in #contest7 years ago

Day 32 of the Daily Steemit Selfie Challenge begins now!

Our registered players are competing against each other in an elimination endurance contest where their selfies must be posted on a daily basis and must meet the theme qualifications.

Not only must they post their qualifying selfies prior to the deadline to avoid elimination, they are also competing against one another for bonus points.


Each day, I will be rewarding one player each day with a "quick draw" bonus point for being the first to reply with a qualifying selfie. Yesterday, the winner was...




Each day I will notify you of your current Bonus Point Leader. Remember, whoever gets the most by the end of the contest will win 1 Limited Edition STEEM "COMMUNITY" 1 oz Silver Round! Here is your current leader:

@bluelightbandit with 32 total Bonus Points
















The secret Bonus Bonus Point thing for the last round was a pepper. The selfies with a pepper in them get a BONUS Bonus Point!




@jasonmunapasee1 BONUS POINT

I saw a reply from him, but so selfie... Not sure what happened.



To qualify for this round, you will need to take a selfie where you are suspending, or dangling something in mid-air. Try using some sort of string or yarn or rope of something, and see what you can suspend.

Please remember as well, that the goal is to have all players take a new, qualifying selfie each day to enter into this contest.

Reply to this post with your qualifying selfie by 5:45 pm (CST) tomorrow to avoid elimination. As always, no entry post is required, but you are free to make a post featuring your entry if you want to. By entering this contest you are giving me full permission to use your entries in future contest posts. Thanks and have fun!

PLEASE REMEMBER - If you enter more than one photo, you will not be allowed to be valid for receiving bonus points. Make it count!


The current prize pool is 460 SBD, not including Bonus Points. It will continue to grow on a daily basis! That means that the longer you hang in there, the larger it gets!

Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with

GIF provided by @malos10



@papa-pepper I have a question, please. I would rather submit the dark photo as my entry but I'm not sure if it qualifies or not? I will attach another photo to prove that it's on the up and up. If you could let me know if the one with the lights off is okay or not, I would appreciate it and remove the other pic. Or
if it's no bueno, I will just post the daylight pic. Thanks!



@papa-pepper I hope you can read my comment in your comment box yesterday for clarification about my total bonus points. y I am 11 points again. 😢


My bad. I missed it, been offline for a day. How many should you have?

BTW....I'm pretty sure I have 47, so.....


Yes and he may have transposed mine, it says 09 but I'm sure its 90 by now

you posted a #30 challenge i have a total 12 bonus points you posted then in #31 challenge I am belong a 1 bonus points so I have 13 all in my total points.

Fixing now. Not sure what happened. Thanks for kindly letting me know.

Thank you @papa-pepper. 😘😘

Way to still be rocking the Bears even tho we suck this year. 👍👍

We've been sucking for many years now but Ive been die hard loyal since 85 so no since in changing teams now lol!

Understood. I've been a Cubs fan for 40 years.

The guy in the background looks amused 😆😆

I was thinking the exact same thing. LOL

The wifey had to explain to them what I was doing since I took a picture of them lol.

You are so dang fast
I saw the post come up and took a quick snap but yours was up by the time I got back to add

Mind you I looked like a real bozo so glad in a way to not sharebitvwill get a better one tomorrow

Lol I look like a nerd in all of my photos!

Nerd vs Bozo - thats an epic battle!

LOL no you dont trust me if you had seen the one I took you would know what I mean LOL

@bluelightbandit, you've got a fan at the back! And anywhere everywhere you gonna take that quickdraw shot! 😂😂😂

Lights off will work. You're good.

Been lucky and got some bonus bonus points, but falling farther behind. So I thought I'd better ramp it up a bit on this one, while I still can.

I figured I'd suspend myself in midair, but then wasn't sure if I'm considered "something' I thought, to be on the safe side I would dangle "little dog" around my neck from his cool guy harness, but he was concerned that might not be he dangled his stuffed donkey toy from his harness. Pretty sure one of these oughta meet the metric.

And YES, "little dog" got treats for being a very cooperative dog. ;-)


24 seconds late..... Man!

Twice in a row hes gotten me by under 30.

DAMN YOUR EYES @bluelightbandit

I was having to really struggle on this one... Using a charging cord and a fork with slow 4G! Sweating bullets!

Unfortunately for me, now that many are savvy to the ways of the selfie post, I'm usually trying to catch up as I'm always on 4G (if I'm lucky), as we ain't got none of that thar WIFI out here in the boonies.

