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RE: Contest Artwork

in #contest6 years ago

Hi @yeszuzia, I am so happy about the collaboration between you and @apolymask and it seems like the contest is going quite well. I am also trying to promote the contest and in a way your work in other groups like #newbieresteemday and #newbiegames so I hope we will see more of your work around Steem :)


Hey plushzilla! Thanks for connecting me with yeszuzia! If it wasn't for you suggesting her.. I don't even want to think about what things would be like right now! I think her artwork has been super important! And will continue to be into the future. So.. I'm very very grateful that you connected us! Thanks!! :)

Also that's neat to hear you're trying to promote the contest as well! This thing is starting to take on a life and spirit of it's own now! There's a number of other people doing similar and I'm being told that numerous people think it's going to grow a lot soon... It's pretty exciting, and whether it's soon or not .. I think in time it will be a pretty popular game. :)

I have a feeling when season 2 starts and we have a bunch of cool custom artwork made by yeszuzia that things will really start to get interesting! We shall see. ._. Thanks again for the help! Much love!

I have also been connected with other people in very serendipitous ways and that's something great about the Steemit community. I have to say that it was also my initial conversation with @yeszuzia and her openness to share her work that allowed me to make the connection. I am very happy that she is enjoying the work for the contest and also bringing a lot of joy to the people involved. I hope that this contest will get more exposure in the #newbiegames community and I will also talk to @davemccoy about how we can further improve engagement for people with great ideas for supporting the Steemit community :)

That's awesome, and yeah. I agree with your sentiments. I think it's been really cool so far and will continue to humble and surprise me in ways I never could have predicted.

Also.. I actually already just talked to davemccoy the other day and we went over a lot of the details about the IFC. :) Lemme know if you come up with any more ideas! I'm open ears! Cheers friend!

In a way I have been trying to do a little bit of information finding on Steemit with my previous attempts of running bounty contests, and now I am trying to compile lists of people to see what it could be useful for. So far I have people who I think are good teachers, couples, sibling and I am also thinking of different professions or interests. Eventually I will probably use this information to create a directory or something that can help people on Steemit.

Ah.. I see.. That sounds like a really cool idea! I think if we think of ways in which we can offer a useful service to others, it will be helpful for all involved! That's what things really boil down to, they want some kind of service fulfilled, so if you can target that or find one of those things that people really value or want/need.. Whether that's photography or being a chef or whatever. I think that's really important.

Thank you guys! That’s so nice!!!

Thank you! Thats great! Of course, I working on some more artwork for the contest :D

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