in #contest7 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Round 4 of Season 1 of the


(“Minnows Feeding Frenzy” is a chance-based survival contest, where game outcomes are decided by two factors: a random name picker and a die. No direct action is required on behalf of the players for the duration of the entire season. New rounds are published on a daily basis. The complete set of rules and explanation of the game mechanics can be found in the Season Registration post.)

We are about to begin face-offs in Round 4. First the pairs will be formed, using a random name picker. The pairs will be posted in the comments below. When two minnows with non-equal weights meet in a face-off, the larger one automatically wins, and proceeds to the next round, having grown by the loser’s weight. If two minnows have the exactly same weight, then I will roll a die for each pair of players to decide the face-off’s outcome in each pair. The comments will be updated, one by one, after every dice roll. Once all face-offs are completed, this post will be updated with the list of minnows perished in this round and those who proceeded further to the next round, along with their updated weights.

This is a link to the previous round

For the sake of transparency anyone can freely view (but not edit, obviously) the spreadsheet where I keep the records of players, individual face-offs in each round, dice roll results, players’ weights, and the outcomes of every round.

8 Minnows have survived Round 3. They will now face each other in the comments below.

Let the Feeding Frenzy begin!!

The list of minnows who survived Round 4 and their updated weights:

@scrooger, weight 450
@clumsysilverdad, weight 600
@venny, weight 150
@rkrijgsman, weight 150
@sixexgames, weight 600

Well done, minnows!! Good luck in Round 5!

The list of minnows perished in this round by the teeth of their opponents:


A few words regarding upvotes of this post. Right now the Prize Pool for the Season 1 is slightly over 5 SBD: 50% of the estimated SBD payout for the Season Registration Post and all the rounds of the current season. Potential earnings from each new round’s post are adding to the Prize Pool (50% of every round’s post’s SBD payout). The more upvotes each round receives, the greater will the total prize pool become. It is not mandatory to upvote, but it will increase the payout to minnows with three largest weights achieved by the end of the season. It is therefore in the self-interest of all the minnows remaining in the game to upvote and promote the Season’s posts.

And please remember: all the outcomes are decided purely by chance. So no hard feelings if you get eliminated, okay? ;)


1. @pipiczech, weight 250 g
2. @clumsysilverdad, weight 350 g

In a minnow-eats-minnow world the larger minnow always has an advantage. @clumsysilverdad uses their advantage over a smaller @pipiczech wisely. The fight is soon over and @pipiczech becomes @clumsysilverdad’s lunch. @clumsysilverdad now weighs staggering 600 g thanks to the abundant meal they’ve just eaten. They continue to Round 5 feeling confident and unstoppable.

You're killing it @clumsysilverdad !!!
"Chum!!!!!""CHUM!!!!!" " C H U MMM!!!!!!!!"

1. @venny, weight 150 g
2. @rkrijgsman, weight 150 g

Dice roll 6. Two small minnows in a sea full of bigger fish and dangerous predators. Why should they fight each other, when collaboration is clearly a better strategy for them in the longer term? Luckily, both minnows are wise enough to realise this simple truth and so they swear an oath of mutual help and protection, whenever they happen to be near each other in the future. They shake fins and continue on their separate ways to Round 5, still weighing 150 g each.

So excited! Really really curious about the outcome!

Me too! This crazy round has created some very curious outcomes with the players’ weights diverging so much that the next round promises to be a very interesting one.

Robin comes near Venny and says: "Let's join forces and let's eat those bigger fish together. Let's team up and show them something! Rawr!"

1. @scrooger, weight 300 g
2. @mela913, weight 150 g

@mela913 doesn’t even have enough time to see what hit them. One moment they were swimming in peace, minding their own business, the next moment they were being tore to pieces by some larger starving minnow. That minnow’s name is @scrooger and they have made a quick meal out of their prey. *‘I usually try to stay away from fast food’, thinks @scrooger, ‘but I’ll make exception for this one. It’s not even that big, after all’. @scrooger is not wrong: they only increase their weight by 150 g (protein mostly) and now weigh 450 g, as they continue towards Round 5.

1. @raserrano, weight 300 g
2. @sixexgames, weight 300 g

Dice roll 4. At first the odds are equal for these two minnows, but after a prolonged and difficult fight, @sixexgames emerges the winner. It takes them a long time to consume their fallen adversary, as their weight is equal to their own. @sixexgames stays in the same spot for two days, consuming a piece of the late @raserrano’s flesh at every meal, and guarding their kill against the smaller and hungrier fish. Finally, the marathon meal is over and @sixexgames slowly swims to Round 5, feeling heavy as a tank and calm as a sumo wrestler.

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