I literally do everything on my phone or tether from the phone, to include streaming for TV. Even watched the world series that way.

But I WILL be waiting for you to stumble, oh yes.....except for this work thing that has now been kicking up. Very inconvenient, but it let's me buy cool toys.

You will have plenty of shots soon because I will be flying out if the country for a while, so who knows what will happen!

Don't worry too much, I start two films next week that go through mid Dec. Not sure I'll be in much better shape brother.

The rivalry between the two of you has been both pleasant and entertaining! Its wonderful for me that you both have jobs, which may prove to be your downfall. Bwahahahaha (to steal a line from carrie)

Wait you guys mean I might have a chance to catch up.....

So close again maybe tomorrow will be your day

Raising the bar on this one! Gives new meaning to the term “just hanging around” 😆🤣 nice job. Little dog deserved A LOT of treats for that shot!

Well he will also be getting turkey for dinner so.....

He's very spoiled. ;-)

You have a few now hanging from a tree. if that becomes the challenge - you easily win :)

Hmmmm.....maybe I better leave the rig up in the tree. LOL

You really do stunts @stuntworksinc!

And now my dog does too.

Great work I can see the headlines:

Firing Up Some Peppers
These fire challenges are really nerve racking!

Oh my goodness this is ridiculous in all the best ways!

Like climbing a tree to dangle fruit!

Very much like that! I'm enjoying playing this game with you very much - its like everyday we can show each other who we are in new ways! You just happen to be a magic ninja family!

With big closets!

Too crazy! I love it!

No such thing... thank you!

always the best

You are heavy duty too!



so cool!! you guys are having way tooooooo much fun with this

I'm starting to doubt whether too much fun on Steemit is a real thing.

GIF, huh? That guy's got talent!

Haha!! You did have a blast!

That's bad assery at its finest

were yhu rolling it or it was shaking

It was shaking. I'm still learning to control my force powers. Lol.

cool nice one

The ninja of steem! Always a pleasure to see what you come up with!

That title still cracks me up. If I ever go to steemfest or a big steemit Meetup I know I'll have to dress the part.

THAT is, as we say in SoCal....BITCHIN'

This is brilliant!!!!!

Hahaha brilliant!

I am definitely dangling ... and smiling.


Oh this makes me so happy!

The dream has been achieved!

Yayy a smile finally. So dangling things is what makes you happy: mystery solved!

thank you friends for all the good, although I have fallen I am still eager to always look at this contest, selamt stay all the friends of selfi.
do not ever forget me because I really need the support of all friends ESPECIALLY TO @ papa-pepper who always give the spirit to me.
Thank you for all.

Sorry to see you go

no what friends.
comrades remain excited in this contest. please always support me in steemit.

Thank you so much for playing along as long as you did! It was a joy to see you participating every day! Thanks for all the wonderful memories!

you're welcome, do not ever forget my buddy, i always need your support @papa-pepper.

Much love friend! Thanks for the memories ;)

every meeting there must be a farewell my friend, and I hope in my friends all do not forget me, I need support from all contest friends.

Keep posting great pics of Indonesia!

Magic... magic... magic....

Is that a plush Amonita Muscaria? We find them wild up on the old forest trail - pretty rare though.

It's felted out of wool fibers that were dyed (well, the red part). @chrisroberts did that one. But yes, an Amanita Muscaria. 😍

Have you ever felted? It's so relaxing. I was thinking about doing a tutorial/video about it... Here's a little CareBear and dude face I made next to Chris's 'shroom. 😃 They can be found in our mountains too. 🍄



Bahbahra must think I have bad breath 😷 she insisted I cover my mouth if she was getting this close to my fave

You may have heard of this famous or infamous circus act the Bahbahrinas

Thanks 👍😎👍

Love that Bahbahra’s friends got into the act 🤡😁

ohh yes they all wanted to join in 👍😎

Haven't done mine yet, but had better get on it soon! I see Bahbahra brought some friends. A subtle plug for this weeks contest? LOL!

lol yes this photo will get dual use lol

Good thinking! I have mine up now. This one was pretty laid back!

Will have to check it out

I am with our lunch giving suspender friend - the Aquacate Tree

Ledis ecoinstante selfie suspends day 32 acuacadoes.jpg

Is that an avocado? Love your cuff - do you live in Mexico?

Avocado it is - we live in Colombia! I'll make sure @ecoinstante sees this ;p

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