a lot of amazing writers on steemit who have published works that would be accepted to anthologies but as they have given up 'first publishing rights' there stories would not be accepted. The problem with the steemit reward mechanism is that it encourages everyone to read new stuff (great) but the curation mechanism actively discourages reading old work (not so great) as there is no incentive to visit the old posts.

Ha ha, that's my two cents anyway. Here's another monty python giph for sticking with my long-winded rant 😜

10 raj808

You are in!! It's great to see your enthusiasm for giving some love to older posts! It would be difficult (ha, impossible) to prevent any spam but you've the right idea that cautious judging should weed out anything that is against the spirit of the feature.
The interview option is certainly one of my personal favorite ideas for featuring our awesome freewriters!
I think that if the writer would rather not have a photo of themselves included but rather places or items that have given them inspiration or have meaning to what they've written, it would still give us the chance to learn more about their lives and grow closer together as a community.
From the beginning, I've felt that the one week timeline for posts was a bit daft. I'm personally poor with the technical aspects of so much regarding blockchain tech but I've wondered why post payouts can't be extended for a longer period of time.
THANK YOU for the Monty Python GIFs! 😂 (Your comment was in no way long winded but the laughs are always appreciated!) (bris)

I agree with all the ideas you've mentioned , especially the second one because it makes the writer nostalgic about his past freewrites ! No newbie would go down if these ideas are implemented .

I really could've missed a lot of fun If I haven't discovered the freewrite family .Well I love the team of freewrite house because you completely engross yourself in encouraging the fellow newbie freewriters . You people always come up with new creative ideas in helping the people out there .

1 pranithreddy

You are in! Aww. That is so nice of you!! It is all of you freewriters which make this a great community.

I think all of those suggestions are workable. Maybe we can do a post where each person submits an old post, with no comments, and we can upvote the post we like the most, with no comments, up to 3 per person. Then the person with the most votes (not value)gets a current post upvoted by all the voters. The contest will run until the post pays out. Great job from the @freewritehouse. 👍👍

3 wonderwop

You are in the drawing. This is an interesting suggestion and something to consider. Not sure how exactly it would look like... And sometimes I feel that the one with the most upvotes wins is not fair to people who are new to the platform since usually, people get their friends and followers to vote on that kind of a post...

I think each of those suggestions has merit. While I cringe at the thought of a photo of my un-photogenic self being made public, I like the idea of seeing anybody else featured in an interview!! I like the idea of keeping it simple, though; most of us have many other irons in the fire, and don't have hours every day to commit to Steemit. (More's the pity!)

4 scribblingramma

You are in! Yes, simple is best. There is never enough time for all the fun to had here on Steemit. That is for sure!!

Oh yes! When it is past 7 days, the good ones become has beens. Like the showgirl Lola from Copacabana, still sporting those yellow feathers in her hair from the good old days, sitting at the bar which is now a disco, just drinking herself half-blind. Reminiscing on what could have been...Sigh!! So a YES again to No.2 to give the good ones another chance. Might need some fine tuning when it is actually practiced based on the actual response.

9 kaerpediem

You are in!! Now, all I can think about is poor Lola drinking herself silly!!! 😜

All of options seem viable to me. #1 would obviously be the easiest to manage because all that people would need to do once the word is out would be to upvote/resteem that person's freewrite.

#2 Seems like it would work out quite well because it's pretty easy to direct people to upvote the persons comment but I can see there being potential for confusion with this method. Maybe a work around would be to repost the same freewrite with new title and pictures so it is in the 7 day voting period? Might look a little strange on the users feed though ;)

#3 Seems like something that would be really fun to do with the podcast idea. If you were able to showcase a different person every show that would be a fun initiative for everyone I think. We would all get to know one anther much better and all have a chance to have the platform to speak our truths for a little.

The last option seems like something we all should probably be doing already. I think if a freewrite moves you then why not through that person's post a resteem so it can get a bit more optics on it?

Just my two cents :) Cheers!

8 maslowmission

You are in!! thank you so much for your thoughtful response. I am a bit tired tonight and only have a short response for you. 🙄 Thank you!!

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