Plank Challenge Week 4, Day 2 {TRX Knee Tuck & Hip Abduction}

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Happy Monday folks! Another fresh new week has begun. Hopefully you all once again have a productive day ahead. I've got another fun plank variation to keep you challenged and motivated to add some activity into your daily routine.

The exercise today is also using the TRX suspension straps, so feel free to modify and do a similar movement on the floor if you do not have the straps. You can use the sliders to execute the exercise, or just hop or step your feet in to the tuck position, back and out to get the full range of motion. Julie is back to demonstrate this one as it is one of her favorites. One of her clients even dubbed in the "dirty mermaid" after doing it in one of her workouts. We like to have some fun around here if you hadn't guessed. 😉


  1. Set your straps just about a foot off the floor. Place your feet securely in the handles and make sure to keep even pressure through both.
  2. Place your hands directly underneath your shoulders so you have a solid base, with the feet starting in the straps right underneath the anchor point, as well.
  3. Keep your hips level and don't let your back sway during any part of the motion. If you start to lose your form, rest and start again or just end the set rather than risk putting pressure on your spine.
  4. If you are feeling really spunky, throw in a pushup each repetition.

Beginner: Perform for 30 seconds

Intermediate: Perform for 45 seconds

Advanced: Perform for 60 seconds

This is another quite challenging move, so make sure to modify as needed. The beauty about proper fitness training is that it can be adjusted to meet almost anyone's needs. While challenging yourself appropriately can be a great thing to hit new goals, you want to stay smart in your movements and know when you need to take a step back to ensure you can keep on progressing without getting injured.

As always, let me know if you have any questions either about adjusting the exercise or entering the challenge!

Happy Planking!

Plank Challenge Week4, Day1

*Make sure to consult your health professional if you have any current or prior medical issues that may prohibit starting a new exercise program.

Banners by @woman-onthe-wing, @dksart and @bearone for @steemusa


Oh my God! Are you trying to kill me? Just kidding. I got up and eager this morning and after watching this I was going to ask you what I could do to modify this as I don't have the proper equipment.

For my workout this morning I included just regular planks, which really isn't what I'm supposed to be doing but it was better than nothing? I love this Challenge and I hope more people join along the way.

Thank you for hosting this! I have no idea that there were variations of planking that could take me to another level.

Upped and steemed

Haha, just trying to give you a killer core. ;) Even just doing regular planks every day is a win, but if you want to get close you can do the same type of movement either on the floor or with your hands elevated. Hop or step your feet in like you are going to do a burpee then hop or step back to the start. Then hop or tap your feet out like the plank jacks. Rinse and repeat!

If I cannot walk tomorrow, I will let you know. :)

There is nothing easy about being friends with you. LOL - and thank you!

No need to be a masochist to run well... but a bit of pain could make you stronger. ;)

Resteemed by @runningproject

This is next level here, Ive tried something simular with sliders but not with the trx yet. thanks for sharing though I'm a have to go for it when I get to work

Let me know what you think! I like this variation on the sliders, as well, but the TRX definitely brings it up a notch!

Well I have been following your plank challenge and I finally had the courage to incorporate in my routine. I tried the slider plank with a thin sheet on marble. It works so well! After 3 of them my whole body started to sweat and heat up and my arms and belly shake a lot... ahahah It is a work in progress. You inspired me 100% to build up my core a body strength I have been for the last two year trying to incorporate in my daily practice but was hard to keep myself motivated to do it. ! I love your tiny videos with demonstrations, They are super awesome and inspiring! ♥♥♥

Yayy! So glad to hear you are trying some of these out! I always hope that I can help inspire people in some small way work towards hitting their own personal health goals. You may only be able to do 3 now, but with consistency you'll gain strength in no time. I hope you enjoy the rest of the week with my last variations for this theme! Keep on going!

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